Chapter 586: Loophole

When the country collapsed, it was holed from top to bottom. Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test Zhou Qingfeng faces Cui Kefu, Gong Wei faces low-level civil servants. Equipment that cost hundreds of millions of dollars was sold at a fractional price.
Some are not even enough for fractions.
Taking the lead from the small bureaucracy of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, Gong Wei met a large number of Mao Xiong's low-level civil servants. They branched out with each other and took care of each other, realizing as soon as possible the power they were about to lose.
Gong Wei would like to ask the President ’s Master if he wants to buy a batch of ‘retired’ military vehicles from the former Warsaw countries.
But the phone call reached the hotel where the president had settled, but Lin Wan, who was left behind, said that the president had left. If you have any questions, you decide for yourself. Anyway, it's to bargain, buy it if you can.
In Moscow now, the ghosts and ghosts are everywhere.
It ’s not just ‘Holy Light’ who want to copy the bottom, there are people in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. Even Beibang Persian and the third brother are active, hoping to take a bite from the Union's body.
Beibang's missile technology was acquired during this period.
But ......... Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea have their own heavy industries, and they don't look down on Maozi's ordinary goods. For example, light and heavy trucks can be produced by various industrial countries on their own, and the performance is even better. What is the rough goods of Maozi?
And like Beibang, when Mao Zi collapsed, it became a poor ghost. Amitabha can get a few missiles and a few vehicles. It ’s not easy to think about bartering.
Does Beibang use coal for Maozi? Or did Persia trade oil for Maozi? Maozi himself sells this. Using coal and oil to trade, it can spray this group of poor ghosts with salt soda.
Some products, some businesses, only "Holy Light" can get it done. It is only Zhou Qingfeng who can get the transport plane and the whole train wagon to complete large-scale cargo mobilization and transportation.
Otherwise, it would cause the embarrassment of ‘Southern Germany’. Five hundred wagons have been tossing for five years, and the sale is still a bunch of ‘counterfeit and shoddy’ hated by people.
After the emergence of the "Holy Light", it provided huge demand and supply capacity. Maozi's low-level civil servants simply put aside their control and did business in series in private-lest the "middleman" make the difference.
Why should the oligarchs be caught by the oil and water, and the people underneath can only eat some soup? Everyone steals state assets, and no one is more noble.
Cui Kefu's men were inconvenient to contact Zhou Qingfeng, so they contacted Gong Wei-to sell at least tens of thousands of military vehicles to the "Holy Light".
There is everything from a one-ton load of "Waz" 452 off-road command vehicle to a 12-axle 24-wheel-drive heavy missile carrier "Maz" 7907.
Not only are there cars, but also low-level little bureaucrats have a variety of flying machines in their hands. From 'Miri' to 'Kamov', from 'Beryev' to 'Antonov'.
Large planes are not easy to deal with and require formal channels. However, there are many small planes that can be easily transported away.
Besides, Mao Xiong ’s vast territory, why must trade in Moscow? Supervision elsewhere is weaker. Kazan, Irkutsk, Siberia, and even the Far East.
Anyway, there is the Il-76 fleet, where can't be delivered?
The low-level bureaucrats really gave Gong Wei an idea.
Some small bureaucrats are very direct-give me 100,000 dollars, only 100,000. I will tell you what is the unknown combat warehouse in a place where the bird does not shit.
The things in the warehouse are pulled casually, anyway, the bottom floor has no one to take care of. No more money, the guards will starve to death.
The big bear bureaucrats are rushing to sell themselves. The little bureaucrats underneath don't look down on them, they are even more unscrupulous. They are familiar with the situation and the holes dug out can be scary.
Gong Wei was frightened by the small worms who came to contact. There is not enough manpower, and there are not enough funds and power to accept the surging black goods.
But at this critical moment, Lin Wan said to Gong Wei, who was coming to ask for the idea, ‘the president does not know where to go. Before we go, let us be more courageous, even though we make our own decisions. ’
Hold on to the daring, starve to the timid.
Gong Wei didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and he could only pull the visiting group around to get back to a group of people to connect with the black goods provided by Maozi's worms.
At the same time, Meghan, the young babies, also furiously asked the intelligence personnel of Eagle Sauce in Moscow, "The president of" Holy Light "disappeared from the hotel three days ago?"
Are you all pigs? I asked at least two agents to monitor this person 24 hours. As a result, he disappeared for three days, only to know now? "
In a camouflage postal car outside the Nikolskaya hotel, the little babes stared angrily at the few big men and three big men in front of them.
Although Megan spread her teeth and danced her claws, her pink and pink face didn't have any deterrent effect. The agents who faced her had all experienced the storm, only expressionless, let her scold.
"Do you feel that my level is not high enough?" Megan yelled, "I am a senior executive of the dod. I have the right to direct you to work? Do you want to resign or want to go home and eat shit?"
The sharp voice was sharp, but a few big men wanted to laugh. Everyone is a professionally trained person, and salvation is a basic quality. No one really took the rookie coming from the dod too seriously.
Partner Daniel couldn't stand it any longer, waved his hands to let several intelligence personnel in Moscow leave, and then said to Xiao Yangniu with a deep voice, "Michelle ..."
"My name is Megan now."
"Okay, Megan." Daniel pulled Zhang's stool and sat in front of the little babes, trying to calm down. "It's very realistic to do intelligence. No one will listen to the orders of a strange superior because it will kill people."
"I have dod authorization, why should they keep me?"
Xiao Yang Niu was cold-faced and hated to die, "The company of" Holy Light "absolutely has problems, and its president is definitely shady. Why don't you take it seriously?"
"Because the cold war is over." Daniel also grimaced and increased his tone. "Everyone respects you and respects your background.
But two months ago, the Huayue Treaty was dissolved, and the entire NATO was relieved. No matter how deep your background is, you are just a rookie. No one wants to go find something for you.
The most important thing now is to ensure that the Soviet nuclear arsenal will not go wrong. As for the others, who cares? Dod care? "
The little girl immediately retorted, "What if 'Holy Light' is also aimed at the nuclear arsenal?"
"Then it also has a semi-official status and is a representative of one of the five permanent members of the Security Council. If we really find evidence, it can be solved through diplomatic channels. But we found nothing.
"Holy Light" is reselling tobacco, clothing, food every day. In exchange for some trucks and passenger planes that are far inferior in technology. Are we going to stop this? "
The little girl opened her mouth and closed her mouth in a bad breath.
As a partner, Daniel patted her shoulder lightly, preparing to get off the train to let the rookie of the senior title calm down.
But the agent who just left came back and said: "Miss Meghan, dod's official thinks you are too free. Is there a job for you to do?"
"Let me do it?" Asked the little girl.
"Go to Kiev. You will be the US security officer of the UN Security Council's nuclear disarmament agreement, staring at the tactical nuclear weapons over there." The agent smiled, as if to punish the little foreign girl.
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