Chapter 494: battlefield

The sky was gloomy and dark clouds rolled.
The roaring gale blew through the rolling hills, holding down the weeds among the gravel, making it tremble.
The dark gray ground was mixed with pieces, and the stumps of broken limbs were scattered in between. The scorched corpse showed the severe blow and desolation suffered during his lifetime, and the scene was terrifying.
Damaged weapons and armors can be seen everywhere. The rotten flags are discarded in the mud, and there are traces of arrows and swords on them.
The Raven circled up and down, staring at the crouched body of the war dead, pecking at the rotten eyes and cheeks. Several skinny wild dogs were rushing around, biting around the corpse, biting blood.
Several serfs were examining the body, trying to find something valuable.
Not far away is a town. Hundreds of soldiers are running back and forth. Driven by the aristocratic servants, they drive the ox cart to plunder the town.
Grain, cloth, farm tools, and even the population, everything will be transported away. Those who cannot carry it are burned relentlessly.
A dozen gallows were erected beside the trenches outside the town, and the corpses with their necks stretched were hung on the hanging noose. Those were town aristocrats who had given up resistance, but they obviously failed to get forgiveness.
Suddenly the war broke out, and even the defeated could hardly escape the dead. Their territories, properties, and even their wives and daughters became the possessions of others.
The victor stood high, praising his strength, despising his opponent's weakness, and deterring the inferior by brutal means.
The soon-to-be-destroyed towns are built along roads paved along the river. The rivers and hills are constricted here, forming a natural pass and junction.
To the north of the town, thousands of armed forces are fighting.
On the battlefield, a banner of snake-haired female demon monster was erected high, which is particularly noticeable. It was a team killed from the south and obviously had the upper hand.
Under the Banshee, heavy infantry wearing iron armor lined up in a thick formation of seven or eight large fans. Holding their super-long guns, with heavy breathing, they approached opponents in the north under the command of noble officers.
The entire reload formation will stop every 20 or 30 meters and regroup. Whenever they stand on their feet, the ground shakes, and the momentum is extremely strong.
The two wings of the heavy infantry formation were two or three hundred heavy cavalry. Every war horse is tall and powerful, every knight is prestigious.
The knights wear light, sturdy armor and bright silver helmets. Each person wears a white cape on his shoulders, and flutters in the wind. The war horse was wearing a leather horse armor, and even the horse's head was protected with an iron mask, revealing only the horse's eyes.
This elite cavalry escorted the heavy infantry slowly, keeping an eye on the north camp, and launched a surprise attack once it found a flaw.
Compared to the neat and mighty power of the ‘Nymph’ battle group, the situation of the defenders in the north has been revealed. They have fewer people, more flags with different patterns, and less uniform command.
According to the defensive soldiers behind the horse, they were panicking and turned around to watch from time to time, and seemed to be ready to escape at any time.
The noble officer commanding the defense waved his saber to run back and forth in an effort to boost morale. They could hear it from their husky voices, and they were not so confident.
The defensive front on the north was too scattered, and anyone with a good eye could see that they were dying.
Under the banner of the snake-haired banshee, several commanders of riding attackers were laughing. Their battle was as easy as traveling, and their opponents were vulnerable.
"Is this group of rebels driving the long-legged family out of the Cold Wind City? Phils. Long-legged has the face to tell us that the opponent is strong. Sure enough, the fallen family colluded with the devil, what he said is not credible.
Haha laughed under the banshee banner. One of them was particularly tall, wearing silver-gray half-body armor, a golden pointed helmet, and a smooth black velvet cloak covering his body, and the light of magic was faintly shining.
This costume alone is a status symbol, but this person is not only noble, but also extremely majestic. He sat on the back of his horse, with broad shoulders and a wide waist, an upright posture, a seemingly casual look, but showing a sense of anger.
The man spoke, and the knights that followed followed split into two. One group mocked it arrogantly, the other consciously filthy.
One of the ashamed gangs said, "Baron Bishop, you have been appointed to help, not to speak bluntly.
