Chapter 548: Great cause

"The biggest advantage of" Holy Light "is to gain the trust from above."
The passenger plane was flying at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and everyone was restrained in a small seat. Director Ma opened the Longmen array, and the people in the front and back seats turned or stood up and walked forward with the gossip of the train.
Mentioning ‘trust above’, everyone nodded again and again.
Nowadays, there are so many people in the country like heroes, and heroes are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are also tens of thousands of 'overseas Chinese businessmen' investing in China, and Zhou Qingfeng is not the only one.
For example, a "elite" who is desperately hoarding land without building a house is outstanding. His biography became a model of success and was studied by Guibi as countless people.
But no matter who it is compared with, Zhou Qingfeng is very unique. Because he is the only one who can sink to the bottom, this ability is unique.
"Mr. Zhou, you are engaged in small rural physical loans ..."
Director Ma slammed his thigh and gave a thumbs-up, "It's absolutely amazing. Several ministries and commissions in the Imperial City have noticed the beauty and sent a number of teams to investigate.
This kind of physical loan does not cost much and has a rapid effect. It has an excellent effect on improving the living standards of rural people, reducing the backlog of commodities in the city, alleviating social conflicts, and even promoting employment.
I have seen no less than 20 internal references, all about the pros and cons of 'Tianyang Physical Loan'. The synthesis of opinions from various aspects feels that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. "
Director Ma smiled and lowered his voice, "It's a bit like 'Xiaogang Village engages in contracting households to produce households.'
I have already researched this matter, and I want to find a few more places to experiment. However, I have seen several promotion plans, and I feel that they have not grasped the essence of President Zhou's thoughts. "
Director Ma's thumb can't go down when it's upright, and it's even more fun to turn his head into a beckoning cat. This compliment said a big pass, the real key lies in the last sentence.
There is only one Zhou Qingfeng under the sky. Not everyone does not care about money like him, and engages in physical loans in a way that is almost charitable.
If someone else does it, the management and supervision will not be in place, which will inevitably be a ‘hard assignment’, ‘counterfeiting’ and ‘scrutiny’. Anything you can't imagine will happen.
It's like the reform of Wang Anshi in the Northern Song Dynasty. ‘Fa’ is good, but you ca n’t stand ‘twisted monk and monk ’s misunderstanding,’ and the people who execute underneath will make a bunch of moths.
Zhou Qingfeng's ability to control the quality and price of goods does not mean that others can. He can turn a philanthropy into a lucrative big deal, change others for fear of losing his pants, and make him angry.
No matter how foolish this president is, he did something great that benefited the people of Tianyang. The rise of the dynasty is between the mountains and hills, and it is appropriate to give a high-standard evaluation.
Lin Huang's second daughter stared her head, her eyes turned. Zhou Qingfeng was boastful of fidgeting and thought, "Why did you come up with" thought "? I really have no idea!"
In fact, it is just spreading coins, right? But the spread of currency is also very good.
Director Ma is still smiling, seeing Zhou Qingfeng's embarrassment, thinking that the master is afraid that he has not done a great job and opened up a new situation.
The above is too clear about the local situation, and I have been very careful in conducting the pilot project. I have to study it repeatedly, even with caution. But Zhou Qingfeng had already spread out the stall, and the results were good, and he was intentionally asked to make the stall bigger.
Such trust is hard to come by. With trust, the follow-up will come to fruition.
Director Ma continued to talk,
With the trust above, the first step in bidding for an airline has become. The second advantage of‘ Holy Light ’is that it already has a certain influence in China.

Regardless of the ‘Holy Light’ business, Zhou Qingfeng provides ten tons of ‘garbage’ to the country under the name of ‘smuggling’ each month. All are urgently needed but in short supply in China.
For example, the chip is only a gram or two for the small one, and the large package is only ten grams or less. One ton of chips is often hundreds of thousands. The value of the goods is high, the volume and weight are small, and it is particularly cool to sell.
Electronic technology has the ability to turn decay into magic, which is indispensable and cannot be ignored. There is a huge domestic demand for this, and the gap is insufficient.
To give an example from abroad, the Soviet Union ’s agricultural policy is very poor, and the grain output has been insufficient. It is necessary to export oil and import grain. However, the Soviet Union ’s external propaganda has been a bumper harvest year after year, and there is no shortage of food.
The United States wants to understand the Soviet Union ’s grain output to facilitate decision-making, but various statistics are inaccurate. Until the launch of a remote sensing satellite in the 1970s, nothing on the ground could hide.
The Soviet Union is short of food.
In the 1970s, the US emperor decisively suppressed oil prices and raised food prices. International rice prices skyrocketed from less than two hundred dollars in 72 years to more than six hundred dollars in 74 years.
