Chapter 509: Assault (3)

In a narrow environment, a shielded human ranger can easily squeeze the opponent's activity space. The tower shield in his hand was extremely strong, protecting the large body. No matter how hard Exxon attacks, he doesn't break the defense.
The long knife in the ranger's hand was exceptionally sharp. It should be a temporary enchantment to increase the sharpness. When cutting, it can pull out a 20-30 cm blade.
The sharp blades are characteristic and quality, extremely flexible in use, and greatly enhance the lethality.
In just a few rounds, Lord Exxon was forced to step back. He determined that his strength was stronger than that of this ranger, and his rank was higher, but he was suppressed by the opponent's equipment and environment, and he could not display it at all.
During the fight, the grandfather of the long-legged house has been yelling, trying to lead his men to relieve their difficulties. But he was forced to the corner that he could not move, and no ghost appeared.
Was pressed
Lord Jue raised his hand again, and the jade ring lit up again.
As a believer in the Frost Goddess, the long-legged high-ups have several magic items related to cold. Exxon read the start spell, and an extremely cold cold wave broke out on his finger immediately.
As soon as the cold came out, it seemed that the space had been frozen.
This is Exxon's life-saving trick at the bottom of the box, and he has escaped from birth in many accidents. ::
It's just that this trick needs to donate two thousand gold coins to the Frost Temple every time it is charged. The priest of Oulur has no enthusiasm, no matter how good the relationship is, he will not give a half discount.
The bitter cold can freeze the living creatures directly, making the danger invisible, like a nirvana. The blow really worked, and the Ranger Mahan, who was close at hand, was faced.
The cold airflow suddenly cools the entire room, and moisture is precipitated in the air, which turns into ice crystals on the tower shield, layer by layer, and increases rapidly.
Mahan's hand holding the shield immediately felt stiff.
The pain in the bones was frozen first, followed by numbness, and then lost consciousness. The extreme ice cold attacked Ma Han's body, freezing his flesh and turning it into an ice sculpture.
There are many similar ice sculptures in the winter hall of the cold wind city. Each statue has different postures and expressions, which amazes the viewer. Because they were originally living creatures.
Exxon shouted happily. He was struck several times by Mahan's long knife, and the enchanted armor failed. Among them, the most injured was under the ribs, three points into the flesh, blood spattering, he only supported it with a strong physique.
Seeing that Ma Han was frozen and unable to move, the excited Lord immediately wanted to bypass the tower shield and smashed the other person's head with an axe. He has done similar things several times in the past years.
Many powerful opponents have died from such evil moves.
But when the axe hacked, the mahan holding the shield moved, not completely frozen. Although the movement of hands and feet is very difficult, but he does retain the ability to move.
The shiny silver shield was not only strong, but also had considerable magic resistance, which counteracted many cold attacks.
This has never been seen before.
One trick is wrong, and the rest is wrong.
Exxon's axe was once again chopped on the frost-covered tower shield. The opponent just shook his body. When he wanted to continue to move the angle, and then gave Mahan a fatal blow, he drew a dagger in the dark.
The sudden dagger stabbed directly at Exxon's waist to remove his kidney. In order to avoid, he can only make his body unbalanced and his waist slanted.
The small, flexible halfling rogue jumped out of the shadows, and dagger stabbed him in the ass.
Exxon was short of time and wore only armor when he woke up. There was only one pair of pants in his lower body, and his two hairy thighs were smooth. This tie wore a blood hole in his ass.
It hurts!
Exxon screamed first, and now he realized that there were more than one opponent or even more than two opponents. What's worse is that the wound on the buttocks hurts first and then numb, but then itchy.
This mean little dwarf used poison on his dagger!
Halflings have always been taboo and love adventure and loitering. They naturally like to make trouble, and often do things that do harm to others.
Applying poison to weapons is commonplace for halfling adventurers, who have never had a moral cleansing habit in this respect.
This is really life-threatening.
Exxon was still reluctant to consume the frost energy on the jade ring. Now that he knew he was in trouble, he directly hit the ring on his chest armor.
The jade jade of the ring face was smashed and smashed, and the last magical energy contained in it burst out. The spherical force field suddenly appeared and expanded rapidly.
The entire room suddenly collapsed without warning, the ceiling and floor cracked, and even the walls exploded with a large gap. Rangers and rogues standing nearby were hit by this force field, such as being hit hard.
Mahan still has a shield, but he can support it anyway. But the halflings had weak defenses, but could not escape but wanted to escape.
Exxon took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and jump off the second floor of his room, quickly escaping. Outside the mayor's residence is the only street in the town. When he ran out, he saw Tias, who had been flying.
The rookie knight was hit with a heavy shield, and it was not a big deal except for the tumult of blood. He also wanted to return to the house to help the Lord. As a result, the room where Lord Lord lived exploded, and the other party escaped.
Exxon was overjoyed to see the rookie knight. He was getting a knife in one side, and half of his body was gradually numb, and he limped forward and shouted, "I know you are always carrying an antidote. Give me, give me."
The legions of the long-legged knights all found the room to sleep, and only rookie Tias was armed at the door of Lord Lord. He really carries the antidote provided by the Frost Church.
Exxon asked to raise his head and drank, then asked anxiously, "What about the others?"
This was the end of the speech, and the other side of the town sounded a fight.
Two long-legged knights with disheveled clothes escaped in a hurry. One of them didn't bring anything, no panties.
Behind him came a tall and burly orc, with fangs opening and closing, and a stern face. He threw a flying axe in a thunderous roar.
At a distance of seven or eight meters, a large slap axe hit the target with a spin. Mobile terminal::
The noble lord who had nostrils in the sky during the day was no better than ordinary civilians. One of them fled back and waved his hand, as if to make the orc show mercy.
This time around, the flying axe hit its door. The sharp axe breaks through the flesh and bones, mixing blood and brains to kill them on the spot.
The companion's body fell to the ground, and the other knight couldn't escape. Only the wow-wow grabbed the long knife and turned back desperately.
However, the noble identity did not bring any help. The orc wearing heavy armor like a windmill with a long-handled battle axe, and split the second knight into flesh in two or three times.
Fierce, decisive, without hesitation.
It all happened within seconds. The knight master is also a human being, without equipment, he is embarrassed, and his fighting power is not even as good as usual.
Without any scenes, the two noble lives were ended in minutes.
Tias was stunned by the sudden death.
This kind of beautylessness, and even extreme cruel fighting, makes the rookie knight unacceptable. In his view, noble knights should not be so useless, so worthless.
This is the death method of civilians, the death method of miscellaneous fish, the refugees, the gangsters, and the death method of the inferiors. Nobles should be vigorous even if they die.
However, the blood of the corpse was flowing, and life was over.
Tias shuddered and his power was losing. He turned to look at Lord Exxon, hoping to get some instructions from the other party. He desperately needs some encouragement, otherwise his spirit will collapse.
Lord Lord was wearing a pair of panties, bare legs, and was running quickly towards the stable with his feet on his feet.
In order to run faster, the noble master took off his armor, and even did not shout Tias when he fled, leaving the rookie behind for a long time.
Death approached, the companions were slaughtered, and the superior fled.
Tias was a spirit, and had a new understanding of what a real nobleman was.
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