Chapter 668: Domestic situation (6)

After World War II, the Japanese economy recovered rapidly. In 54 years, its economic indicators exceeded the pre-war level. In order to further develop and obtain resources, opening overseas markets becomes the key.
East Asia, which has a large population but is backward in industry, has become the primary dumping ground for Japanese goods. But the gang of countries in Southeast Asia is really poor, the political situation is chaotic, and they are not thinking about making progress.
Nanbang was poorer than Beibang for a long time, and began to develop in the 1970s. On the contrary, the flower growers engaged in socialist construction are booming and have a vast market.
This is also an important internal cause of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations in 72 years. After this, ideology is no longer an obstacle to the development of relations between the two countries. Even though politics is often cold, the economy has always maintained steady development.
But relying solely on the accumulation of funds by flower growers, it is obviously not enough to meet the sales demand of Japan. Therefore, since 1979, Japan has promoted yen loans to China.
Use Japanese money to buy Japanese equipment, and make money to repay debts.
Compared with loans from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Japanese yen loans do not have too many political demands and no harsh additional conditions.
These loans are relatively simple, with low interest and long periods, which is a win-win conscience.
Japan has promoted its products, gained market, and promoted the development of its own economy. Domestically, funds and technology were obtained at a lower cost, which accelerated socialist construction.
In total, these loans amounted to 320 billion yen, or about 30 billion US dollars. By 2007, this low-interest loan was terminated. We don't need it anymore.
In the past two decades or so, large domestic projects have basically had the shadow of Japanese yen loans. A large number of Japanese construction machinery flooded in and appeared on domestic construction sites.
There are many countries that take loans in Japanese Yen, and the waste wood in Southeast Asia has a share. But what can really develop is a flower cultivator who has always been self-reliant-so money is important, but hard work is more important.
Relative to the government's yen loans, the Japanese Commercial Bank also hopes to find good partners. However, before the 1990s, there was no private economy at all, and there was no target for loans.
When ‘Holy Light Entertainment’ sells comic books on hk, ‘Sumitomo Mitsui’ is keenly aware of its breakthrough significance. ‘Holy Light’ is a private conglomerate with a mainland background, and it is developing rapidly with abundant cash flow.
As for the question of whether to sell comic books ‘environmentally friendly’ or not ‘environmentally friendly’, this is not a problem at all. As long as you make money, how about smuggling to Japan by small fish boat? That is your ability.
Watanabe was a bit selfish when he forced the third-party audit. He went back to Japan several times to recruit people, and saw that his domestic enterprises had difficulty operating and unemployment soared.
At this time, the Bank of Japan is desperately tightening the money, causing great blood loss to Japanese companies-this intellectually impaired approach is also a breakthrough in imagination.
But banks just need to do financial business. Isn't it necessary to sit back and forth without loans? If money is lost in the vault and no litter can be born, it is necessary to lend it out.
Watanabe had contacted Sumitomo Mitsui in Japan and recommended the "Holy Light". But Bank of Japan is not a philanthropist. It must know how many assets ‘Holy Light’ has.
Watanabe then went around and urged the introduction of third-party auditing-he knew that if he directly let the Bank of Japan audit, this would definitely not be possible.
The results of the audit are very encouraging. The "Holy Light" Group is not a cash cow at all. It is a banknote printing machine that is generating excessive profits every minute.
Watanabe introduced more than 200 Japanese employees, and the addition of these people also gave ‘Sumitomo Mitsui’ great confidence that ‘Holy Light’ was not exclusive, and it did not hinder the acceptance of foreign ideas and management.
It also has no worries about disclosing its financial status.
The audit of ‘Holy Light’ can even see the ambition of this group. It lays out information and sales networks all over the country, and even reaches out abroad.
The transport aircraft that accepts the "Holy Light" lease transports 3,000 tons of cargo back and forth every day, and the railway freighter is both day and night. The sales of light and heavy industrial products of both sides are excellent, and almost zero inventory has been achieved.
Watanabe had long been thinking about how to propose to Zhou Qingfeng to accept a loan from a Japanese commercial bank. This time, the president actually took the initiative to invite-Tianci has a good opportunity, and Tianyang's bank is still hesitant...
No, they came to grab food.
Current domestic banks are not as flexible as foreign banks. They must see actual collateral before they can lend. But gold is a real collateral. At most, this time the mortgage amount is high.
This situation was reported directly to the Imperial Capital. The emperor heard that there were thirty tons of gold, and he agreed without hesitation.
Although calculated from the current gold price, 30 tons of gold is not worth 10 billion yuan. But this involves the structure of the financial system.
The currency was originally issued in excess. Because soft sister coins can be printed, gold cannot.
Here again we have to repeat the same chanting-there is currently a huge shortage of hard currency in China. The foreign exchange reserves in 1992 were less than US$20 billion, which was lower than in 1991.
By 1994, the country was really unable to bear it. The exchange rate of the soft sister currency against the US dollar plunged from one to five to one to eight. It was really a least better than Da Mao and Japan in the same period.
Zhou Qingfeng is only a mortgage, but the domestic central bank is eager to break the contract and not pay. The collateral was confiscated.
Against this background, both domestic and foreign sides are rushing to provide loans to the Holy Light. Both sides offer various preferential conditions, and they hope to break this breakthrough business.
Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted only a loan, but did not expect to have two partners.
The annual interest rate of Japanese loans is 4%, 30 billion yen, which is equivalent to more than 7 billion soft sister coins. Twenty years of loan, allowing only interest to be paid in the first five years, and repayment of principal in the later period.
The advantage is that it is mortgage-free, and the disadvantage is that this loan does not directly give money, but instead purchases Japanese products. The use of purchased products must be subject to Japanese supervision, so as not to be resold.
Domestically, due to inflation, the interest rate is 10%, but the loan amount can be increased to 12 billion soft sister coins. It must be mortgaged with 30 tons of gold and must be used for infrastructure construction in Tianyang.
Children only make choices. I need both loans.
Zhou Qingfeng stayed in Moscow without moving his nest. He sent Aileen as a representative to return to Tianyang and took out the gold stored in the basement of the headquarters in exchange for a loan.
Tianyang is located in the south with abundant rainfall. Surrounded by mountainous areas, the conditions for building small hydropower stations are excellent. For Tianyang to develop, electricity supply must keep up.
Of course, the optical investment power station is not yet insured, and it should invest in contacting the surrounding power grid. Only when the two match with each other, can they play better.
With hydropower stations, not only flood control and power generation, but also promote agricultural irrigation and facilitate agricultural investment in the Tianyang area. This is a very profitable thing.
Within thirty years, the population of Tianyang will exceed 10 million. The power grid covering this area will be a cash cow, and energy will continue to generate profits.
In order to avoid devaluation, it is necessary to spend the loan as soon as possible.
Zhou Qingfeng's ambitions sharply expanded. He will use the money to build roads to build houses, run schools to build hospitals, build water power stations, pull power grids to spread communications, and build Tianyang Aircraft Manufacturing Plant.
As for the Japanese 30 billion yen?
Zhou Qingfeng asked Watanabe to make a special trip, "Go and ask, what can be sold in the semiconductor industry in Japan?"
(My public account ‘Take a Taoist’ has been restored. Share some real dry goods today-how does the public account make money?
This is not an advertisement, it is a way out of heart. )
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