Chapter 489: Stealer

'91, early June.
Qin Hao stayed in Tianyang for a week with the identity of a foreign media reporter and returned to didu by plane. Because he is not used to living in the city guest house.
As for investigation
A journalist with a camera in his fashionable clothes and a Chinese American signboard was too eye-catching. There are quite a few girls who wink and show diligence, but he is not in the mood.
He knows clearly that there is something wrong with the "Shengguang Group", but Qin Hao is like a deaf and blind man in Tianyang.
Locals are rumored that 'Holy Light' Zhou always makes money by smuggling, and he does not shy away. But if you ask how to smuggle and where to smuggle, the answer is strange.
Qin Hao is not Xiao Jinlang. He can't go to the countryside, and he can't even move in the urban area. His daily course of action is the cafeteria and rooms of the guest house, and the investigation method is to chat with the waiter.
Karl started to run with Qin Hao. Later, the German guy didn't know what was bad, and moved out of the guest house excitedly.
As for Watanabe, the old devil gets up at six in the morning and returns at eleven in the evening. He is rigid and old-fashioned. This guy seems to be obsessed with something, so happy that she doesn't even need a woman.
Qin Hao stayed for a week and couldn't live.
The director of the guest house came to serve with a smile every day, but he didn't know what to eat, he couldn't sleep at night, and was suffering.
Because on the first day of his stay, Uncle Zhou called the guest house to have money and collected his foreign exchange coupons.
The news was too bad.
The room rate of 300 yuan a day is unbeatable, and Lasa will be counted separately. If you want this fat sheep to be treated like an emperor, don't let it go.
The emperor did not know the emperor, but Qin Hao did feel the pain of being a fat sheep.
Breakfast must be fine, delicious, stylish, and beautiful waiters are waiting, so it's not excessive to receive fifty foreign exchange coupons.
There is a special person shouting for the rental service, butler service, on call, and it is reasonable to ask for one hundred foreign exchange certificates.
As for the room service, the presidential treatment, even the aunt who cleaned the room learned to tip in English.
Authentic London accent, very noble, do not know how to learn it?
After staying for a week, even the dogs owned by the owner of the canteen at the front door of the guest house smelled that the fat sheepskin was tender and delicious, and I did n’t take a bite to apologize.
Anderson Qin couldn't help it. He couldn't do anything in Tianyang and had to go back to didu first. But the day after he returned, the headquarters called and asked him to meet someone.
The meeting place was chosen at KFC in Qianmen Street, and the time was chosen at night.
Qin Hao didn't know who to see, so he went rashly. When he took the bus to the KFC store, someone suddenly walked behind him and patted him on the shoulder.
Qin Hao turned around and was a petite figure with wavy curly hair. The other person was young in his early twenties, full of youth and a sweet smile. He thought he had accidentally happened.
"Anderson, this is Megan." The young girl held a sweet cone and waved lightly, signaled that the halo Qin Hao would follow.
Qin Hao glanced around nervously, quickly caught up with the young girl, looked at the other side, and asked, "You are"
"Meghan." The young girl walked happily on the street and kept licking the cone in her hand. "I sent a letter to the adi headquarters for assistance. They recommended you and told me about your situation in Tianyang."
Qin Hao was at a loss, and looked around again.
The little young girl looked straight ahead and whispered easily: "Rest assured, no one around you pays attention to you. To others, you are like a translator I paid for."
The Qianmen night market is lively, crowds are crowded, and there are many foreigners who are curious.
Qin Hao was still unable to relax, and followed the little girl side by side, whispering softly: "My investigation in Tianyang went well, and the 'Holy Light' group did smuggling.
This group has a deep official background, and the group president is Zhou Qingfeng. This guy has a lot of power. There is a company in hk that runs some black market businesses. "
After speaking roughly for four or five minutes, Qin Hao's stomach was hollowed out. He looked at the little girl around him, guessing the identity of the other.
But this little girl's attention seems to be on the cluttered stalls of Qianmen Night Market, bouncing around for a while, running back and forth, let Qin Hao chase behind.
Until Qin Hao ran out of breath, the little young girl smiled back slightly and said, "According to the latest survey, several scientific research institutes in Modu are using adi's high-end analog-to-digital conversion chips in large quantities.
They also obtained a large number of samples of gallium arsenide devices, ready to be experimentally used on the latest radar. In addition, some high-performance military chips will be used in the numerical control and display of fighter aircraft.
We are also curious, who is providing these embargoed devices? "
The little young girl finished talking, staring with a smile.
Qin Hao felt instantly stared at by a poisonous snake and was creepy. He quickly waved his hand. "It's not me. I definitely didn't do it. I don't even know what the devices you said are."
After staring at it for a few seconds, the young girl focused on observing Qin Hao's flustered facial expression, and then she pouted, "Well, I don't think it's you."
Qin Hao was panting, panting, and continued to follow.
The little foreign girl walked through the noisy market crowd, her pace slowed, and she whispered:
"We asked for some new clues. Several didu machine tool factories are preparing to send someone to Tianyang to cooperate with 'Shengguang' to produce machine tools.
In addition, several mechanical and electrical institutes and universities in didu are holding a series of seminars. We got the copied documents, and they seemed to break through the latest lead-acid battery technology. "
"Battery? Tianyang Battery Factory? It must have been the of Watanabe. I knew it was him." Qin Hao gritted his teeth and asked, "What should I do?"
"You need to go back to Tianyang. See what your two friends are doing? We all know that there is a loophole in the Batumi agreement.
Everyone is taking risks for high profits, and we can catch a few sneaky technical thieves every year, which is not unusual.
"Holy Light" is also one of the loopholes, someone must plug it. "Little young girl patted Qin Hao's shoulder." Anderson, we need you. I believe you are willing to serve the country, right? "
Speaking, the little girl took out an envelope from the small bag in her hand, "This is a little funding for the event. From today, you are a national security officer."
The envelope started, squeezed, a little thick.
Qin Hao couldn't help but smile, wanting to say a few beautiful words, but found that the young girl showed her viper-like eyes again, and observed her expression after taking the money.
"I, I must work hard. I will return to Tianyang for investigation immediately, I must figure out where the loophole is?" Qin Hao stuttered.
The little young girl's smile turned gentle, and she patted Qin Hao's shoulder again. "I look forward to your good news, I believe you will succeed."
The two walked around and returned to Qianmen Street.
The little young girl stopped for a while on the roadside, and a black 'Benz' drove in the night, and took her away quickly. Qin Hao was so stupid that he was left on the side of the road, waving and watching the other party leave.
In the Mercedes-Benz car, the little girl dressed as a tourist changed her coat and reappeared.
With freckles on her face, dark skin, heavy eyeshadows, and a wig, she blinked into a middle-aged woman.
The young girl asked the driver for a new address, and sighed, "Recently someone has been providing us with the message of" Holy Light ", and I always feel that this is not an ordinary smuggling company."
The driver glanced at the rearview mirror and said Shen Shen, who answered the question, "The Anderson just seemed useless."
"Someone has to attract the firepower, right? I would like to see him arrested or died in an accident in Tianyang, so that we can get involved."
The little young girl grinned, but was flipping through several copies of the manuscript at hand. This is exactly the 'feasibility report' for the development of the battery industry formulated by Zhou Qingfeng a few days ago with a storm of thought.
"It is strange that drawing up such a detailed development route is not easy and requires a large and experienced working group for a year or two.
But we have not received any news in this regard before. The ministries and commissions in this country did not want to make such a thing at all, it appeared too suddenly. "
The more you read, the more ugly the young girl ’s expression is.
Where did‘ Holy Light ’come from such a report?

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