: Item 0560

The value of fifty mobile phones is $ 200,000.
This is 91 years, the dollar value is quite strong, not a small amount of money. The key is that the ruble is depreciating wildly. It wo n’t take long for a ruble that can sell a house to buy a pack of cigarettes.
"Young man, do you want to bribe me openly?"
Cui Kefu's forehead was ruffled, his face angry.
Zhou Qingfeng's indifferent hands, "I am a businessman and like to make an investment. Maybe you will return me in the future?"
"I will not betray any national interest."
"I don't need you to sell anything, you just need to sell me something that can be sold normally. By the way, give me some convenience.
For example, the aviation advisory group I will send next will be relatively large, and there are many places I want to visit. I do n’t want to waste time on various approval notices. Maybe a phone call can smooth out a lot of trouble? "
In the other corner of the conference hall, dozens of old comrades from the advisory board are working silently or communicating in a low voice. They have worked hard in their respective positions for a lifetime, but the old body is renewed vitality.
An old researcher is using the hotel's phone to make international long distance calls, which is why the hotel has special convenience.
Cui Kefu was uncomfortable with Zhou Qingfeng's words. He had every reason to stand indignant. But he heard someone talking and laughing in Russian, and after only a few words, he confirmed who he was contacting.
The Soviet Central Air Fluid Dynamics Research Institute is a scientific research institution specializing in the research of aeroengine basic theory and applied technology.
This institute was built in the city of Zhukovsky and is the core military research institute of the Soviets.
Cui Kefu's eyes turned, and Zhou Qingfeng followed him.
"That researcher who seems to be our 628 research institute is also studying aerodynamics. He seems to be in"
Zhou Qingfeng listened for a while, then called to the secretary and whispered: "Let the old comrades in the opposite 628 Institute pay attention to diplomatic influence. He dug the corner in front of the vice minister, which is too much."
The secretary hurriedly passed on a message. The old comrade on the other side was studying in the Soviet Union. At the moment, he is reminiscing with the Soviet Union's old classmates and friends and pulling in friendship.
After listening to the secretary, the old consultant realized that he seemed overjoyed.
Waiting for the old comrade to lower his voice, Zhou Qingfeng could only laugh at Cui Kefu: "This international talent flow is also normal.
Nuclear physicists in your country may run to the California Institute of Technology as a janitor in the future, and the talented doctor of mathematics works as a washer in New York for the idiot old lady who ca n’t remember the multiplication table. "
Zhou Qingfeng was pleased for a while, and for a while, the Vice Minister angrily questioned: "Young man, is your stinky mouth just for eating stool?"
Zhou Qingfeng shrugged. "I want to honestly remind you how cruel the reality is to the deceased. Do some trading while you are still worth some money."
"We haven't died yet," Choikov shouted angrily.
Everyone in the conference room turned their heads to watch.
The invisible goblins were flying on Cuikov's gray-haired head. Seven people stretched out their little staff and sang silently.
They sent a message in the master-servant contract, "Master, continue to anger him. His psychological defense line is about to collapse."
Zhou Qingfeng sneered slightly and gave a fatal blow, "In the referendum in your country a few months ago, did you choose to retain the alliance or dissolve it?"
A handful of Cui Kefu immediately froze, trembling.
As an old Bolshevik, Chuikov ’s thoughts were extremely firm. The goblins joined forces to perform "Charming Man" and it was difficult to shake their will.
But the vice minister met Zhou Qingfeng. Under the repeated shaking like pulling nails, he could not see the future.
There is nothing more sad than death.
When the ideals and treasures that protect you for life are ruthlessly dismantled, how many people can not be hurt?
Zhou Qingfeng made the gray-haired old Chuikov bow his head, his eyes were moist, making it difficult to control himself. The "Charming Mankind" came into effect, and the Deputy Minister guarded against the loss and agreed to a series of cooperation requirements.
For example, the opening of foreign exchanges between high-density personnel and research departments in the Soviet aviation industry, the contact memo of the ‘Holy Light’ advisory group has hundreds of pages more.
Fifty mobile phones were naturally sent out.
So as long as Zhou Qingfeng delivered a thousand mobile phones, the four Tu-154s that had been built would leave the helipad of Kubyshev Aircraft Factory and gradually fly to Nanyuan Airport in the Imperial Capital for delivery.
Xiao Jinlang was even more overjoyed. He took advantage of the hot iron to come up with a list of advisory boards that had been prepared and immediately went to the Maozi embassy to apply for a visa and buy a ticket to Moscow.
These old advisors will take multiple planes and depart with Deputy Minister Chuikov.
If you want to copy someone else's home, you must first find out what is in the other person's home. Even if you do n’t know what you have settled down in your home, the efficiency of copying your home will be low.
At the moment, most of the bear researchers are in contact with the West, but because they are in different technical systems, the deceased are not doing well.
In addition to providing some pitiful information, they can only get a little bit of cold soup to survive. The reason is that the West does not really need these nation-dead.
Senior scientific research personnel need not only an excellent living environment, but also a large amount of scientific research funds and supporting facilities. The West has its own system and its own researchers.
It's not that everyone is like the men's football team. It's not as good as playing football. It is very active to spend billions of dollars to introduce foreign aid to naturalize.
The agreement reached by Zhou Qingfeng and Vice Minister Cui Kefu quickly spread within half an hour, and the Royal Ministries and commissions and many scientific research institutes were stunned by the agreement.
Old bureaucrats such as Director Ma learned the details on the phone, surprised to lose a few seconds, and then made a new request to Xiao Jinlang. Can your advisory group add more people? This great opportunity can not be missed.
It is indeed a great opportunity!
Although Lao Maozi's industrial system has a large gap with Europe and the United States, it is the most suitable for the domestic situation.
Just like domestic tanks, who does n’t want ‘Abrams’? Heavy armor and heavy artillery, high-performance power pack plus advanced fire control. But the final choice is the low-grade t-72 climb slowly.
As a temporary office, dozens of telephones in the small conference hall of the Royal Park Hotel were immediately hit. The phone rang one after another, and the bell ringing kept ringing.
Many people picked up the phone without any nonsense, and directly responded: "Yes, yes, the news is correct. We always put Lao Maozi in balance. Cui Kefu made the biggest concession within his power.
Do you also want to come together? Oops, this can be troublesome. We now have enough people to pack a large passenger plane. If you want to add more people, how bad is your face?
Do you really want to add? Are you sure you want to add? Okay, okay, let me ask Mr. Zhou. "
Who still cares about face at this time?
Not to be missed.
The key is that Zhou Qingfeng approved a special amount of five million US dollars for the social entertainment and management of the advisory group after going to the Soviet side. He also said that he will bring a batch of electronic products as a small gift, specifically for giving.
It takes a lot of money to approve such a large sum of money for another unit. I don't know how much time will be spent and how many legs will be broken. Here at Zhou Qingfeng, Lin Wan was directly raised from the account of 'Holy Light'.
‘Holy Light’ has foreign currency cash in the underground vault of Tianyang ’s headquarters.
Rich money!
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