Chapter 69: compromise

Keeping it going is not the way, there must be a compromise.
Zhou Qingfeng and Inessa, one who came to the realm of the world, struggled to escape the Black Forest and found a safe place to live; a bumpy, lonely business force, seized every opportunity to get rid of the fate of fate.
From the beginning, the two started arguing with each other until the needle-point quarrel with Mai Mang.
Enissa pressed Zhou Qingfeng, gritted her teeth and said, "I should have lived in the warm south, lived in a spacious and beautiful castle, a tailor tailored me a beautiful long dress, and a servant delivered iced wine.
I should listen to opera, watch the circus, go on vacation, and enjoy everything a noble should enjoy. But I lived in this ghost place for ten years. I was like a piece of rotten rotten meat, attracting ugly and ignorant flies around me all day.
You don't even know how painful these days are! "
Zhou Qingfeng was pressed on the reclining chair, and it was found that the woman was not big, but she had considerable strength, and he couldn't move when it was completely suppressed. He blushed and said with a lip to his lips, "You are going to run into the Black Forest, what is it to me? No one is stopping you.
Why should I die for you idiots in the Black Forest? You are all selfish, shameless, and bullied by a group of goblins. Like your village of flames, surrendered. Are you still human? Any shame? "
The word 'Shame' enraged Enessa, and she increased her strength again. She couldn't breathe by pressing Zhou Qingfeng and screamed angrily: "You're right, it's shameful to surrender to the goblin But what can I do?
I only have more than a hundred people, less than ten adventurers who can fight, and all my old family members who followed me. They are all old, and the rest are all useless slave waste.
The situation in other villages can't be better. Why should I accuse me of a woman?
Because everyone is too stupid, this shows your preciousness. I don't care if you are confused or deceived, you have united people anyway. This is something no one has done for more than 50 years. I must not miss such a good opportunity.
I don't want to keep hiding in the Black Forest, I haven't wasted for another decade. I must decently go back to the south to get back everything I lost that year. Let those who insult me, ridicule me, and expel me all pay the price. "
The woman's tone was strong, but tears filled her eyes. She had a sour heart, but stubbornly refused to say a few words of entreaty, and only knew that she was holding Zhou Qingfeng hard to force him to promise herself.
Zhou Qingfeng was unable to breathe under the pressure of Inessa, and he had to struggle desperately to try to push away the woman. But this woman was born with a strange power that could not be pushed alive.
Enissa asked again, "Shit, do you agree?"
Zhou Qingfeng breathed quickly, exclaimed angrily, "Why did you do this to force others to agree?"
Enissa gritted her teeth even more.
Uncle Zhou took a few breaths and had to fight in vain. I can't breathe, how can I resist? In the end, he could only ‘nodded and expressed his attitude.
"Aren't you agreeing to be nonsense?" Inessa asked with a stern face.
"Forcing others like this is useless." Zhou Qingfeng said, "There is a saying called‘ strong twisted melon is not sweet. ’

"I never heard such a proverb." Inessa fiercely
Uncle Zhou waved his hands in fright, "Wait, let me finish."
"I want to lead a strong enough team to leave the Black Forest. This is not an excessive demand. For this I can give myself to you, now it is only a small reward."
Zhou Qingfeng took a few deep breaths in a row, and after breathing calmly, he said seriously, "I don't want any reward from you, nor will I help you build a strong team. All I want is to leave this ghost place peacefully.
To achieve this goal, the human forces in the Black Forest must be integrated. I want the appointment, removal, and command of personnel. Otherwise, with the stupid sands outside, I will help them win again and again and eventually they will fail. "
"Ah, stink boy, finally revealing your true colors."
When Zhou Qingfeng made this request, Inessa suddenly smiled slyly. She swiped her finger slightly and tickled the boy's chin, humming twice, "I know you don't really want to leave, but you are forcing those stupid people to let go."
Zhou Qingfeng was unhappy with this ‘hook his chin’ motion, shook his head and shook his face, and stretched his face to show that he was angry. Inisha didn't take it seriously, instead she meditated, "I heard that you have the ability to direct the battle. Those dalits are very good at you.
I can bring everyone in Blaze Village to your command, and I can do it myself "
When heard that Inessa was going to pull the whole village for a large pot of rice, Zhou Qingfeng immediately shook her head and said, "Now there is not enough food, I don't want so many people."
This time it was Enissa's smirk. "Our village is out of grain. This time I came to Schroeder to borrow grain. I brought all the gold coins in the village, and even brought myself. . "
At the end, Inissa's voice turned low. "Most of the villagers of Blaze Village were my family members who followed me and fled from the Principality of Oss. They were always loyal to me. I can't give them up."
"I'll give them a bite at most."
"Yes, just hungry."
Having decided on the flame village, Inisha said, "Schroeder is dead, and the barbarian in the Rat Rat Village has no boss. I'll help you solicit them. Those guys are quite capable except for their appetite. . "
The essence of the two villages fell into the hands of Zhou Qingfeng, and he could have about 15 adventurers, 50 armed attendants, and an additional 200 slaves. These are mouths to eat, but they are also 'obedient' that can barely be considered obedient.
Inisha continued: "Take your anger as a reason for the other leader to temporarily surrender a third of his staff. This is another 30 adventurers and a hundred armed attendants. We can also let them provide some food, Eat at least five more days.
In this way, you have enough power to run through the Black Forest. If you can get more involved, the person under your command temporarily can even stay permanently and follow you all the time. This is a huge human wealth. "
"Permanently stay?" Zhou Qingfeng sneered, "I really don't care about those adventurers, just temporary command. Isn't it permanent to stay in charge if I stay forever? I don't do it. But your opinion is very good Yes, just do it. "
Inessa finally smiled and kissed the teenager's face again. Seeing Zhou Qingfeng's expression of fear of kissing and resisting, she suddenly felt very happy.
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