Chapter 521: Burst (1)

In the inspection office, Director Wilson was still stunned.
It took only a few days for the newly renovated office, and it was devastated.
The hand-made cashmere rug on the ground was laid out by the Director himself. Several landscape paintings on the wall were private collections, and a few elf vases in the corner were also his love.
As an official from a craftsman background, Wilson is very particular about style and appearance. But Lord Lord is very annoying about luxury and waste. He can only decorate his office in the name of his personal hobby.
These are all the money paid by the Director General himself, and the consumption of public funds is absolutely not allowed.
With these beautiful works of art, the little vanity in the mind of the Director-General is satisfied, and sitting in his office has a sense of floating, just like becoming a noble celebrity.
Although Lord Hugo made fun of Wilson many times, this did not affect his pursuit of his dream.
Now ... these are all gone.
The cashmere rug was destroyed by two charred corpses, and the bodies burned with ‘flame rays’ all shed oil.
The landscape paintings from the south turned into rotten cloth, leaving only a picture frame hanging crookedly on the wall.
As for the elf vase, it is a high-end artwork from Silver Leaf City. Wilson spent several bounty on his mission for this purpose.
At the moment they broke the ground.
the dream shatters.
The office can be rebuilt with public funds, but these private collections cannot be reimbursed with public funds. Lord Hugo might have to make a joke behind her.
Director Wilson is crying blood! He was relieved from the fear of being attacked, and angered at the table, "What came to tear down my office?"
There are many people inside and outside the office. The guard, the adjutant, and the orcs, dwarves, and wizards responsible for security were all relieved when they saw the curse of the Director-General.
Losing money is not a big deal.
The Director is not dead.
Just die.
Only the little girl Eve Lorraine was still trembling. She was filled with magic gems filled with hands by the Lord Lord for internship. She was full of thoughts that she would be killed if she met a bad person and would not sleep well.
As a result, fear of what came, the bad guys really appeared.
The orc warned, the fireball hit the wall, and Lorraine who was half asleep was agitated. Two masked guys came in through the hole in the broken wall. She shattered all the magic gems in her hands without thinking.
Johnson only recognized three kinds of arcane art after identifying the wall. In fact, Lorraine had seven or eight gems in his hand, each of which contained two or three arcane art.
The protection system, the spell system, the plastic energy system, the prophecy system, all kinds of messy arcane.
Magic gems are expensive, and their speed is much faster than scrolls one by one. Can burst out a bunch at a stretch.
The two assassins in front of the head thought that the fireball hit the wall, and the target inside was absolutely stunned. As long as you are fast enough, this task is bound to come.
But assassins are faster, and Lorraine is faster.
After the gems were crushed, the stored arcanes were guided by Lorraine's consciousness, all towards the enemy.
The two assassins were killed by four arcane spells on the spot. Both Powell and Johnson did not see clearly. They also suffered a wave and turned away when scared.
The scene was messy, twisted and broken.
Director Wilson suffered heavy losses.
Faced with such a desolate scene, the Director-General was furious and immediately ordered martial law against the whole city, mobilizing seven hundred city officials to hunt down the assassin.
The whole city was alarmed.
Zhou Qingfeng happened to be in the wizard's tower in the city, and arrived at the scene of the incident half an hour later. He came very anxiously, but when he heard ‘no loss,’ he relaxed.
The two bodies left by the assassin did not have any proof of identity. The special training they received led to the dissipation of the soul very quickly, and the "dead talk" could not be performed.
After two rounds around the corpse, Zhou Qingfeng waved people to collect the corpse. The assassination provoked his anger, and he whispered to Wilson, "Is there two more escaped?"
"Yes." Wilson nodded. "The guard said one of them was a wizard, and he concealed his body when he fled. I was worried that the assassins would start with us again."
Johnson ’s actions were unsuccessful, but he had to say that his vision was successful.
The "rich and powerful leader" is now a big family, with many key civil servants supporting it. These people, like Wilson, do not have the ability to protect themselves.
In addition, there are thousands of civilians in the territory, and they are even more vulnerable.
No matter what kind of enemy, frontal attacks will not make Zhou Qingfeng feel scared. But if he killed randomly, he would be exhausted.
"You have to pull out the secret nail."
The night is shrouded in the cold wind city, the situation is intricate, the information communication is slow and there are many delays, and it is impossible to rule out the possibility that an enemy will start first.
Facing the fog of war, Zhou Qingfeng also considered from the perspective of self-preservation, agreed to strengthen his alert, and immediately ordered the mobilization of manpower from outside the city.
"Notify our units everywhere to increase security and shrink personnel. Notify me immediately to avoid being attacked by the enemy."
"The hidden pile that buried us inside and outside the city is activated. I want to know where this bad attack came from?"
"Also, find out what the gang of nobles in the city who" do not succeed, but fail "? I suspect they want to do something."
Every next command, an alchemy pigeon flew out of the window.
Within an hour, information within five kilometers of the surrounding area can be summarized. Within three hours, the lord ’s will will be executed within twenty kilometers.
This is the convenience of efficient communication.
Zhou Qingfeng gave Lorraine and Wilson a bag of magic gems, and then hurried back to the Wizard's Tower.
To monitor the city, the best way is the Wizard's Tower. The prophecy in the tower has a special detection spirit ball. In the event of civil unrest, the prophet chief has the responsibility to monitor the city.
Although it is predicted that the chief old banker took the whole wizard and ran away. Zhou Qingfeng wanted to rush back to ask Shumei Sofia if he has the ability to replace the chief prophecy.
The incident developed rapidly.
When Zhou Qingfeng returned to the wizard hall of the Wizard's Tower, five chiefs of the eight factions ran out, preventing him from controlling the prophecy.
A large number of portals are flashing, and almost all formal wizards in the tower either actively or passively gather here to form two opposing factions.
The head of the hall was surging and the situation was about to burst.
Chief Rao, standing in front of several chiefs, asked in an unrelenting tone: "His Hugo, why did you suddenly order the blockade of the city?"
"Someone attacked the inspection office and I am investigating the murderer."
As soon as the words were spoken, Zhou Qingfeng was also surprised. He immediately realized what he had overlooked. Someone is taking advantage of the tension in the city and his anger.
With a quick glance, all the forces in the wizarding group trying to stay independent came out. The patrol office suddenly blocked all the streets late at night, even blocking the noble areas. This makes them extremely upset.
Zhou Qingfeng thought: "Fuck ....., these guys have ghosts in their hearts. They have overreacted."
Everyone in the wizarding group thought, "Fuck, did Hugo want to take action, and destroy us first?"
Both sides were thinking at the same time-damn, things were going too fast, and I was not ready to turn my face.
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