What you captured the day before yesterday is just a small town, and the execution is also a low-profile rebellion. These are just rebellious vanguards, and they are not powerful.
As we continue north, you will encounter the rebellious main force led by the Arad family, and you will also encounter Victor Hugo, who is behind the scenes. To undermine the enemy will only put you to shame. "
What retorted was Exxon, the captain of the long-legged guard, a middle-aged man who tried to maintain his reputation. The Baron of the Golden Crown, who could sneer at it, still sneered.
"Victor Hugo, you look so funny when you pronounce the name, how afraid are you that you will be scared like this?
I heard the name many times. A dark-haired barbarian who came out of the Black Forest, his caravan was good, and he ran to Banshee Fort to do business.
I heard that he has a good governance ability, soliciting thousands of serfs to reclaim a large amount of land. I like hard-working people. When I catch him, maybe I can reward him as a steward and let him run the estate for me. "
Hahaha ...
The coquettish laughter of the Banshee was even louder, and the men of the Golden Knights were all overjoyed. He himself glanced forward. Although his heavy lancer was slow in pace, he was only fifty meters away from the rebellious camp of Coldwind City.
"Trumpet, put down the spear and prepare to charge."
"Let our wizard drive a summon of beasts and tear open the opponent's defense."
"The heavy gunner must step forward firmly, crushing his opponent's last thought of resistance."
"The rebellion on the other side is really a waste. They didn't even think of blocking it. I also carefully arranged the cavalry guard wings."
The battles in the other world are rigid, and the competition is carried out along the roads and water sources. After the two sides lined up, the wizards and knights will not be easily deployed as the core.
Ru Lin's gun array lowered the tip of the gun with a cry and continued to advance slowly. The northern defenders had dense guns in their eyes, and the soldiers began to fear, and the noble officers were struggling to squeeze.
A dozen shadow wolves were summoned by the wizard of Banshee Castle. These monsters quickly passed through the heavy infantry gun array, launching a shock without fear.
For the Phantom Wolf, the distance of 50 meters is only two or three breaths.
The offensive heavy pistol array boosted morale for this. The soldiers kept walking slowly to keep their strength. But the commander shouted just right: "Speed ​​up, assault!"
Once the heavy steps are taken and the blood is stimulated, it is very scary for thousands of heavy infantry to launch an assault. The layers of super-long guns were divided into three rows, and they carried forward with great noise.
Even the knight masters of the fifth or sixth level did not dare to resist the army casually, because they could not resist at all.
With the reload of the pikemen, the banshee cavalry guarding the flanks followed the horseshoe. As they accelerated, the white cloak hunting behind them shook like a dazzling wave.
Death is approaching, and the two sides are about to come into contact. A scream of heartbreaking screams is heard inside the cold wind city's defense line. Many people left their weapons in fear and fled backwards, and the defensive aristocratic officers soon couldn't control the situation.
Just as the offensive and defensive sides were intertwined with each other, the defensive side was about to collapse, and the ‘Nymph’ Army was already wishing victory, and a blood-red battle flag suddenly appeared on the hills on the west side of the battlefield.
The hill was only thirty or fifty meters, far from high.
But under the red flag, a large group of neat cavalry appeared, overlooking the entire battlefield.
Banshee's troops are launching an attack, killing people. Once this offensive is launched, it will be harder to stop and it must be moved forward.
Baron Bishop, who was in charge, was upset, but the sudden appearance of the red cavalry pours cold water on his head. He had to look up to see the opponent's position.
Suddenly, cold, the moment before the eruption ...
The wings of the heavily armed pikemen are fully exposed and the formation is difficult to reverse. The Knights of Banshee Fortress accelerated even further, with no cover behind her entire side.
Under the Red War, an arm was raised high and cut off.
Cheering valiantly, the blade shone, pouring down.
The fighter plane is so good.
Under the banshee, Lord Exxon of the long-legged family made a sharp shout. He pointed at a huge skeleton warhorse in the hills two or three hundred meters away and scolded in anger:
"Victor Hugo, it's Victor Hugo. That junk boy brought his soldiers in person."
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