For 72 years, the Soviet Union's grain harvest failed, forcing the Soviet Union to consume a lot of foreign exchange. The power of ‘food weapons’ is extremely powerful, and the old Maozi engaged is extremely passive.
This was also an important factor in the economic collapse before the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In the same way, the domestic Ministry of Land and Resources immediately knows if there are any terrible localities in the field of earth resource satellites. As a result, the newspaper will appear to smear the barren hills with green paint and muddy the roads.
Satellites are so important, but after a certain incident, foreign countries cut off the supply of domestic aerospace-grade chips, leading to the development of domestic aerospace technology.
It is better to develop independently, but it is uncomfortable before it develops. Fortunately, satellites are basically the same as ordering products, and can't use a few chips.
As long as Zhou Qingfeng orders goods, the domestic satellite launch will be much smoother. There are many similar situations, the embarrassment that no one likes, this is the influence.
Zhou Qingfeng used his "import" influence to force the domestic lazy goods to progress. He gave hundreds of core components of CNC machine tools of the same specification, forcing domestic machine tool manufacturers to assemble the products for him.
Even if you make a shell for me, make it for me.
Even if the assembly is not good, do n’t expect any ‘Wassena embargoed goods’.
The ministries were amused by Zhou Qingfeng's cheap teasing, like Director Ma on weekdays, he often also lost his temper with the big companies underneath. Now there is a strong guy who came out, he just took advantage of the power to beat the disobedient hills.
For example, in an aerospace institute, 4,000 leaders ‘served’ for 1,000 scientific researchers. Finally, some funds were used to support people, and the organization was very bloated.
There is also a boss machine tool factory that has been reformed year after year but not changed year after year. Its internal needles can't penetrate, water can't pour in, and finally he dragged himself to death, almost dragging down the domestic machine tool industry.
Zhou Qingfeng made such a push, and the ministries and commissions took the task to distribute the tasks. They just smashed some iron rice bowls, so that some local enterprises would not be too big.
The influence of ‘Holy Light’ can be so great that Zhou Qingfeng can exert pressure in the opposite direction. The reason is that he is outside the system and is stuck in the neck of certain departments and enterprises.
This neck is a matter of interest, and the original iron force will be divided and disintegrated.
With the cooperation of Zhou Qingfeng, the ministries and commissions even dared to transfer personnel to rebuild, and even simply let a group of ‘zombie’ units go bankrupt and reorganized.
After gaining trust from the upper levels, middle-level institutions and enterprises will also serve around the 'Holy Light' under the command of capital and technology.
"Holy Light has taken care of the upper and middle levels, and the next thing to solve is the lower level."
Director Ma talked eloquently. He put up three fingers and broke two. "The Holy Light's own foundation is very good. Everyone is willing to come."
Everyone laughed again, and that was all they said.
The cash flow of the "Holy Light" is so terrible that it is simply endless, and it can't be spent. It's as if money can give birth, and the more you spend, the more you spend.
Several flight attendants stood a little further away, watching Zhou Qingfeng's gaze like a wolf. But Lin Wan and Huang Li did not hesitate to stare back in response, not to allow those waves hoofs to have the same idea.
‘Holy Light’ sells ‘imported’ contraband only, even if it is a friendly price that does not require foreign exchange, it also has an income of two or three hundred million yuan in a month.
Not to mention ‘Holy Light’ and several other items that come with money, foreign exchange earns a soft hand.
During the period of general economic difficulties throughout the country, a large number of enterprises can only pay half of their wages, or even stay without pay.
Some companies really have no money and can only pay their employees wages for their products. This kind of thing is common and not surprising.
If a company can pay wages on time, employees can thank God.
No one can give employees super high income plus generous benefits like ‘Holy Light’. This condition is a killer skill, basically no one can bear it.
At the end of last year, ‘Holy Light’ started construction of several eight-story apartment buildings on the outskirts of Tianyang. In order to earn foreign exchange, the city's construction company worked in three shifts.
In just one year, the apartment building was about to be completed.
These apartments are two or three bedrooms, both in design and decoration are the current first-class level. The price of 800 yuan and one level is also shocking.
But ‘Holy Light’ allows employees to rent at a low price of 80 yuan a month. The first batch of more than one hundred houses have been digested internally.
This is the kind of benefits that only money can give.
This is also the first house built last year. This year, the "Holy Light" has more funds on hand, and it is already at the level of "scattering money" everywhere.
With such good treatment, the talent pool of ‘Holy Light’ is extremely rich. The number of consultants is almost one hundred, and the engineering staff recruited from the third line is almost one thousand.
"Mr. Zhou, you can see that the three floors of" upper, middle, and lower "have all passed. The great cause is expected! I will give you an analysis of the specific difficulties of operating an airline, so that you have a comprehensive understanding."
Director Ma talked and transformed from ‘Zhuge’ into ‘God ’s Stick,’ pointing out a bright avenue.
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