Chapter 744: Submarine distress

On the dark bottom, the submarine moves slowly like a blind man with the current and can only rely on sonar to obtain outside information.
A German-made submarine is carrying out training tasks and is slowly sailing under the water of 50 meters in the Marmara Sea. It is attached to the base of the Gorkok navy in Turkey, with the port number s-350 and the name ‘Irdir’.
The deep diving training lasted for a month, which was a difficult day for a conventional submarine with only 1,000 tons. The thirty-three crew members in the boat smelled like salted fish. Everyone is thinking about going ashore as soon as possible and taking a good vacation.
In the command cabin, the captain was not there. The sonar soldier stared at the underwater sound control console while chatting with the electromechanical officer next to him. The Marmara Sea is an inland sea of ​​native chickens, and they do not worry about the dangers here.
The Marmara Sea is a closed inner sea and the water depth is large enough. The dead Maozi in the north collapsed on his own, and the native chicken had no foreign enemies. There was no need to worry about who could come to trouble.
The crew did not observe the silent discipline and talked about where to find a woman after going ashore and which bar to go to for a drink. This is what they do every day, and the training gap is a little casual.
It's so stuffy in the submarine.
Just as the crew figured out how time could pass faster, the sound of ‘boom’ in the command cabin seemed like someone was knocking on the door.
No... the voice was heard throughout the command pod. To be precise, the entire submarine heard. The sound came too strange and too clear.
The mechatronics officer looked up in fright, but the space inside the submarine was small, and the command module was a little bigger. He was most afraid of any problems with the pipeline in the submarine.
The sonar soldier quickly looked at his display console, but there was nothing unusual about sonar.
what happened?
The captain was resting, and the electromechanical officer temporarily took command. He quickly grabbed the internal microphone of the podium and asked if there were any abnormalities in various positions.
The reports of all positions are normal, but it is also clearly stated that they all heard abnormal noises, as if from outside the boat. The underwater environment is complex, and no one knows what is outside the heavy hull?
Just as the crew were worried about the abnormal sound, this strange sound rang again with a stronger volume. It's as if someone outside the boat is drumming, and the sound of ‘Dump’ is endless.
The whole boat was alarmed. Not long afterwards, the captain only wore a pair of pants and hurried over from the officer's lounge. He asked aloud what happened.
But apart from growing more and more panicked, no one knows exactly what happened. The sonar display console still showed that everything was normal, and there was nothing wrong with the submarine.
"Float." The captain ordered decisively.
If you are not sure about the situation, you will float to the sea first. The submarine of the native chicken is no secret. They are not far from the base port, and there is no need to take risks underwater.
The sudden noise was too weird, and all positions in the boat were in place. The high-pressure gas enters the ballast tank with a scream, pushing the seawater out of the boat. The submarine slowly ascended.
The ‘Irdir’ is now 50 meters deep underwater and will not take long to float. But after a while, the power cabin suddenly reported a terrible news.
"Captain, the pressure pipes in our cabin are broken."
The submarine is full of pipelines with various functions. Many of the pipelines are full of high-pressure liquid. Once damaged, they cannot be blocked. To make matters worse, bad news also came from the electromechanical cabin. The ballast tank on the left side of the submarine was faulty and could not discharge seawater.
Everyone in the boat heard a creepy creak-the seawater was pouring into the ballast tank on the left, causing an unbalanced force on the submarine hull.
A whole egg is difficult to crush. But if the egg is broken, it won't take much effort to crush it.
Simply put, sea water may squash this underwater warship. Even if it is not crushed, the submarine will be out of balance, and the consequences will be unimaginable.
"Slow down to zero and fill the ballast tank on the right."
‘Irdir’ was losing control and leaning to the left. The captain’s first thought was to stop and load towards the right to restore the balance of the hull. If it is not possible, he can simply sit on the bottom of the sea and wait for rescue.
The deepest Marmara Sea is less than two hundred meters, which is fully affordable.
In order to survive, the crew tried their best to complete the command of the captain at a speed far beyond the training. If they are usually proud of it, today they are terrified, like death.
After a few minutes of intensive operation, the ballast tank was all right, and the tubes of the power cabin were also plugged. The abnormal sound of "Dong Dang Dang" just now disappeared.
But the submarine floated under the sea level of about fifty meters as if it were still. And it was fifty kilometers away from returning to the port, and the thirty or so men in the boat were crying without tears.
"Send a buoy for help and ask for help from the port," the captain ordered.
The submarine does not have a separate escape module. To escape, either rescue on the sea and pull the entire submarine back to the sea peacefully, or the crew swim out of the torpedo tube and play'free floating'.
On the submarine control tower, the distress buoy was sent out. The submarine fleet headquarters in Gorkok immediately received the message-a 209 submarine malfunctioned on the return trip?
There are six submarines in the native chicken, all of which are made in Germany. Each ship is particularly valuable and cannot be lost.
But the situation is known, how to save?
Through radio direction finding, the specific location of the rescue buoy can be known. A Bell 212 helicopter at the base set off overnight, and even patrol boats with the Coast Guard were dispatched.
See what is going on at the scene?
The navy frogman is also ready to go to the sea to rescue the unlucky ‘Irdir’.
But then?
The native chicken navy is also a bit blind. They do not currently have a professional submarine rescue ship, and after many confirmations with the submarine, they can only contact the civilian ships in the port to serve overnight.
Before the civilian salvage boat arrived, the news of the accident of the local chicken submarine disappeared. The Western media knows that, just because there is no big news recently, please pay attention.
The crew of the ‘Irdiré’ was uneasy under the water, desperately hoping for help. It didn’t take long for the distress buoy to return the message, ‘Gorkuk’ was organizing rescues to keep them calm and report the situation at any time.
The captain has reported the situation encountered by the submarine, and the continuous severe abnormal noise is particularly marked. The crew wore underwater escape gear, and the next was a long wait.
The distress buoy is a radio transceiver with steel cable reinforcement, cable connection, and communication function. It can not only carry out encrypted communications with the headquarters, but also accept ordinary communications from outside.
It didn't take long for the crew to learn that the news of their distress had spread, and the Western media knew it-there was no big news recently, the daily hidden submarine was suddenly exposed, and the gossip masses had moved the small bench.
There is also a radio chat between shipping ships on the radio.
"I heard that a submarine sank nearby."
"It was a major danger and it hasn't sunk."
"The rescue ship in the port has already been dispatched, and the situation does not seem very good. I'm afraid it will sink."
"This is unsafe under the water, or is it not easy for us to sink on the water."
"Yeah, yeah, at least a few tens of meters deep, a hole will sink immediately."
Ships come and go on the sea, and the crew ‘doesn’t care about themselves, hang high up’, and they are happy to talk.
Under the sea, the crew of the'Yirdiri' was maddeningly mad — can you not sip one bite at a time? We are listening beside you. Now taboo to hear the word "Shen".
(Public account ‘Take a Taoist’, can you help me?)
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