Chapter 721: Image

In June, he flew from Hanzhong in midsummer to Novosibirsk and was still frozen at the airport most of the night. The dozens of people in Fujita’s investigation team fell ill the next day and the work had to be postponed.
Fujita often travels everywhere, and the preparation is fairly adequate. The condition is okay, it is just a runny nose. Valiang was very sorry for this and offered to take Fujita as a guide to visit strange foreign cities.
"I'll find a girl for you. Girls in the city are more enthusiastic and can help you to promote blood flow and make you feel better soon. Fees can be invoiced."
Valentin is not just talking, he really finds a ‘medical staff’ for everyone in the investigation team to take care of life. This posture terrified the'Tao Lao Hat' from Hanzhong.
‘Holy Light’ is a real expense account for travel expenses, and multiple confirmations of special expenses afterwards are very troublesome. But the treatment of illness is unpredictable, and it is really a loophole.
The group is currently spreading a lot, and the total number of employees is moving towards the order of 100,000. The cost review has become a problem that makes the management extremely headache-the card is too dead and the work is not efficient. Loose too loose, rampant corruption.
It is ineffective to rely on the employees' personal consciousness, and Amitabha will be eliminated if the small group does not engage in a denial case. There is no good way for Zhou Qingfeng, he can only find ways to strengthen the system construction, while constantly cleaning.
"Medical staff" costs only ten dollars a day, and it is still soft sister currency. This seems too cheap to Fujita. The ‘Tao Lao Hat’ recruited by ‘Holy Light’ are all relatively simple, and they are not used to this matter and have refused.
As for Fujita, he was really not used to close contact with strangers and refused.
Valentin was very frustrated with this and kept saying, ‘It’s very cheap’. He also said, ‘Are you guys with communication fees’? ‘The group encourages international students to communicate with our girls’.
This repeated whispering made Fujita suspect that the black and thin Maozi deliberately gave the inspection team frost disease. But he pays more attention to the topic of ‘students’.
"The group has international students here?"
"Yes, I came at the beginning of the year. There are more than two thousand people, most of them are teenagers, and there are also twenty or thirty adults. There are almost two to one men and women in the language preparatory course.
There are many good schools in our city. ‘Holy Light’ pays tuition for these international students, which is almost the only reliable income of the school. "
The gross economy is bad, and a lot of financial expenditure has been cut off, and even education cannot be guaranteed. But fortunately, this is an industrial country, the school system is very complete, and the quality of teaching is guaranteed.
The number of college students enrolled in China is very limited every year, and many poor families are unable to provide children with a good education. In the early 1990s, black and evil forces broke out in many areas, because young people did not find a way out until a wave of work began.
But simple working is a serious waste of human resources. In fact, many people can have a better future. Even if you are a worker, there is a difference between knowledge and lack of knowledge.
In the past six months, ‘Holy Light’ desperately organized international students to study at Damao’s colleges, even vocational schools. It was always the way to get ahead.
The huge number of foreign students has almost become the life-saving straw of the Da Mao education system, and it has to open all the departments to the "Holy Light" to cultivate talents for the country.
Seeing Fujita seemed interested, Valiang took the initiative to take him to a university in the city. In fact, they can see a lot of foreign students in the "Holy Light" on the street, because these people basically wear the same uniforms.
"Don't look at the "Holy Light" generous, but in an industrialized way to train talents and save as much money as possible. However, the group also gives some international students a communication fee to encourage them to make friends with us, both men and women.
But most of the girls who grow flowers are shy, even if they are looking for a boyfriend, they are also looking for their own. Boys are better, and many interact with Russian girls. "
Mao Zi's view of the relationship between men and women is relatively weak. Coupled with the economic downturn, the girls find a promising man who doesn't drink alcohol or domestic violence. The men who have jobs are just like winning big prizes.
Of course, this does not mean that Mao has a preference for ‘Holy Light’ international students. They just instinctively hope for a stable life.
"Before we were popular with Korean students, it is different now." Young men and women on Wallian Jingchao Street pointed their fingers.
"I heard the girls say that Korean men are richer, but they are grumpy, and masculinity is serious. "Shengguang" international students don’t have that much money, but they have better personalities, but they didn’t know how to interact with people when they first came. .
‘Holy Light’ compelled to learn social interaction as a course during the preparatory period, teaching students how to talk, how to socialize, how to control emotions, how to appreciate art, how to group activities, how to deal with gender relations.
To be honest, this course is really good. International students of ‘Holy Light’ are more confident, kinder, and more educated. Although their communication fees are not much, the girls prefer them. "
Valianking took Fujita on the road, and when he met an Asian face in uniform, he would greet him voluntarily, shouting'Good morning' or something. Although the students were shy, they responded enthusiastically.
Fujita followed Valiang on the street, and soon realized that it was not just a question of education. This was ‘Holy Light’ promoting his image.
It is as if the image of the Japanese is "love clean, polite and high quality". This is the result of a long-term promotion by the Japanese government. ‘Holy Light’ is obviously doing the same thing, and it’s the same as fighting against those who sell fakes.
With a good image, the cost of communication is low, and the right to speak is naturally strong.
"It's not a "Godzilla"-like enterprise, it's really far-sighted." Fujita remembered reports in the Japanese media, "'Empire Tiger Shocking the World', terrible man."
In his blind thought, Fujita suddenly heard Valentin shouting'Hey' on the street, and then ran out quickly. He ran and yelled, "Give me the guy in black, he sells fake wine."
Valianjing is thin and runs fast. An Asian man a dozen meters away from him was like a mouse seeing a cat, dropped a suitcase and turned and ran. But he didn't run a few steps, and a few Maozi aunts tripped to the ground.
The Asian man fell down and struggled to yell after falling down. Soon afterwards, his shouts attracted the Maozi police.
Valianjing was so fierce that he kicked a kick when he came up and scolded: "Asshole, there are six people who become blind because of drinking your fake wine. You destroyed six families. The sin you committed is not even God forgive."
Speaking of'fake wine', even the Maozi policemen who ran over were resentful, and the Asian man who was caught was soon beaten to death, his face covered with blood.
After a while, the police car came, and Valentinusio escorted the Asian man into the car. He did not forget to call Fujita: "I have been looking for this guy for a long time, and I must deal with him today.
You can find a way to go back to the hotel yourself, or you can stroll around. Just stop a car and show your work permit to the driver to ensure that your fare will not be overcharged. "
Suddenly, Valianjing went away like this and left Fujita in a daze on the roadside. After a while, Aunt Mao Zi, who had just helped to catch people, saw him and gathered around to look at his work card ‘Holy Light’ hanging on his chest.
One of the aunts also ordered English and asked, "Chinese? Don't be afraid, it wasn't just for you. Is there anything I can help?"
Fujita was speechless.
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