Chapter 554: Ambitious

August 25, 1991, the General Assembly Hall.
Now few people know that this place can actually be rented out. The price is not expensive, the price per day is at least much cheaper than Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.
Many companies and even individuals have come here to rub their reputations, just to make themselves look taller.
Xiao Jinlang rented the Imperial City Hall and invited many media reporters to witness the historic moment.
Zhou Qingfeng of the "Holy Light" met with Vice Minister Cui Kefu of the Soviet side. The two parties signed an agreement of intent for four passenger planes in public.
The early and late work is very complicated, and the two parties have long bargaining, but they are all handled by the consultant team led by Xiao Jinlang. This time, he also invited the director of civil aviation to come to the platform, indicating that policy support for private enterprises to join the domestic aviation industry.
Comparing Cui Kefu's old posture with Zhou Qingfeng's youth, the image difference is extremely striking. After signing the agreement, both parties shook hands with each other and faced the media reporters together.
According to a press release issued by Xiao Jinlang, "Holy Light" will exchange light industrial products for Soviet passenger aircraft in the form of barter.
The headline of the manuscript is "Canned Aircraft for Airplanes, Achievement and Audacity for Returning to China".
Anyway, people in the rivers and lakes have thick skin, so it does n’t matter if you use words to exaggerate, it ’s sensational.
After the agreement is signed, both parties will hold a press conference to answer some questions from the live media.
In the hall, the reporters stared at Vice Minister Cui Kefu and kept asking questions. The on-site Russian translation took a long time to retell.
Xiao Jinlang walked to the stage and approached Zhou Qingfeng, stooping and whispering, "There are two news, one is good and the other bad."
"Say first." Zhou Qingfeng was sitting behind the stage smiling at the reporters.
"When you signed the agreement, I received several calls.
Many well-informed people in the Imperial City and the Magic City already knew that the Nande Group was out. They were originally the suppliers of this transaction, and now they want to continue supplying the Holy Light.
When this press conference ends, there will be a huge advertising effect, and there will be more companies looking for you to sell goods. I'm afraid you will be too busy. "
Zhou Qingfeng smiled at this and whispered: "As long as the quality is qualified and the price is moderate, I can accept any supplier. Of course, I will implement the factory inspection system. If the goods are not right, the board will not pay." ::
At present, China has just transformed from a planned economy to a market economy, and commercial fraud is everywhere. Counterfeit and shoddy have become a trend, and 'dead to the ground' often happens.
‘Holy Light’ had to guard.
Xiao Jinlang continued to say bad news, "We invited Sichuan Airlines to send someone to the signing ceremony. But no one came and the phone was not connected. I guess I was afraid there was a problem."
Sichuan Airlines was contacted by South Germany and also the pick-up man in this barter trade. They did not pay for the aircraft, and they only had room for the Nande Group to operate from.
The "Holy Light" department had no dealings with Sichuan Airlines before, and the mutual trust between the two parties was very low.
The Nande Group was afraid that Zhou Qingfeng would disgust from it. He frowned slightly, whispering, "It seems that we can only find United Airlines."
The South German Group had no money, and engaged in a complicated barter trade method to play ‘Empty Gloves White Wolf’.
Zhou Qingfeng's working capital is quite strong and can withstand a certain amount of payment pressure. He nodded and agreed with Xiao Jinlang's proposal.
At the press conference, reporters' questions about Cui Kefu gradually ended, and their eyes began to stare at Zhou Qingfeng.
Someone soon asked: "Mr. Zhou, it is said that the contract of" Holy Light "was taken from the mouth of the Nande Group. Can you confirm it?"
Ahahaha, Zhou Qingfeng smiled, "You want to say that Nande Group has no credit but also hard work, right? But what is the qualification of a leather bag company to talk about business?
You can ask friends of the Soviet Union, why did they suddenly choose us after talking to South Germany for three years?
You should ask the other way around, is South Germany qualified to do this business? "
Zhou Qingfeng's words are very sharp and unreasonable.
Another reporter raised his hand and asked: "Mr. Zhou, it is said that" Holy Light "also hopes to purchase overhaul lines with the Soviet side and even enter the civil aviation industry. What did you rely on for this decision?
"Because I have money, is this a reason?"
Zhou Qingfeng spread his hands, smiled and said seriously: "I know what you really want to ask? Why can't" Holy Light "just do trade like" Southern Germany "?
As if I can obviously eat by my face, why should I rely on talent?
Because I am not willing to be a second trader, I am eager to create, I like innovation, and I love technology. If I only want money, why should I work so hard? "
Hearing "meal by face", there was laughter at the conference.
Zhou Qingfeng is tall and heroic, masculine and strong, very in line with the current aesthetic trend, and completely different from the feminine neutral demon boy. When he went to be an actor, he could indeed eat by his face.
"I am already a billionaire. With my ability and money, I can go abroad to live a happy life. No matter where I go, I can become a noble by money.
Don't think of any tallness abroad, in fact, the people under the world are the same. Alcohol and beauty, awe and enthusiasm, friends and love, everything can be bought for money.
Many people in China want to go abroad, and I understand them well.
Being an ordinary salesperson in the foot basin, the monthly income is more than ten times that of a domestic professor.
The yen is now appreciating sharply, and one dollar is exchanged for 125 yen.
On the streets of Tokyo, passersby can wave a 10,000 yen bill to call a taxi. It is equivalent to spending 80 US dollars when going out, which can be exchanged for almost 400 soft sister coins.
How many domestic PhDs and masters ran to the United States, and the first job was to wash dishes in Chinese restaurants? Because being a dishwashing worker can afford to live in a big house, food, clothing and housing are cheap.
If my monthly income is less than one hundred yuan, I also want immigrants to live a good life. Even if you stow away, you must go to risk your life, because no one wants to live a poor life.
Standing at the crossroads of history, I understand the powerlessness and perplexity of the needy. But the world has always been weak and strong, and it is not feasible to pray for the winner to give a cold soup.
I think I have a responsibility.
If someone wants to go abroad and be talented, they can come to the Holy Light to apply. As long as you work well in ‘Holy Light’, you will definitely have the opportunity to go abroad.
My group spends a lot of money hiring foreign talents, and it also spends a lot of money to send domestic talents out for further study. Don't think this is impossible. For me, talent exchange is something worth spending.
When people envy Western developed countries and even self-denial and self-consciousness, I feel that I should stand up and take a road to prosperity and tell them how to work hard to live the same life.
Why would anyone feel that only the foreign one can succeed? I will not accept it!
I will remove any obstacles on this road, fill in every pothole I encounter, straighten all curves and ramps, and block all the dead roads.
I firmly believe that I will succeed. "
As the voices circulated, the reporters in the Imperial City Hall became extremely quiet. The young man's ambition was so great!
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