Chapter 754: Visit (1)

After three days in Boryspil, Sattari went back to Tehran. ‘Holy Light’ provided a complete set of plans for cooperation with Persia. He will bring paper documents back to be reviewed by senior management.
Tehran's idea is cautious, and further investigations, researches, and evaluations are necessary. Making a breakthrough decision within six months is very fast.
But cia can't wait!
Less than two days after Sattari went back, cia activated his inside line in Tehran, demanding to actively promote further contact with the Holy Light. This is a rare opportunity, maybe a roundabout investigation, to figure out who is behind it?
Zhou Qingfeng said that Sattari can be a bond for cooperation between the two parties and conduct commercial trade of civilian products in an official capacity. As long as he can promote cooperation between the two sides, he will not care about the offense of this dead old man.
Sattari said nothing about the encryption machine from beginning to end. He thought he didn't know anything, and simply pretended to be deaf, because the water was too deep. Anyway, the leaks have been leaked for more than 20 years, and I don't care about leaking for another few days.
So this time the reaction of Persia was very fast. In mid-August, a team of ‘private pilots and engineers’ was sent to the flower planter’s Hongdu plant to investigate the ‘Holy Light’ third-generation advanced heavy-duty multi-role fighter project.
As a team leader, Sattari arrived in Nanchang along the way. The "Holy Light" sent people to greet them, and the scene was very low-key. He was first arranged to visit the new factory area being rebuilt in Hongdu Factory.
Zhou Qingfeng invested hundreds of millions of dollars to build two high-standard aircraft maintenance and production plants in the "Consortium" project. One is flying in Shaanxi and the other is in Hongdu Factory.
"Do you build factories and production lines according to US military standards?" Sattari was very surprised by this and asked Xiao Jinlang, who accompanied the visit, "Can you achieve your technical level?"
Xiao Jinlang was very calm. In the past six months, he was specifically responsible for coordinating the cooperation between the "Holy Light" and many domestic military institutes and units, and he became a manufacturing expert.
"It is mainly behind in materials and processes, but the most critical thing is personnel management and training. We can only spend more money to pool talents and use foreign talents.
For example, Japanese engineers are very experienced in building factories and production lines, so our new factory employs a large number of Japanese personnel. "
Sattari was even more surprised, "Are you afraid of leaking?"
"I'm really scared." Xiao Jinlang laughed, "At first, many people opposed the use of foreign engineering personnel. But the "Holy Light" funds, the "Holy Light" project, the "Holy Light" decision.
The president pursued efficiency and broke many rules.
Facts have proved that the introduction of foreign professionals has greatly improved the progress of the project, and also allowed our people to master the latest foreign technology.
The lessons learned from the new plant are immediately applied elsewhere, and the benefits brought are sufficient to offset the initial doubts.
As for leaks, we have also made certain precautions. It may not be possible to absolutely not leak, but as long as the factory is built and its own technical personnel are trained, the leak is a small problem. "
Xiao Jinlang took Sattari to visit the existing K-8 production line in Hongdu Plant. The large factory building is brightly lit, and a long body waits for fittings in a fixed assembly position.
The floor of the plant is filled with tooling and scaffolding, the parts to be assembled are scattered, the production line is irregular, and the assembly workers are also one after another.
But Satari is an expert, and after a closer look, he nodded and recognized the level of the entire production line. After all, the level of Persia is even worse.
Xiao Jinlang said with pride: "K-8 is a cooperation project between Hongdu Plant and Pakistan. It was just finalized this year and used an American engine. It is currently stepping up production.
The Hongdu plant promoted to our domestic military, switched to the engine of the motor Sic, redesigned for the US military standard, and used more advanced avionics. In addition, our president also mentioned the requirements of a pulsating production line. "
What the is the pulsating production line?
As an aviation expert, Sattari has never heard of this concept.
Xiao Jinlang was also a showdown, laughing: "Our president hopes that the aircraft can be continuously produced like an automobile assembly line, speeding up and reducing costs. But aircraft and cars are different.
So the president proposed a pulsating production line between fixed and continuous, requiring the body to be dynamically assembled during the production process. Even Japanese engineers were ignorant of this request. Many people's first reaction was that they could not make it. "
The fixed production line is that the product does not move and the equipment moves. The assembly line is that the product moves continuously, and the equipment does not move. As an extremely large and complicated product, an aircraft cannot use an assembly line, and the utilization rate of equipment with a fixed line is not high.
So two thousand years later, Boeing began to pulsate production lines. Although this imposes higher requirements on assembly level, management planning, intelligent machinery, and worker quality, Zhou Qingfeng intends to try it in advance.
This is a revolutionary aircraft assembly production technology. Even if it can be completed in five years, even Amitabha is better, but it is always better than a dozen years later.
Sattari has no sense of "pulsation" at all, he only lamented that the productivity of flower growers is indeed stronger than that of Persia.
The Hongdu plant can only be regarded as second-rate in the country, and it is still unknown in the world, but it is much stronger than the Isfahan Tomcat repair plant.
After leaving the plant, Sattari went to visit the R&D department. The large work room is filled with computers. The Hongdu Factory received the funds from the "Holy Light" and spent a lot of effort recruiting graduates from the aviation industry across the country this year.
The monthly salary in the factory is more than two or three thousand, one year for household registration, two years for housing, family education and medical treatment can be solved nearby. There is the "Holy Light" endorsement, and the conditions are good enough to grab talents from first-tier cities.
Satari was interested in the 3D design interface running on the computer. He got close to the screen and recognized it for a while, then said in surprise: "This is the special aircraft design software of Dassault in France. How did you get it?"
"We have paid for genuine software licenses and have obtained interface licenses for subsequent free development. The group is working with more than one hundred universities in China, including industrial software and general operating systems."
Xiao Jinlang was quite emotional when he answered, "The president can spend a lot of money on this matter. Changing someone else is reluctant to buy tens of millions of software licenses anyway. But he did just that.
Because of this sale, the group has established business links with Dassault. French aerospace engineers will have further cooperation with us.
After sending a large number of people to Russia for further study, the group began to think about sending employees to France to learn advanced technology. The money spent here is like running water. "
Hearing that ‘Holy Light’ was able to establish contact with France’s Dassault, Sattari was finally thrilled.
Can your new fighter project invite French designers to participate?

"The main design work is still done by ourselves, but it will use a lot of French hardware and software services. The president is open to this project, even if American companies want to participate, there is no problem."
Sattari listened dizzy, and then he followed Xiao Jinlang to the hangar to visit the prototype. When he saw the f-14 fighter's unique curved backswept wing, he suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't this the Tomcat?"
"Yeah, this is Tomcat. Although this is the technology of the Americans in the 1960s, we have never designed a third-generation fighter, so we need a reference to use existing technology to improve it."
"Aren't you lying to us?"
"How could this be a lie?"
"We always thought that you bullshited a project and slammed us to invest. It turns out that you really have a Tomcat? Wait for this Tomcat to come?"
"Er from Grumman."
Satari stared at Xiao Jinlang's'candid' face and thought to himself: This'Grumman' company must have been blinded by lard.
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