Chapter 805: 'minister'

Most of the current revolutionaries are young, and the ‘Minister’ is only twenty-four years old, coming from Liling in the south.
In the past week, Changsha has been turned upside down, and there are even signs of political instability. It is really necessary for the ‘Minister’ to take a look.
The city is currently full of chaos, the two warlord leaders are fighting for power and conflict, and the streets are full of military police and guard posts. At night, the guns were shot from time to time, which was the bravery of the national army officers and soldiers.
The newspaper described in detail what happened a week ago-it was night, a chaotic party broke the wall and entered the city. They were a man and two women. Among them, the male bandits are strong and fierce.
This text comes from the four officers and soldiers captured on the wall. With the light of the flashlight, they recognized the Ma family sisters, and even Mengdai guessed Zhou Qingfeng.
"The male bandit attacked the electric light company and then the telephone and telegraph bureau. The electricity and communications in the city were cut off. The soldiers of the national army seemed to have been dug out. He secretly set off his guns and threw grenades at night, causing chaos throughout the city."
The ‘Minister’ read the newspaper and was surprised to find that the trouble was more than expected. The 35th Army not only killed some grassroots officers and soldiers, but also lost a wave of grenades to the headquarters of the army. The deputy commander led the attack and ended up tragically.
As for the chief governor of the provincial government, he died inexplicably when trying to escape from the city.
"Who is making trouble this night? It's too powerful."
At present, the ‘white terror’ is serious, and the ‘minister’ dare not go to Changsha easily. He only asked merchants and travelers who came to Changsha from the side, saying that the officers and soldiers of the national army in the city were panicked and could not sleep well at night.
Some bureaucrats of the Fruit Party left Changsha temporarily, intending to avoid the limelight. Even if he stayed, he tried his best not to go out, and he did a lot of wrongdoing, for fear of being targeted.
"If this can cause more trouble, it will be of great benefit to our future work."
The'Minister' collected a lot of newspapers and inferred the truth behind it from just a few words, and wanted to meet this'knight' who'saves people by day and punishes evil by night'.
Without entering the city, the ‘Minister’ bypassed Changsha from the east of the city and went to Changsha County first. There are actually underground parties in the county, and they have already contacted Ma Ying and others.
The comrades in the county arranged for the ‘Minister’ to stay for one night, chatting and exchanging a lot of information at night.
Qingtai is 40 kilometers away from Changsha County, which is quite far from the current traffic environment, and it is usually difficult to have frequent exchange opportunities. But Ma Ying and others have a T-car.
Although the car is not very good, it effectively spread the influence of the peasant army. The car with the broken front window makes a trip to the county almost every day, swaying every time.
"Come in by car?" The'Minister' was really surprised. "Don't the people in the county catch? Where did they get the car? Why did they come to the county? Zhou Qingfeng came in person? Where did he get the gasoline?"
The series of questions amused all the comrades in the county.
The car was bought by a robbing farm, and the gasoline was sent to the county's kerosene store to purchase it in the provincial capital, including various spare parts. Although the T-car is rotten, it can pull half a ton of cargo each time, which is more convenient than human and animal power.
The peasant army's armed forces are being expanded, and they need to eat and drink. Zhou Qingfeng did not come in person, but let the Ma family sisters who have only learned to drive come by themselves.
The leader of the militia in the county was killed one after another in the last night, and even his few guns were robbed. The remaining CCP officials either flee in fright or just don't care. The underground parties are all semi-public activities.
The economic conditions in the county are always better than those in the town. More supplies can be raised and the connection with Changsha City is closer. Recently, the armed forces of the peasant army practiced a night march. Zhou Qingfeng personally led the team. The destination was to go to the county town to show off its strength.
The peasant army set off before dark, rested every five kilometers to form a team, and the 40 kilometers night road basically did not fall behind. After a night of tossing, the Bailai Peasant Army arrived at the county seat before dawn, blocked the resident group of the county militia, and disarmed it.
A team that has only trained for a week to achieve this level, Zhou Qingfeng's link network is really effective. Although this use of war as a substitute for training is really facilitating the uprooting in a harsh environment. But in the eyes of outsiders, it is the commander in command.
The underground parties in the county all laughed at this, saying that with the peasant army armed in the capital of Qingtai, their lives are much better. The underground organizations devastated by the ‘white terror’ are recovering, and the power of the revolutionaries is rapidly recovering.
"This is really amazing, very amazing." The Minister said excitedly: "It takes a very strong ability to create a situation in a place so close to Changsha."
After staying overnight, the Ma family sisters really drove to the county the next day. They wore the'Bergerman' submachine guns on their chests, and wore grenades around their waists. They appeared sassy and heroic.
The shops in the county are also happy, because the Ma family sisters come to buy every day, and they all need firewood, rice, oil, and salt. They are also generous in their moves and fair in their purchases, which are much better than those of the Fruit Party who do not pay for their purchases.
According to the introduction of the underground party in the county, the sisters took the ‘minister’ back to the capital of Qinghai. It is really convenient to have a car. It takes a day's journey to arrive in two or three hours, and it is not tired.
When asked about Zhou Qingfeng on the road, the sisters said, "Brother Zhou, he said two days ago that he was going to Changsha to get some short-selling goods. He didn't see him running, so he wouldn't let us follow, saying it was too dangerous."
"The Minister" asked again, "How did you learn to drive?"
"Brother Zhou taught. He said that driving is very easy. He can just step on the accelerator and brake and fiddle with the steering wheel. You can learn a lot with him. He seems to know everything and his knowledge is also very good."
The sisters are full of admiration for Zhou Qingfeng, and they are like little fans of later generations. Coupled with the "Bergman" submachine guns hung on their chests, it is very convincing.
The'Minister' became more and more curious about this. When I arrived in Qingtai, I saw Ma Ying and others, and no one praised Zhou Qingfeng. This team was basically built on him, but I really sighed when I didn't see a real person.
The situation in the town is indeed very good. The peasant armed forces that have been expanded to more than two hundred and forty are already decent, as if they have been training for two or three months.
More than a hundred'old sleeves', plus seven'Bergman's, and a heavy machine gun with no ammunition. This force is equivalent to a company of the national army. No wonder that Changsha County couldn't stop them, and the militia group had to turn around and flee when they saw them.
Ma Ying and others still have money. Recently, they have been engaged in ‘training by war’ and they have continued to fight to eliminate local bullies and evil gentry. At present, deposits have exceeded two thousand oceans.
As for that radio station, it’s even more remarkable. The small local team has better news than the regular big team.
The'Minister' praised Ma Ying and others a lot, but after the appreciation, you still have to do some work, "Can you share a little money and equipment to support the struggle in other regions? Especially this radio station, which is more needed in some places. "
Ma Ying and the others agreed without saying a word, and followed: "Big Brother Zhou said, you can’t be stingy if you want to be organized. If there is a vacancy, he can help. We not only send the radio station, but also the operator. Cultivated."
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