Chapter 657: Warm sauna

After Lviv left, Zhou Qingfeng excitedly announced to Lin Wan and others that they had opened the Ermao market. It's just that Secretary Lin and others have long been exhausted and are not excited at all.
It was already two o'clock in the morning, and everyone really needed a rest.
The lights of the hotel's "Malevich" conference hall were turned off, and computers and fax machines were turned on. The people packed up their documents and went back to their rooms.
Lin Wan and others are valuable assets of the company. Zhou Qingfeng's career is booming, and the health of outstanding employees can be better served for the 'Holy Light'.
On the way back to the room, Lin Wan turned her head and found that Assistant Mao Mei, who lived with her, did not keep up. After thinking for a while, she scolded ‘smelly man’ and went back to bed.
The night was quiet in the hotel, a few invisible ghosts floating under the floor wandering around the ‘Malevich’ conference hall, guarding the group secrets inside. If someone breaks in, it will inevitably be intimidated.
In the hallway outside the conference hall, the big wave assistant Mao Mei leaned over her head, silently watching Lin Wan leave, turned around and pressed the elevator to the presidential suite on the fifth floor, knocking on the door.
A few times, it was Marcos who opened the door.
This tall and strong man is nominally the overseas director, but he has no interest in management and is used to being alone. At this moment, he worked part-time as a bodyguard, looked down at the assistant Mao Mei, and pouted.
Assistant Mao Mei tried to make herself smile brighter and greeted: "Sorry, I have to disturb you so late. I have some personal problems and want to occupy the president for a few minutes."
Marcos snorted, opened the door, and said, "I guess you will take more than a few minutes."
The interior of the suite is luxurious and bright. The entrance is the living room, bar, and separate balcony. During the cold weather, the floor-to-ceiling windows are closed, but the curtains are pulled up to see the prosperous night view of Moscow.
Assistant Mao Mei came in with a smile, and Marcos led the way: "Boss is in the sauna."
"There is also a sauna in this suite?"
"For thousands of dollars a day, it's normal to temporarily arrange a sauna."
Walking through the living room, the bathroom next to the master bedroom was converted into a sauna. Marcos stood at the door and knocked on the door. "Boss, someone wants to report to you in private."
There was a sound in the sauna, and steam and steam came out of the door. Assistant Mao Sister just wanted to push the door in. Marcos asked next to him, "Are you not going to change clothes?"
The sauna, of course, has to change clothes.
Next to it was the dressing room. Assistant Mao Mei appeared in a large bath towel in just two minutes and appeared again, charming and charming.
The door of the sauna opened again, and Marcos stood at the door and asked helplessly: "boss, should I go outside for a drink and come back after dawn?"
"You can go to bed." Uncle Zhou's voice heard from the sauna.
Assistant Mao Sister was wrapped in a bath towel in excitement and the door closed. Marcos muttered outside the door: "Someone knocks on the door every night, how does this make people sleep?"
The mist in the sauna was so foggy, Zhou Qingfeng was lying on a massage table, covered with a bath towel, and two Maomei stood on the left and right to give him shiatsu.
There was another girl who stood pitifully in the corner, holding a water scoop to water the hot stones.
Mao Mei, who came in late, exclaimed: "How come there are so many people in the middle of the night? Are these guys not sleepy? The competition is really fierce."
The news about ‘Holy Light’ has been constant for the past two or three months. As long as you read the news casually, you can know the value of President ‘Holy Light’.
Even in Moscow, people are rumored that this young man has great powers and is rich in the enemy.
Later, Mao Mei found that she came too late and had no place to intervene. She could only untie the bath towels and sat generously across from the president.
Because the bathroom is temporarily converted into a sauna, the internal space is limited.
Uncle Zhou was lying on the massage table, looked up at the later Mao sister, and said with a smile: "Hello, beautiful lady, what are you going to drink?"
A special ice-cold wine bottle is placed in the hot sauna, which is frozen with ice ..., a few bottles of cola.
The sitting Mao Mei grabbed the Coke bottle and was amused, and asked, "Your Excellency, do you drink this?"
Zhou Qingfeng also smiled and sat up calmly, letting the two Maomei snuggle behind him.
"I am the president, and I have a net worth of over 100 million US dollars. I will soon exceed 1 billion. If I can't decide what I like to drink? What's the point of making so much?"
After being in the sauna for a long time, I feel more bored and drink a cold coke.
"Are you the assistant next to Lin Wan? What's the matter?"
The sitting Mao Mei pursed her lips and said strongly: "My name is Katya. I have been in the job for a month and I have made friends with Miss Lin.
She told me a lot about herself and talked about anecdotes about the president. I think I am fully capable of replacing her. "
The sitting Mao Mei overlapped her legs, smiled confidently, and looked up at Zhou Qingfeng with her head straight. She has been thinking about the scene tonight for a long time, and has made many assumptions.
Very straightforward.
Zhou Qingfeng smiled and looked behind him, saying with joy, "Three girls have already said something similar."
In the sauna room, there was a sudden sword sword, and some Mao girls were murderous.
Zhou Qingfeng said right again: "Holy Light" will open a branch in Moscow and it needs a group of capable and highly motivated employees.
We hope to continue to expand into Eastern and even Western European countries after taking a firm foothold in the Moscow market, undertake more orders, and earn greater profits. Therefore, there is no shortage of high-paying positions. "
The world trading system in the 1990s was quite mature. However, due to differences in development, the prices of the same commodity in different regions vary greatly. The profit of international trade is very considerable.
In the early days of reform, domestic foreign traders basically made a profit. For example, hk, a re-export trading port, has natural tariffs and comprador advantages, so it ’s really good to be a second trader.
Another example is the textile industry is the main industry of domestic capital accumulation. The Comprador knows how much raw materials are needed for each export product in the country, there are several production processes, and the cost per unit price of each product.
Foreign orders are outsourced to domestic textile enterprises for OEM production. With a little profit, domestic manufacturers can break the head, but all the money is made by importers and exporters.
‘Holy Light’ worked in Moscow for three months. Although it was only a barter trade, it could make more money than the company desperately selling entertainment products in the East Asian market.
Although foreign exchange cannot be earned, heavy industrial products obtained from Da Mao are destined for domestic shipment. The real boom in production and sales has driven a wave of economic growth.
As long as this continues for a few years, the "Holy Light" will inevitably develop into a giant.
"My dear, I would like to ask, what do you think of our current business activities? Any thoughts on the economic development of your country next?" Zhou Qingfeng asked a question.
The sitting Mao Mei apparently thought deeply. She really didn't expect that she would accept the president's interview in a very 'candid' attitude in the sauna.
"I think the company has done very well in information communication and the decision-making process is simple and fast, which is extremely rare for commercial trade.
The current market in Moscow is large enough to sell as much as you can, so capacity is the bottleneck for the company ’s development.
In addition, the barter trade is too limited. Although this avoids the problem of lack of foreign exchange, it also limits the expansion of trade volume. But there seems to be no good way.
As for the economic development in Moscow, I believe that after liberalization and democratization, it will usher in comprehensive development. Especially the latest ‘shock therapy’ is about to begin, which will inevitably solve all our current problems. "
Shock therapy?
Poof ... Uncle Zhou squirted a coke.
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