Chapter 556: Wandering

On March 27, 1991, the "Map Head" conducted a referendum on whether to retain the alliance in the entire Soviet Union, and 76.4% of the citizens agreed to retain the alliance. Ordinary people have done the only thing they can do for the country.
However, it is useless.
The one to be dissolved should be dissolved, and the one to be divided must be separated. The country with the largest territorial area on earth will soon fall apart.
On the day of the meeting, ‘Holy Light’ and the Soviet Ministry of Aviation Industry signed an intent agreement to purchase four Tu-154 passenger jets. The specific implementation contract will be signed within half a month.
Both parties were very anxious and also fully exchanged opinions on the procurement of passenger aircraft overhaul lines. President Zhou expressed concern about the domestic form of the Deputy Minister, and His Excellency Cui Kefu thanked Mr. Zhou for his concern.
After the talks, Vice Minister Chuikov invited the "Holy Light" to organize an aviation advisory group to visit the Soviet Union and said that he would welcome the arrival of friends with an open attitude.
President Zhou expressed his gratitude, promised to increase trade links with friends, and believed that the great alliance would overcome the current difficulties and become a red flag shining all over the world.
Leaving from the General Assembly Hall, Zhou Qingfeng excitedly twisted left and right in the 'Benz' car, hoping to sing karaoke. Lin Wan and Huang Li sat on both sides of him, feeling that their president was like a monkey today, and they were not safe for a moment.
Sitting in the passenger seat, Xiao Jinlang answered the phone and said back: "Director Ma called, and he asked him," Si Shengguang ", since there is foreign exchange, can it be handed over to the foreign exchange administration. The exchange rate will be converted into soft sister currency. "
When Zhou Qingfeng heard this, he wanted to scold. The exchange rate of the soft sister currency is entering a decline channel, and will soon fall from four to a few eight, which is almost double its value.
Is n’t it stupid to exchange now?
"If the" Holy Light "can exchange 50 million US dollars in foreign exchange, Director Ma can help coordinate the railway capacity in the next year, guaranteeing us at least two thousand wagon freight per month, and ensuring that the" Holy Light "goods flow is not hindered. "
Speaking of which, Xiao Jinlang added, "Last year, the national railway freight volume was 1.5 billion tons, and the standard for a wagon is 60 tons. It would be good for a company that can give us 2,000 wagons a month."
The wagons of the 1990s were really hard to handle. The official who signed the note was able to change the money.
When the news that ‘Holy Light’ exchanges light industrial products for planes spread, I ’m afraid that public and private companies across the country will call or even come to the door to sell.
At present, there is a problem in China due to insufficient liquidity caused by the 'triangular debt'. The production capacity of an enterprise actually exists, and the quality can be improved by grasping management, but the product may not necessarily receive the payment for the sale.
This is a pit.
The "Holy Light" order is a good medicine to solve the lack of liquidity. Just like "Return to the World", a gap is opened in the closed barrier lake to let the production factors flow.
As long as everyone has a profit and generates a positive business cycle, things will be easier to handle.
Once the positive cycle occurs, the capacity guarantee will become the next node. Otherwise, if the commodities cannot be shipped out, it will be the end of the game. Five hundred wagons have been tossing for five years before they can get it.
Zhou Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Don't be kidding, slaughtering fat sheep can't be slaughtered like this. I use foreign currency to pay for wagon freight at most, and earn as much as you want for wagons.
Otherwise, if the money goes out, what will the group of guys ignore me? Is n’t the lesson of ‘assembling machine tools’ deep enough? Director Ma's mouth is too powerful, I can't believe him. "
People always have to learn something before they can make progress.
Zhou Qingfeng wished to find a state-owned enterprise to cooperate in 'assembled machine tools', hoping to solidify the domestic machine tool manufacturing industry. He thought he would gain a lot of gratitude and warm pursuit.
Instead, he knew that he had a lot of broken things, forcing him to use some unconventional means to promote the matter.
In the end, the lessons learned are inert, and so are the society. The benefits can't be given too much at one time, you have to hang your appetite.
