Chapter 505: Evil

The road is covered with weeds, and two deep rut marks are embedded in it. Blackened blood drips from the blades of grass, and two unbearable bodies fall to the ground.
The body was severely mutilated, and the head and torso were rotten. Surrounded by the random footsteps left by the tramp, it extends all the way to the woods of the road.
A heavy carriage fell among the dead leaves of the woods. The carriage was split, the goods transported inside were torn indiscriminately, scattered all over the place, and the valuable and convenient things were gone.
Adrian frowned and stared at the messy ground, imagining the battle that had taken place here.
This is a bend through a birch forest, which is covered with wildflowers and weeds. The vehicle must slow down to the corner, and the gangster ambushing in the grass took the opportunity to attack.
Roads in the north are not normal, robbers can be seen everywhere, and hungry refugees often launch death attacks. Any caravan emphasizes armed during transportation.
The "Harmony Chamber of Commerce" has a large fleet and high prices, which makes it easier to be targeted by bandits and pay more attention to security.
The gangster attacked a convoy of dozens of heavy carriages. The vehicle after the lead is broken is a special armed type, the carriage is thick, and the can be used as a fortress to resist attacks.
In order to resist possible field attacks, the team is equipped with heavy crossbows and heavy armor and is extremely well equipped. Ordinary gangsters have no way to take them, and the rash attack will only leave the body full of bodies.
Judging from the battle scene in front of us, there were more than fifteen gangsters. The team was very calm after the attack and did not suffer much loss in the beginning.
"This is no ordinary gangster." Adrian carefully inspected the carriage of the dumping roadside. The thick body had traces of enchanted weapons slashing.
Two people were killed in the attacked convoy and more than a dozen were seriously injured. Others found out that the situation was wrong and ran away in a carriage.
According to the description of the team members, the leading armed carriage sent a warning signal, and the whole team struggled to resist. However, there were several powerful adventurers who appeared and broke their defenses.
Facing a strong enemy, the leading armed carriage tried to force a breakthrough, but was stopped by a fallen tree trunk. The next freight wagon attempted to avoid the flash, and as a result hit the grass on the side of the road.
Two escorts were killed in chaos. Their armor was stripped and their bodies were insulted. Fortunately, the staff suffered little damage. The following vehicle turned around and ran away.
"The leading armed carriage was robbed. Someone is provoking us!" Adrian turned around and returned to the road.
A dozen people gathered around the road.
There are human rangers, orc warriors, halfling rogues, epidemic priests, specialized wizards, and even half elf archers.
This team is generally 4th or 5th level, able to fight and resist, can track and hunt, has the best equipment, intelligence and logistics, and can take convenient transportation to any place in the surrounding fifty kilometers in one day.
This is to cope with the endless public security issues. Zhou Qingfeng recruited the 'Special Weapons and Tactics Squad' in Hanfengcheng, which is specially used to deal with difficult problems.
These people can gain the trust of Zhou Qingfeng because they do not come for money. Many people are out of faith, or hate the northern nobles, or they like to take risks.
In short, they are strong enough.
The tall human ranger retrieved the traces of the corpse and the ground, and Shen Sheng said: "The attack happened yesterday afternoon, and the gangster fled west.
If we move faster, we can push their tonight and teach those hard. As for the provocateurs, they should be hit hard. "
There are two wizards in the team, a necromancer and an alchemist. For this operation, the soon-to-be undead chief Mondino joined the team.
This rickety bone shelf was recently promoted to level 8, the staff in his hand changed, the black robe changed, the strength was doubled, and the momentum was flourishing.
He cast a question on the souls of the dead and the ghosts in the woods, and came to the same conclusion.
"There are more than 30 gangsters and miscellaneous fish. It is not difficult to deal with. As for the provocateurs, there are probably five to ten, and the strength is not low. It should be the long-legged home in the south."
The orcs in the team sat on a stone on the side of the road, holding the big axe in their hands and said: "Not weak? I like opponents who are not weak. Just use them to try my alloy steel axe."
"Don't talk nonsense. Get on the horse"
Adrian raised his hand to look at the mechanical watch, and after getting on the horse, he took out the map drawn by the caravan from his rucksack. "
The Ranger drove out of the horse and shouted loudly: "Take the chaos, I will be the pioneer."
The horseshoe stepped and the horse's head hissed.
The halfling rogue sprang from the side of the road, and the laughing horseman jumped on the horseback and walked along. Others also mounted one after another, followed closely.
At this moment, the town of Lvgu was sullen.
The gate of the town was burnt into black, the dead residents had not been collected, and the blood on the ground remained.
The gangsters broke into the town and arrested some women and children as hostages, forcing the residents of the town to provide food and drink. They sent someone to stay at the door of the hotel and kept yelling and cursing.
The mayor dared not come forward at all, and could only send the threatened residents to listen to the gangsters. Everyone in the town can hear the laughter of men and the screams of women in the hotel.
In addition to grief and indignation, the town of more than a thousand people is helpless.
Because those gangsters are the subordinate nobles of the long-legged masters, they often take orders for themselves by allowing robbery to gather the bandits and villains.
This is a low-cost "recruitment" method. The possible enemy being looted may also be his own territory.
If looting is not allowed, the gangsters will immediately bite back.
When Lord Exxon appeared in the town on a tall horse, the people of the whole town habitually expressed obedience. The mayor rolled and crawled to greet him, expressing his willingness to provide any convenience.
The long-legged family ruled the Cold Wind City for too long, and the people in the territory did not dare to have any resistance against the noble master. The name alone is enough to make the residents of the town dare not move and ask for it.
What Lord said, what they listened to. What Lord wants, what they give. Facing the gangsters, the people in the town also thought about how to rescue their families.
But when Exxon led the team, he said he would impose punishment for the Green Valley town's surrender to the Arad family. The residents of the town only knelt. Even if they consecrate their wives and daughters, they can only admit their fate.
In front of the Lord's horseshoe, several heads were pounding the ground. The mayor prayed loudly for forgiveness, completely disregarding this day's calamity has nothing to do with himself. Computer side :: /
Exxon's gloomy face sneered, and the knights who followed him sneered silently, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with himself.
Hahaha, Lord Exxon turned his head in laughter, and said to the young knight behind him: "Tias, do you now understand why we are noble?"
You are from our long-legged family, and there is noble blood in your body. You don't need to care how the ants under your feet survive. As long as you stand here, they have to listen to you.
Look, isn't this good? We came back, they knelt down and returned to normal. "
In Lord Laughter's laughter, the young knight lowered his head and said to withdraw his previous remarks. Right in front of him, the town manager knelt down like a puppet, with no intention of disobedience.
"Give us shelter and servants, everything is the best." Exxon headed past the horse, unwilling to look at the residents who were kneeling in front of their horseshoes.
As for the gangsters who inadvertently occupy the hotel in the town, it is even more lawless and loses any control. They take whatever they want and do whatever they want.
The residents of the town can only endure hiding at home, even crying silently.
When it was dark, the team led by Adrian galloped for more than ten kilometers and appeared outside the town. The night wind blew the crying and sadness in the town, and the lights illuminated the helplessness and anxiety of the residents.
"It's somewhere." The ranger who led the way showed a cold look at night. "We will show justice again and let the order suppress the chaos."
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