Chapter 588: Collapse

Except for top-secret combat readiness units, no one would pull out nuclear warheads to play every day. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test They are often stored in an arsenal that only a few senior officers know, and the warhead and the vehicle have to be separated.
This is also the reason why ballistic missile nuclear submarines are so powerful. Because only it can hide in the depths of the ocean to maintain combat readiness for a long time. Neither land-based nor space-based nuclear vehicles will work.
Zhou Qingfeng stunned and ran to the bear's site without knowing where to find highly enriched nuclear material.
To allow Marcos to explore the way, the Russian agent did not dare to inquire casually. This kind of news is too sensitive. He at most found the Soviet Red Army to compile a table, and wondered where there could be a tactical nuclear weapon available?
What kind of nuclear mines, nuclear shells, nuclear suitcases are not practical, they cannot be equipped on a large scale, and most of them have been 'destroyed' in nuclear disarmament.
Marcos groped around, in fact, there are only two goals.
A 'frog-7' tactical rocket, officially codenamed 9k52. Its vehicle is a 9p113 wheeled three-purpose launch vehicle, the body of which is modified by 8 by 8 military trucks. It has tactical nuclear warheads.
Soviet rocket artillerymen equipped this thing in the 60s and 80s. If you want to do it, go to Grozny. When Mao Zi evacuated, he lost two Frog-7 systems.
But Grozny has no nuclear warheads.
The other is awesome, SS-21 'Scarab-b' short-range tactical missile. It has a range of 120 kilometers and a round error of 10 meters. It is quite accurate with conventional warheads.
In the famous 'West-81' exercise, Mao Xiong simulated 141 tactical nuclear strikes on NATO's defense line in West Germany with tactical missiles such as SS-21.
The power of the applicable nuclear warhead ranges from one hundred tons to ten thousand tons, which is enough to forcibly tear apart the enemy's defense line.
Such frontline tactical nuclear weapons are equipped in several elite troops in the Kiev military region. For example, the 107th Rocket Artillery Regiment affiliated to the 6th Tank Group Army of the Guard.
According to the information obtained by Marcos, Zhou Qingfeng, under the signboard of doing business, with Cuikov as an intermediary, ran to Kiev for thousands of miles.
General Chechevatov, commander of the Kiev Military Region, did not refuse his visit. However, Colonel Isakov, who was in charge of the contact, was resentful and wanted to give Zhou Qingfeng a horse.
People who have been in the military for a long time are masculine and awe-inspiring, and are easily prone to selflessness. Colonel Isakov has been in the army for more than two decades. Ordinary recruits see him as if they are a mouse and a cat.
In daily life, the colonel can easily rely on serious eyes to force ordinary people to feel pressure and even succumb. He could stare at Zhou Qingfeng for a few seconds, and the colonel felt dizzy.
The accumulated momentum suddenly broke through.
The colonel couldn't help closing his eyes and holding the table at hand. When he opened his eyes again, Zhou Qingfeng also converged and laughed, Shen Sheng said: "If you are not in a hurry, I can talk tomorrow. But if you are in a hurry ..."
"As a businessman, what can you bring us?" The colonel was instinctively disgusted with the arrival of Zhou Qingfeng. This guy wanted to loot the weapons and equipment that the Soviets spent heavily on.
Real soldiers cannot accept this disarmed blasphemy.
Zhou Qingfeng immediately asked: "What do you want?"
The colonel's expression dimmed, his hard shoulders relaxed. He held the desk at hand again and his breathing became disordered.
what do you want? Want to be strong forever!
Kiev is far from Moscow, and the hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers stationed here seem to have gone through an absurd drama, watching the holy alliance that they sworn to defend with life crashed down.
The alliance has spent a lot of money for decades, and even the armed forces built by the poor soldiers have failed to play any role. The fortress was breached from the inside, and the frustration of the collapse of the sky hit every soldier's heart.
On the 22nd of August, the World War II veterans who defended Leningrad, Soviet heroes, Marshals of the Soviet Union, and the chief of staff of the Union Armed Forces ...
Sergey Fedorovich Akhromeev committed suicide in the office of the Kremlin Building 1. He wrote in his suicide note:
"When the motherland is about to perish, and the whole meaning of my life is destroyed, I can't live anymore. My age and the life course I walked give me the right to die, and I fight to the end of my life.
This is a veteran who joined the Soviet Red Army at the age of seventeen. He participated in the most tragic World War II and fought against the German invaders in the ice and snow. He worked out all plans to invade Afghanistan, from the bottom to the marshal.
Akhromeev is undoubtedly a spiritual symbol of Soviet officers and soldiers. His death was like an explosive nuclear bomb, shocked and burst, destroying the will of the army.
Colonel Isakoff would rather participate in a mortal battle and lay down his life on the battlefield. Even if he died without a name, he would not be willing to face a greedy foreign robber like Zhou Qingfeng.
Zhou Qingfeng asked ‘what ’s needed’, and the colonel did n’t know what to ask for? Maybe he wants to go back in time, let everything go back to the past, and give the league the opportunity to correct mistakes, remove corrupted bodies, and regain vitality.
But now only daze and regret.
"I can provide a batch of gold." Zhou Qingfeng said voluntarily, he shouted outside the door of the office: "Marcus, go and bring the boxes I brought."
There was a response outside the door, and after a while the footsteps returned, knocking on the door.
The soldiers guarding the door came carrying four heavy boxes, and they clattered loudly on the large desk. Zhou Qingfeng personally opened it, and it was full of Huang Cancan's gold bars.
But Colonel Isakov didn't take a look at all. He even sneered with contempt.
Zhou Qingfeng had to say for the other party: "Your soldiers will not follow you, they are locals. You need this gold."
That's right, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Kiev Military Region will become the Ermao's National Defense Force next year. The soldiers do not even need to change their uniforms, and the equipment is ready-made.
The only thing left is the top senior officers, who will return to Moscow to take up new positions. Even Colonel Isaacoff is so.
Under such circumstances, what can we expect from a few 'patriots'? Generals ca n’t wait to hurry up and sell what they can sell. At this time, cash is king and gold is better.
But the colonel did n’t touch the four suitcases. He asked the soldiers to close the suitcase and take it out of the office. He said coldly to Zhou Qingfeng, ‘wait here’, and turned away.
Marcos, who was stopped outside the door, entered the office and whispered, "Boss, the gold just worth millions of dollars. Did you just send it like this?"
The current US dollar is still very valuable. One million US dollars is a huge asset, enough to make people comfortable for a lifetime-provided that the price does not rise arbitrarily within thirty years.
Zhou Qingfeng shook his head bitterly, Marcos could not understand his thoughts.
After a full hour, Colonel Isakov returned. This time he was a major general. The latter said in a more arrogant order: "Mr. Zhou, we agree to deal with you.
You can buy any equipment you want at a reasonable price, but you must pay in dollars and gold. "
Zhou Qingfeng shook his head, "Those gold is in return for the friendship of General Chechevatov. As for the equipment in your warehouse, I can only pay for it with light industrial products."
The new major general frowned and said in a cold voice: "Then the cost of your friendship is far from enough."
"If you want more friendship, it depends on how much equipment you can give me? Open your arsenal, I need to pick one."
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