For example, Tianyang ’s construction company built a house for ‘Holy Light’.
By analogy, other things can't be promised too happy.
Last year the national foreign exchange income was only over 10 billion US dollars.
Xiao Jinlang dared to bet that there was also a lion's mouth at the top. After receiving the feedback from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, he absolutely asked Tianyang. The city also said that it would immediately investigate, but absolutely nothing.
After a round of rotation, Director Ma can only come forward and ask "Holy Light". After all, Zhou Qingfeng is engaged in foreign exchange inflows, but not outflows.
Xiao Jinlang didn't say much about Zhou Qingfeng's request. This requirement is not a big deal. After all, this is the only one who can take foreign exchange seriously in China.
The domestic economy in the 1990s was not bad, but it was getting worse. There is no ‘big layoff’ yet. It ’s a pain when the ‘big laidoff’ comes.
It's not okay to do something hard.
The disintegration of the Soviet Union caused great panic politically. Just look at the tragic state of the bear, the rabbit is also terrified.
At this time, if anyone goes to the rabbit and says, "Don't be afraid, persevere! Go and negotiate with Eagle Sauce, it will put you into the world trading system.
In ten years, you will become a world factory, supplying huge quantities of goods to the world. You will start from the low end, and step by step to the high-end. The accumulation of capital and technology is actually faster than you think.
Although this process will be very angry, but making money is even more important.
In another 20 years, your gdp will surpass Japan to become the second in the world. You will make money with hand cramps, foreign exchange reserves of more than three trillion US dollars, and purchases of more than one trillion of US debt.
At that time, you do n’t have a headache and no money, but how to spend too much money? What you buy, what price increase. What do you sell, what is cheap.
At that time, you were less angry, but began to be scolded.
After thirty years, you will find that your worries are so different.
Your industrial output value has reached the world's first, and the production capacity is so worrying that you can only use the production capacity to upgrade the industry. Your rapidly rising posture has forced the eagle sauce to almost jump the wall.
Every day you say that you are harmless, but the little friends of the global village do not believe it. You are an elephant standing behind an ant and can no longer hide your muscles and strength. "
Believe it or not, the rabbit would feel taunting when he heard this, and he could kick the talking foot out.
How sad is the day when there is no money, don't talk about chicken broth!
Zhang Jiadun has now put forward the 'collapse theory'.
In the next thirty years, this man will revise his predictions every year. It doesn't matter. According to my research, it will collapse next year.
Did not collapse next year? Then wait for the next year.
If the next year has not collapsed, then wait another year.
As if the child was born, Zhang Jiadun asserted that he would die someday.
That's right, right.
Just don't know when this day will come?
The rear seat of the 'Benz' car is quite large and can seat three people.
Zhou Qingfeng was in the middle, thinking of the future, he spread his arms comfortably and wanted to relax. But as soon as his arms were open, he felt that this posture was a bit like a hug from left to right.
The second woman squinted at her president, her eyes glared but immobile. Zhou Qingfeng was embarrassed to open his hand, and could only put it down with a smirk, rubbing his knee.
Xiao Jinlang is still asking, "Zhou Zhou, the foreign exchange business"
Zhou Qingfeng wandered around the sky and didn't hear what Lao Xiao said. He only responded to cover up the embarrassment, "Oh, even if it is settled. If there is really any problem, just look for Lin Wan."
Xiao Jinlang glanced at Lin Wan with a scrutiny. Lin Wanzheng was shocked because Zhou Qingfeng suddenly wanted to take his shoulders, and Xiao Jinlang stared at him even more.
Only the Oriole is sour on the other side.
There were three people in the back row of the carriage, and everyone was next to each other's thighs. Why did the hold the power, but I had nothing? It ’s tens of millions of dollars. How many people would stifle her?
‘Mercedes’ drove away from the General Assembly Hall, and Zhou Qingfeng also did not live on ‘Diaoyutai’. He ran to the Royal Park Hotel for a while, which was cheaper anyway.
At more than seven o'clock in the evening, He Yulan called and shouted excitedly: "Qingfeng, you are on 'News Network'."
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