Chapter 58: untitled

The battle ended too quickly, and Rat Rat Village was overturned all morning. Basically, the first few hours were preparing, and the actual attack took only ten minutes.
In these ten minutes, several stinky bombs made by gnome witch doctors drove out dozens of barbarians hiding behind a solid wall. One was counted, and all were smoked in the mouth, foaming with no resistance.
The tedious battlefield suddenly became lively, followed by victory. This sudden change made it difficult for everyone present to predict that even Wilson, who controlled the trebuchet, did not expect that the power of several stink bombs was so great.
The masters and armed attendants who served as the main force watched the whole process, and only came in handy when they finally captured the captives. After they happily caught Schroder and others, they were a little bit afraid that if the stink bomb landed on their village
I can't stop it!
The wizard apprentice Tambos quickly surrounded the leaders of the villages, and asked how to resist this trebuchet tactic.
"In a regular battle, the defender should be assisted by a wizard. In this case, a gust of wind can solve it. There is only one reason why you will find it difficult to cope."
Tambos said that the clouds were light and windy, making people dare not doubt the knowledge of his wizard apprentice. After all, he came from Cold Wind City and should know more. But he looked at Zhou Qingfeng himself, and he felt a little dreadful.
The wizard's arcane spell has a stink cloud, but this spell has always been used for small-scale battles. It's the first time I've heard of using a similar stinky bomb to attack a strong fort.
Even if the owner of the Cold Wind City sends someone to mop up these villages in the Black Forest, there is no way he can do it better than 'Hugo Hugo'. Young teenagers rely on their own strength to bring conflicting teams together and win easily with genius imagination.
How to describe it?
Still terrible?
All the people in the Rat Rat Village such as Schroeder were caught, and the strips they had taken off were hoisted, washed by the servants with hot water, and their stinky mouths were brushed with a brush. These guys yelled endlessly, and yelled in the hot water.
Zhou Qingfeng asked the old Borg to deal with the stinky bombs thrown into the rat village, mainly using some plants and ash to neutralize it. In addition, the contaminated ground was shoveled and buried.
After winning a village in half a day, the morale of the 'Allied Forces' team increased again. Leaders came to congratulate Zhou Qingfeng, showing their loyalty.
Zhou Qingfeng coped with a few words without hesitation, and continued to arrange the task to pass the person off. There was such a victory, and all the ministries gathered around him were greatly stimulated, and they felt that the superior should take some arrogance in peace.
"Rubio, you take people to the Rat Rat Village to count the population and supplies. From now on, everything in this village is our booty."
"Wilson, let your people put away the trebuchets and horses, and enter the village for repair. Tomorrow you will lead the team alone. I will let a few leaders run with you to beat all three surrounding villages. Action Be quick, the enemy may fight back at any time. "
"Luke, you will lead someone to investigate towards Stucco Village. The Church of Bann should have received news of our attack. I guess they will probably send troops to help tomorrow."
The place where Zhou Qingfeng gave the order was on an open field, next to the two trebuchets that had just come out. No staff, no assistants, no tables and stools, he stood and gave instructions to various people coming and going.
Everyone came and went, and Zhou Qingfeng was responsible for all the trivial matters. After a while, he felt his head big. There are too many stupid people under his hands, and his understanding of orders is strange. This commander's job is really difficult.
Until the afternoon, Zhou Qingfeng will lead the team into the village. The Rubio thief ran to him side by side and whispered frowningly, "Master Hugo, you can never guess what I found in the village?"
"A lot of food?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.
Rubio froze, "Master, how do you know?"
Zhou Qingfeng pouted his lips slightly. "I also know that the villages are called out of food. In fact, there must be a lot of stored food. Otherwise, how could they be so calm and let goblins block the external passage of the Black Forest.
In this situation, apart from food, I can't think of anything else worthy of your meritorious dedication. I even think you have hidden a lot of property, and the goods sold to me are only part of it. "
Rubio was about to smash the sky, but Zhou Qingfeng glared coldly. He could only sneer one or two, scratching his head and continuing to talk about the Rat Rat Village.
