Chapter 594: You're right

Barrackea camp, ‘Pushkin’ platform numbered pt-76.
Megan was sitting on the stone steps of the platform, looking up at the fan squeaked overhead. A stream of water droplets flowed out of the gap in the pipe, causing black moss to grow on the wall.
This place is an underground train station and the space is huge.
Outsiders can hardly imagine that Mao Xiong has built a complex permanent fortification group under the vast Ukrainian plain. Here is just like the ‘Mackinaw Line’, using terrain and features to create an underground city.
The Ukrainian plain is too large, which is very conducive to the attack of armored forces. Ermao is the main grain production area of ​​the alliance. Once it is occupied by the enemy, the alliance will be destroyed.
In order to avoid the enemy's breakthrough from the south, Mao Xiong spent a lot of money after World War II, using the Dnieper River as a natural barrier to build a long defense line.
Barrackea camp is only part of the line of defense.
It was impossible to allow Americans to come and visit this top-secret place. But now Ermao is independent and can't wait to show his new life and be different.
The ‘Pushkin’ platform is located underground in the Barrackea camp. A dozen diesel locomotives are parked on the rails of the platform. Special lifts and forklifts are responsible for handling.
When necessary, a transport company can operate equipment to transport weapons and equipment stored above and below the camp to other directions.
The entire line of defense has bunkers, artillery bases, hospitals, barracks, field kitchens, repair plants and arsenals, power stations and water supply facilities.
Every entrance and exit of the defense line has a huge iron gate. The hundreds of tons of iron doors are shielded by lead layers and must be opened and closed by high-horsepower diesel engines. This design is strong and convenient enough to survive a nuclear bomb attack.
Facilities that could be built with countless funds are now completely abandoned.
Beautiful frescoes are painted on the ceiling of the ‘Pushkin’ platform. However, the murals have been mottled and mold has grown.
The wall of the platform is inlaid with porcelain paintings of "Mother Motherland is calling". Now the fine paintings shattered the ground, revealing rough walls.
Megan was sitting next to the cracked tiles in a mixed mood. As an enemy, one day I found that my goal of struggling to fight suddenly turned into a counsel, and I felt uncomfortable.
The nuclear bomb did not come, the Third World War did not come, and the end did not come. The world is still calm. The defense line, which was built with a lot of money, failed to come in handy.
It was broken without any battle.
There must be a lot of weeping stories about the construction of this kind of human miracle. But now no one cares how many soldiers and workers have built this unparalleled underground fortress.
Everything was forgotten and was ruthlessly thrown into the historical garbage dump.
Megan was sitting on the steps, with a walkie-talkie at his feet, and the electric current squeaked. Partner Daniel is calling her, "Meghan, please answer."
"Daniel, I'm here." Xiaoyang Niu grabbed the intercom and pressed the talk button.
"Where did you go?"
"I'm on the 'Pushkin' platform."
"Where are you going? I'm looking for you everywhere."
Xiaoyang Niu sighed and whispered: "When I entered the camp, the guard's reaction made me feel that more than one of our teams had been here recently. I wanted to find out who else here if I left the team?"
Daniel also sighed, "Rookie, what did you find? Do you know that the guards here have every reason to kill any outsiders running around?"
"Forget it. I gave the guard a sum of money and said I wanted to see the 'underground miracle built by the Great Soviet', so they let me visit it casually.
We are Americans and the guards are very friendly to me. They even gave me a picture of the underground passage to remind me not to get lost. Of course, that map cost me five hundred dollars.
As you said, the league is over.
The ground was empty, and I didn't find anything suspicious. I met some soldiers on patrol. They all said that most of the underground area was abandoned and no one had maintained it for many years.
If I could pay some money, the soldiers expressed their willingness to take me around. I was really emotionalized by their passion, which is really ironic. "
Xiaoyang Niu felt dull. If this place is strictly guarded, she may be interested in exploring around. But now there are maps bought for five hundred dollars, and even soldiers are willing to lead the way.
This is too boring.
As for the ground guard's abnormal performance, Meghan also felt that he was too minded-such a place to come and go, no secrets could be concealed.
Daniel laughed a few times, "The area where the nuclear bomb is stored is more guarded. But we are still unobstructed. The experts of the verification team went in. They are estimated to stay inside for a while.
Megan, do you want to come to the underground shooting range? I have discussed with the guard here. As long as it costs very little money, all light and heavy weapons can be played casually. If I pay for oil, they even allow me to drive the tank.
I have selected more than a dozen Soviet-style firearms and am ready to bring them back to enrich my collection. It's really cheap, very cheap.
There are too many weapons and ammunition here, all prepared for the Third World War. Enough to play for a lifetime. "
It was originally an intense nuclear weapon verification, but in Daniel's mouth he was an arms show.
Megan knew that his partner had been an agent for many years, calm and experienced, and an extraordinary skill. Its only hobby is collecting weapons and equipment from all over the world.
The two chatted for a while. Daniel said that his walkie-talkie was almost dead and needed to change batteries. He reminded Megan not to run around and return to the nuclear bomb storage area as soon as possible.
Xiaoyang Niu got up with a smile and walked back along the underground passage. The air in the aisle is not very good, and the lamps are all old models with iron bars. In addition to the sound of dripping, only footsteps echoed.
After walking a few hundred meters, Daniel's low-pitched call sounded on the intercom, "Meghan, are you there?"
"Yes, what's wrong?"
"The colonel named Isaac ..." Daniel's voice was very low, as if he was hiding somewhere secretly sending messages.
The radio can only be contacted by pressing the talk button, and there is no sound when it is released.
Daniel stopped after half of what he said. Obviously something happened and he had to release the call button.
Megan stood in the empty underground corridor, staring at the intercom in his hand. She stayed for a second or two, but soon realized that her partner must have been in trouble and was inconvenient to speak.
She did not know the specific situation and did not dare to take the initiative to talk. Because as soon as she presses the call button, the intercom in Daniel's hand will ring, which may cause more trouble.
After waiting for more than ten seconds, Daniel still didn't respond.
Meghan was anxious and started running at a large pace, wanting to run back quickly to see what happened? She ran more and more anxiously, blushing.
The ‘Pushkin’ station, code-named pt-76, is not far from the nuclear bomb storage area. The two are connected areas. But when Megan ran halfway, the intercom suddenly rang.
Daniel pressed the call button. A few gunshots were heard from the intercom, followed by a desperate but depressive cry from the agent: "Michelle, you are right. Hope you can survive. . "
The voice of the intercom suddenly stopped. The call button on the opposite side is released with one press.
Megan's swift footsteps had to be stopped, and her footsteps echoed in the underground passage. But she didn't know whether she should continue to move forward or escape.
In the end what happened?
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