Chapter 73: Night vision

The torch went out and it was dark.
Without vision, humans are inevitably upset.
Zhou Qingfeng dismounted at the ambush point, listening to the monotonous and orderly sounds around him. It was strange how other people in the same group could still act calmly and securely. Cyric seemed to be looking at his joke on purpose, not intentionally saying a word.
The scent of tempting Lan approached, and Inessa walked to Zhou Qingfeng and whispered in his ear: "You can't see through the darkness?"
"Of course, can't you see through?" Zhou Qingfeng asked stupidly. He thought everyone else was the same.
Inisha laughed at Zhou Qingfeng as a rookie, took a bottle of medicine from her backpack, unplugged the bottle and sent it to the young man's mouth, "Drink."
There was a bitter taste in the bottle.
"What is it?" Zhou Qingfeng felt immediately that the woman seemed to drink what she was drinking, and immediately resisted.
"You're weird, Victor." Inisha still chuckled. "You used to feel smart and ridiculous, but now you're clumsy like a nerd who has never seen the world before."
After hearing this, Zhou Qingfeng felt that Xerek in his head was laughing at it with bad intentions. This made him even more disturbed, but he stubbornly asked, "What do you want me to drink? Make it clear that I will drink it."
As soon as the question came out, a pair of soft lips pressed up, blocking Zhou Qingfeng's mouth. He whispered twice, and a stream of liquid passed into his mouth between his lips.
The medicinal solution is extremely bitter.
The scent of tempting blue is getting stronger.
Zhou Qingfeng's heartbeat soared, and she obediently drank the medicinal solution to the stomach. After they drank their lips, he felt a bit lost and wanted to continue.
"You, what did you drink for me?" Zhou Qingfeng had nothing to say, and his heartbeat was unstoppable. Like a young boy in love, he was fooled by a big sister.
"Aren't you worried that the liquid is poisonous, wouldn't you want to drink it? I don't want too much verbal explanation, so I'll feed you myself." Inisha laughed easily and lowered her voice. Was I kissed? "
The medicinal solution enters the stomach, and the effect works quickly. Zhou Qingfeng felt suddenly bright in the night, and the surrounding scenery gradually appeared hazy outline. Soon everything became clear, and the woman's smile was particularly noticeable.
Looking around, although the colleagues of the peers did their own thing, they consciously and unintentionally looked at Zhou Qingfeng, paying attention to the privacy between the teenager and the older sister. This made his face instantly red, and he realized that 'the blind man in the night' was only him.
Inisha was slightly taller than Zhou Qingfeng, and smiled a little. After she finished the medicine, she went to do her own thing, leaving Zhou Qingfeng alone to resolve the embarrassment.
Cyric jumped out in time to continue taunting: "Most of the Black Forest monsters are born with dark vision. In order to fight against it, human alchemists invented the" night vision potion ". However, the potion is expensive and the effect time is short. I can drink. "
Zhou Qingfeng was dissatisfied with this answer, and angrily cursed: "Xirick, you deliberately saw me as ugly, didn't you?"
"Ugly?" Chiric hummed, "I think you just enjoyed it. Do you like the woman named Enessa? She also means something to you. In fact, I can help you. It only takes a day. Can turn her into your slave. "
"Shut up for me, I'm not as bad as you." Zhou Qingfeng narrowed his eyes in the direction of Inissa, and the 'Blood Widow' in Lieyan Village was also smiling ambiguously at him. "I want you to pursue my sister."
Cyric sneered again: "Silly boy, that woman is actually using you. She knows your position in the 'Allied Forces' and wants to captivate you as a subordinate. Beautiful women are always good at conquering men to conquer World. Be careful. "
Zhou Qingfeng only hummed twice, taking back his dim sum. He also knew that he needed to calm down.
With the 'night vision potion', human beings are able to pull back some disadvantages in the dark. The ambush team was ready on the hillside beside the road, and the staff and horses waited quietly.
The reconnaissance flying back, Tambos reported on the enemy ’s movements. "The army in the direction of the stucco village really sent out about 600 troops. Most of them were goblins. It was exactly the same as described by Lord Hugo. "
Hearing more than 600 troops, the members of the ambush team were quite nervous.
Goblin combat junk, quantity can make up for quality. If they are stimulated by techniques and the like, they can also rush fiercely. Ants kill elephants a lot, and even the strongest adventurer has to turn his head to escape the goblin. The shaman is very good at this kind of rogue play.
Zhou Qingfeng was also a bit grateful. If he had not been informed and prepared for several hours in advance by his information network, he would inevitably be trapped in the mole rat village. Once the siege of the ‘Allied Forces’ was feared, the morale of the ‘Allied Forces’ would collapse and inevitable.
But how much ambush a dozen adventurers can play now, Zhou Qingfeng has no idea. Anyway, forcibly attacking hundreds of Goblin troops, he also felt that he was completely killed.
While waiting, a rumbling horse came from the forest path.
Zhou Qingfeng lowered his body, only half of his head was exposed on the hillside, and he could faintly see that there were more than a dozen 'iron cans' on the road about 30 meters away. The breath emanates from this, causing the heart to tighten.
Zhou Qingfeng felt that his breathing was suppressed and his chest was uncomfortable. It was not until the dozen or so ‘iron cans’ were far away.
The entire attack team was uncomfortable with this, and Inessa quietly crawled over and asked next to him: "Those are the black warriors of the Church of Bann, a terrible killing machine. They can kill a village by themselves. .Fortunately we are prepared. "
Fortunately, the woman turned back and asked, "Victor, how did you predict all this several hours in advance? Do you master the arcane art of prophecy? But you are not a wizard. Or is your bloodline any power? ? "
Uncle through the golden finger, can I tell you casually?
Zhou Qingfeng passed off a ‘blood power’.
But Enessa didn't leave, and whispered, "Will fight later, don't run around, follow me. I protect you."
Uncle Man, I'm a dignified man, who just turned over Schroeder, how can he ask a woman to protect him?
Zhou Qingfeng said unwillingly: "There are several barbarians behind me, and I am not a weak chicken myself."
Schroeder hung up, his barbarian lost his boss and could only rely on Zhou Qingfeng. Uncle Zhou just lacked a guard, and he didn't have to choose, so he pulled those barbarians to protect himself.
However, Enessa shook her head and said, "If the hundreds of goblins really launch an attack, we only have to escape. Those barbarians behind you have no brains and must not care about you. It is better to follow me."
Zhou Qingfeng said a few times, neither agreed nor refused. Sirek reminded again: "Boy, this woman just wants to control you. Her nickname is 'Blood Widow', so you better be a little vigilant."
Inessa saw that Zhou Qingfeng didn't respond and didn't say more.
On the road, after the Black Samurai, the goblin squads finally appeared. Nal packed the tickets to make good use of the fuel, this female druid was slowly climbing to the front of the hillside, turning into a giant bear.
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