"I found a few stunned servants in the village and told them that Schroder was dead, and they took the initiative to tell me where Schroder's secret cellar was?
I opened the cellar and briefly counted it, and found that the grain inside was enough for our own team to eat for half a month. In addition, there are medicinal materials and gold and silver coins in the cellar. "
Speaking, Rubio held up a small wooden box and handed it to Zhou Qingfeng, "Master, I probably counted it, there are more than two hundred gold coins, and more than three thousand silver coins. This is not a small sum of money, it should be Shi The Rhodes family has accumulated over the decades. "
The Black Forest is very poor, and it is not easy to accumulate hundreds of gold coins. Zhou Qingfeng grabbed the small wooden box, and his hand sank downwards, which was quite heavy. He glanced at Rubio and asked, "How much did you take?"
"No." Rubio leaned back and put his hands together. "The village is now yours, how dare I take your money?"
‘Detect lies’ and the check passes.
Rubio, the unscrupulous trader, actually told the truth.
Zhou Qingfeng was even more skeptical and asked again: "Rubio, you don't need money, but I'm very strange. So what do you want?"
Rubio was suddenly cramped, the skinny old man rubbed his hands again and again, and he whispered after a long while: "Master Hugo, I now believe that you are really a very special nobleman. After this war, who would dare If there is any doubt, it is a fool.
I have never seen anyone who can treat others with such tolerance, never seen anyone who can command more than 400 people so well, and never seen anyone who can easily break through a village. Even the sly and brutal ogre wizards in the legend have no such ability.
But you, you only rely on a group of pariahs, a group of pariahs that no one cares about, even the abandoned pariahs complete the battle. It's amazing, it's really amazing. You have done something I would never even think of.
I want to follow you, truly follow you. But I know that untouchable people like me are not qualified to follow noble people like you. But I have a son, who is completely different from me. I hope you can accept him as a servant. "
Rubio stepped away, and a young man in his twenties stood behind him. Like Rubio's thin body, he flinched a little before and after, and his eyes flickered. He seemed to be in awe of Zhou Qingfeng.
"Are you afraid of me?" Zhou Qingfeng asked. The young man was at least ten years older than him, but he was about the same size.
The young man glanced at Zhou Qingfeng and quickly bowed his head: "Master, your greatness makes me afraid to look straight."
Zhou Qingfeng murmured a moment, wondering if he was laughing at the other person or himself, "Are you literate?"
"Literacy, he can." Rubio smiled, and rushed to answer for his son. "I offered him to study in Cold Wind City's school for many years."
The young man pressed his head even lower and said in a weak voice: "I used to study for eight years in a school in Cold Wind City and also found a job as a scribe. Reading, writing, and calculation are all right."
"Then why aren't you staying in Cold Wind City?" Zhou Qingfeng asked again: "What's so good in the Black Forest, I want you to come back?"
Rubio rushed to answer again, "Master, my son just wants to stay with me, he feels that I am old, and I have always wanted him to inherit the warehouse in Kuruma Village. But if you are willing to keep him, then Naturally better. "
Zhou Qingfeng did not agree with this explanation, and 'detecting lies' failed. He smiled slightly and looked at the young man, "Why don't you say you don't stay in Cold Wind City?"
The young man seemed unwilling to open his teeth, and Rubio was nervous, but he was afraid to speak in the face of Zhou Qingfeng.
After a long while, the young man explained to himself: "Because my grandfather was a sinner, our family was exiled. I concealed my identity from the Cold Wind City, where I went to study and apply for a job, but was eventually discovered and driven come back."
Having said that, young people have never lied.
Zhou Qingfeng finally smiled and asked again, "What's your name?"
"Last name?"
"Our family is deprived of the right to have a surname."
"It's a bit miserable. Well, writing can be considered a personal talent, and you can also be a scribe with me. When you do well, I will allow you to restore your last name.
Uncle Zhou said this casually, but he did not see the young man named Seth trembling, his eyes were the same as the stars, and even Rubio was astonished by the thunder.
It is a great grace to restore sinners' surnames.
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