Chapter 663: Back to light (3)

At the beginning of February 1992, only a few days after the Spring Festival, dozens of sorts of Tu-154 brought thousands of young people from the country. The age ranges from fifteen six to twenty three four, both men and women.
Considering that there are few domestic colleges and universities, Zhou Qingfeng proposed to use the Damao family's education system to train his own engineering and technical personnel. Xiao Jinlang, who has extensive domestic connections, began to be busy.
Due to tight time, it is only one month of preparation. Lao Xiao simply selected 5,000 overseas students to train students and sent them to colleges and research institutes in Da Mao.
Some of these students have good academic performance in the country, but they dropped out of school because of family poverty. Some graduated from colleges and universities and are willing to go to Da Mao's home to continue their studies. There are also children of model workers at all levels.
They have signed a training and employment contract with ‘Holy Light’ and will complete the language preparatory study in a short time before being assigned to different majors in different colleges.
How short the matriculation course is depends on how many magical gems of "speaking language" Zhou Qingfeng can exchange with the power of faith.
It is said that Zhou Qingfeng can quickly cultivate talents through the ‘thought storm’. But the current thousands of people are only the first batch. If the follow-up is successful, it will gradually increase to tens of thousands. With so many numbers, he really can't figure it out.
"Holy Light" currently has too few high-end talents available, and the level is uneven. Zhou Qingfeng's ambition in cultivating talents is enormous, and setting up a technical school in China has not yet met his requirements.
At present, Damao's teaching level is very good, the strength of basic subjects is strong, and the cost of study and living is low. It is suitable for being a training base for high-end talents.
"Holy Light" has become the focus of media coverage. Zhou Qingfeng announced the recruitment of free students studying abroad, and the national media have drawn a lot of publicity to help him harvest a wave of faith.
When most parents heard that it was ‘Holy Light’, they no matter where they were sent, they squeezed in to sign up.
This year, everyone feels good to go abroad, but there is a good chance to go abroad. The competition for 5,000 places is fiercer than the college entrance examination.
Countless people who want to plug in people come in, and it is commonplace to call and deliver notes. In order to balance the interests, Xiao Jinlang can be choked.
The ‘Holy Light’ booth is getting bigger and bigger, and there are really some power exchanges.
Half of these 5,000 students are Tianyang people, and most of the rest are children of employees of third-tier enterprises, and some other provinces and cities come from the back door.
They haven't traveled abroad for the first time. It's the first time in their lives to fly. When they arrived in Moscow, they were ignorant. They were taken away by rented passenger cars like marionettes.
Although Tianyang is developing rapidly, it is still far from the capital of Da Mao. The students sat in the car and looked out the window, marveling at the bustling European cities.
Xiao Jinlang came with the first group of students. He also came back to Moscow for the first time and felt admired for the heart of this red empire. Before coming, I thought about going to the Red Square to see Lenin's tomb and the Kremlin.
"How can a powerful alliance collapse?"
Xiao Jinlang was filled with emotion in the car. He is the generation who was born in the Red Banner and grew up in a new society. He has been a powerful empire of the Red Empire since childhood.
Whether it is the assistance of ‘Big Brother’ or Su Xiu’s evil, it reflects the power of a powerful country.
In the eyes of others, Sino-Soviet once wore a pair of pants well.
However, Sino-Soviet relations have deteriorated in 60 years. The alliance has withdrawn all experts and assistance. The two sides have been arguing with each other and there have been many conflicts along the border.
Mao Xiong also considered giving us a nuclear bomb.
The honeymoon period for both parties is only 11 years.
At that time, the impact of the Korean War was still there, and the national economy was in the recovery stage. We were caught between the United States and the Soviet Union, and our family was thin. We were worried that the other party’s armor torrent would come over.
In order to deal with the coalition's large-scale tank troops, the country racked its brains to think about how to counter armor. Almost all weapon design revolves around this, and a lot of helpless equipment and policies have been created.
So in the 1980s, the teddy bear hit Afghanistan, and the rabbit and eagle sauce teamed up to dig together. It can also be regarded as a force for the accelerated death of the bear.
It's just that no one thought that the bear would actually die, and no one thought that the eagle sauce would be so strong.
Sitting in the bus, Xiao Jinlang felt that Moscow was more prosperous and more modern than the imperial capital. But even such a strong country has not resisted the eagle sauce, and changed for the rabbits?
The imperial capital is like a big rural village. There are not many cars on Chang'an Street. It's like a suburb when you leave the third ring road. This question is raised now, and no one dares to say yes.
The first batch of ‘Holy Light’ 150 international students was sent by the Ministry of Education of Da Mao to receive them. Xiao Jinlang felt the enthusiasm of the other party when he got off the plane. In order to let the students learn the true skills, Zhou Qingfeng spent real money.
All the rookies lived in the dormitory of international students of Moscow State University, and eating, drinking, and sleeping were all covered by the Holy Light. I also pay a living allowance every month, and I still give it in dollars.
The ruble could not be sent, and the value of the thing depreciated too quickly.
After learning that all international students have pocket money of fifty dollars, a university assistant who was responsible for the reception took the initiative to introduce to Xiao Jinlang: "Dear friends, you must buy some daily necessities?
The state-owned shops near the school have recently been privatized, and the supply of goods is very sufficient. Western countries provide us with unlimited supply. I can take you to see, there is definitely something you like. "
The assistant teacher was extremely enthusiastic. Xiao Jinlang couldn't hide his face, and it was even harder to quit. He could only pull a few student representatives and visit the privatized shops of Da Mao.
It is not far away, but it is far away. Xiao Jinlang and others followed the teaching assistant to make a bus to a department store called Gum in the city.
This mall is a bit old. It was built at the end of the nineteenth century. It has a glass vault and transparent interior. It adopts a three-storey three-row corridor design. The decoration style remains the same, but it is quite exotic.
As soon as I entered the store, the heat wave was rolling, the crowd was surging, and my eyes were really lively.
There are many shops in the mall, and the shelves are dazzling, ranging from clothing appliances to non-staple food toys. Mao Zi, who was wearing a heavy coat, put the clothes in the storage, and began to purchase with ecstasy, and the enthusiasm for consumption was extremely high.
Xiao Jinlang is okay, after all, he has experienced much. However, many of the students he brought came from the countryside, and all of them were like dumplings. When they entered the door, they were dazzled by the decoration of the shopping mall and raised their heads.
The assistant tutor Mao Zi was extremely proud, "How is it? My dear friend, this mall is not bad. It is the result of the privatization reform. Western countries have helped us achieve socialism."
Since Xiao Jinlang reached Moscow, he suffocated. You can see these scenes but nothing to say. It’s useless to tell the common people the truth.
From the initial feelings, Xiao Jinlang can only sigh. His vision is already the most outstanding in China, but he can't criticize the situation in front of him.
Mao Zi now feels that the West is good, and the nine-headed cow cannot pull back.
When he first got off the plane, Lao Xiao was still sighing for the disintegration of the alliance. But now I find myself seemingly worrying about the sky. Isn't it a good life for others, even better than in the past?
"Oh, it's really good." Lao Xiao couldn't help but shake a little, "how did this happen?"
The tour guide assistant replied proudly, "We have accepted freedom and democracy, relying on Western aid"
As soon as the words "Western Aid" came out, Lao Xiao's face was extremely strange. He asked weakly, "Is the aid given in vain? If we don't have to pay, we also want it."
The tour guide assistant stuck immediately.
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