Chapter 702: GTA-soon (9)

Alsie attracted firepower in the direction of Hong Kong Island, and almost emptied the shells she was carrying until midnight. But her fierce faction made the British guy who tried to suppress her completely lose his temper, and his morale dropped to zero.
But in the direction of Kowloon Bay, the situation is different.
Zhou Qingfeng squatted on the top of the building where the vault is located, carrying an rt-20 anti-material rifle, aiming at the top floor of a high-rise commercial center about 400 meters away.
On the top floor, there was a two-man team of Flying Tigers. A Remington m-700 sniper rifle fell behind the wall. Under the rifle was a uniformed sniper corpse.
Observe that the hand is leaning against the wall, and the chest undulates violently. In front of him, the partner's head was completely gone, and his skull was broken like a burst. A bloodstain was scattered on the top floor, barely recognizing broken bones and brains.
Death is just an instant.
The observation hand is still breathing, and a call is heard from the intercom, "Eagle Eye Three, the eagle calls Eagle Eye Three. Are you seated? Please answer."
Observe that your hands are shaking, and press the talk button on the harness on your chest. He said with a trembling fear: "I am Eagle Eye Three, and we are in place."
"Did you find anything?"
"Ashou is dead."
"We just came up, and A Shou had a good gun. I was too late to observe. A bullet came from the direction of the vault..." The observer choked, "There is a sniper across from him, a very powerful sniper. He It's on the top of the vault."
There was silence on the intercom.
Observe the tears in the corners of his eyes, but after releasing the call button, he reached out to grab the m700 that his partner had dropped. But at the moment he touched the firearm, a 20-mm bullet projected from hundreds of meters away, breaking down the extended wall on the roof.
Observe that if the hand was hit by a heavy hammer, the bullet shot from under his left rib and shot from the right front chest. But he seemed to encounter a crosscut, in addition to a splash of blood, his body was broken in two.
The rt-20 produced in Croatia uses 20mm caliber ammunition. It is specially used for long-distance anti-equipment, it is no problem to deal with light armored vehicles, and it is easy to penetrate the wall.
Only the night wind roared on the roof.
A few seconds later, the intercom rang again, "Eagle Eye Three, we order you to withdraw. Let others take over your task. Hello, Eagle Eye Three, you can withdraw. Hello..."
Above the two bodies, a goblin fluttered its wings silently, reporting to Zhou Qingfeng that the enemy had been eliminated.
There is also a ghost fluttering, constantly patrolling. Within the five hundred meters of this night, nothing can hide these invisible and unqualified undead.
Zhou Qingfeng withdrew his gun at the top of the vault and looked across other directions. He didn't have any particularly good night vision devices at his hands. He was totally dependent on his own night vision ability and the help of strange maid and ghost.
The power supply in the Kowloon Bay area was damaged, and all the lamps in the street houses were almost completely extinguished.
This is a great convenience for Zhou Qingfeng. He knew in the Black Forest that humans in the night had little combat power.
But things are not over.
Just north of the vault, behind a building about 500 meters away. Several Gurkha soldiers are playing with a light mortar with the cover of the building.
A shell flew from the muzzle ‘Tom’, and after a few seconds it fell from the sky but opened a small parachute, and lit a dazzling light-a flares.
Zhou Qingfeng was flying on the roof of the unobstructed vault, carrying the bulky rt-20 cat waist, and quickly left the original position-the vault is only five floors, compared to the surrounding twenty or thirty floors of buildings, it is not a Very good location.
Under the flares of hundreds of thousands of candles, Zhou Qingfeng's shadow appeared very obvious. He had just moved, firing dense bullets from a distance of a thousand meters away.
The roof of the vault was popped with puffy craters. It seemed that the Britons were really hot and anxious and used heavy weapons in residential areas. This forced Zhou Qingfeng to jump from a five-story building over 20 meters high and continue to move quickly after landing.
The first flare is about to drop and go out, but the second and third rounds are raised one after another. There was a bright hall around the vault, 360 degrees without dead ends.
The Briton also learned to be good and set up shooting positions on high-rise buildings at least one kilometer away. Zhou Qingfeng was attacked from many directions.
"Meow, go find out the enemies who hit the flares." Zhou Qingfeng had no way to take the mortars. He really didn't prepare himself for such a street fighting weapon.
The black cat meows soy sauce around the owner all year round. After listening to the order, it recognizes the trajectory of the lighting projectile and quickly rushes out to find the enemy's artillery position.
Zhou Qingfeng was temporarily forced to hide into the vault by the fire of a multi-angle cross-fire machine gun. He ordered the goblin around him: "Go to the other machine gun position and light them up with dance light."
Pulling the bolt, another bullet was inserted into the rt-20's barrel. This is a very strange-looking firearm. In order to ease the huge recoil, it has a large reaction tube.
However, in addition to being bulky and difficult to operate, its accuracy is okay, and its power is extremely great, suitable for use against light armored targets.
Miao Miao ran a few hundred meters in the dark, and found the mortar team hiding behind the building with flares. She rushed almost silently, clawing the large artery of the main gunner's neck.
Warm blood splashed on the second gunner's face. He had bowed his head to avoid the blast of the projectile, but he could reach for it and his palm was full of blood. When he looked up in surprise, he found that the British officer who commanded the artillery group was falling over his neck.
The flares that continued to lift off gradually fell, but without supplement, darkness fell again. Several machine gun groups that had set fire in the direction of the vault lost their targets and saw nothing.
Gurkha's machine gunners are waiting for the next flare to rise. But a machine gun group suddenly found himself shining light for no reason-in the dark night, this was too conspicuous.
If it is found, it will be attacked.
There was a single burst of single gunfire in the darkness, even dull with shelling. A large-caliber bullet came out of it and crossed a kilometer at a supersonic speed of more than 800 meters per second.
North of the vault, the top of the 30th floor of a community. The group of four machine guns were looking at each other, and the light shining on them was too strange.
But the moment the light appeared, they were lying on the roof of the building alertly, thinking about what happened?
Projectiles with a caliber of 20 millimeters blasted through, penetrating a floor of ten centimeters thick. The reinforced concrete cracked and exploded, hitting people with pain.
But the four machine gunners were not hit accurately, and they remained basically calm. The team leader even shouted: "We were found. Don't get up, just move back."
The exposed machine gun group climbed backwards at the top of the floor, trying to climb to the stairwell. As long as they entered the stairwell, they were safe. However, the long-range bullets did not mean to let go, and fired three or four rounds.
But because of the angle of view, Zhou Qingfeng only saw a little light, which was blind shot. In the end, he was anxious and carried a Gustav m3 recoilless gun with his teeth.
"Lao Tzu doesn't believe it, you won't die." Zhou Qingfeng carried'Gustav m3' and aimed at the top of the floor thousands of kilometers away, where there was only the last trace of light.
The barrel of ‘Gustav m3’ murmured. An anti-explosive grenade of 84 mm caliber flew out at high speed and hit the target after about four seconds.
A flame exploded on the top of the building and immediately extinguished.
Nothing can be seen clearly in the dark, one kilometer beyond the distance of the link network. Zhou Qingfeng could not contact the goblin, not knowing the damage effect of this shell.
However, after the shelling, several other machine gun groups that were originally shot at the vault immediately became dumb. Even if a mortar team fired flares again later, they would rather shoot at the air rather than provoke opponents with a gun.
The shot just now was too accurate.
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