Chapter 81: Abyss demon horse

There was a roar of roar in the cold underground prison, the dust was floating on the ceiling, and the cracked wall was bouncing on the ground.
Zhou Qingfeng was clinging to Creelon's idol and sucked the ash from his nose. There was a constantly changing shape of a white ghost three meters away, which almost scared him of a myocardial infarction. His guts at the moment were particularly small, and he was particularly afraid of ghosts.
A zombie is an entity, and it's finished when it is chopped. But how can this incorporeal ghost deal with it?
Uncle Zhou was sweating cold and his legs were weak.
The white ghost couldn't get close to the idol patron saint's idol, but it refused to stop there. Instead, it fluttered back and forth, becoming even more impatient, "Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want to do?"
The ghost's roar passed directly into the brain, bringing great fear and palpitations. Zhou Qingfeng couldn't faint when he wanted to faint. For a long time, he finally confirmed that the white ghost could not approach the idol, and finally felt relieved.
"What to do now?" Zhou Qingfeng patted his chest and calmed his heartbeat. "Xerek, tell me clearly, what is this?"
The of murder is also very resentful, "It really is not to harm you this time. Because of the idol of Creelon, I can not sense the condition of its underground prison. Who knows that this place is still hiding a ghost."
"This broken stone has this ability?"
"This broken stone is protecting you. You should face up to the power of the gods. I don't know how many people want to be favored by the gods and longing to be God's elect."
"Stop, stop blowing your cowhide. Tell me what to do?"
"You figure it out, you can't die anyway."
Cyric was silent, not knowing what he was planning. Faced with the glowing ghost, Zhou Qingfeng frightened for a long time and said, "Hey, can we talk about it?"
The white ghost is a ray of light and can't see what it was originally? It is like a crazy maniac. After being stimulated, he takes Zhou Qingfeng as the target of venting. He either scolds the teenager for disturbing his sleep, or asks the origin of the teenager.
But no matter what Zhou Qingfeng said or answered, the ghost didn't respond, it just kept screaming, like brain damage.
The chicken and duck talked for a long time, and Uncle Zhou finally gave up the verbal communication. He touched himself, all kinds of equipment were still there, but ordinary weapons were afraid that they could not deal with the ghost, only the golem of the elven archer.
Twenty-four hours after Zhou Qingfeng fell into the bottom of the pit, the golem can be used again. When he said he ordered ‘Sinda’, the white ghost was startled. But then something unusual happened.
In elf language, 'Sinda' means 'praise'.
The word 'Sinda' came out. It wasn't the archer's golem that responded first, but the statue of Creelon, who had remained motionless. The idols that had been silent for many years suddenly shone. The eyes of the idols seemed to be activated, and they looked at the prison hall with majestic vigor.
Zhou Qingfeng was startled by the shimmering light of the idol, and saw the light of Kerui Long's eyes shining on the archer's golem. After a few seconds, the shimmer of the idol disappeared, but the archer's golem turned into a masterpiece. It pulled the bowstring and shot an arrow without hesitation.
Far more than the usual psionic arrows shot out, hitting the white ghost. This blow was so powerful that it exploded directly after hitting, splitting up the scattered white ghosts.
The explosion came too suddenly, and the loud noise oscillated back and forth in the confined space. Zhou Qingfeng's ears were buzzed by the shock, and the bombarded ghost immediately stunned. The various parts of the split quickly fled, trying to reunite and recover in the distance.
"Have another shot."
When the white ghost appeared, Zhou Qingfeng's small heart was scared to jump out of his chest. Now seeing the other party unlucky, he immediately dared to grow guts and was about to destroy the other party.
Hearing another shot, the fragmented ghost light group seemed to be scared, and the speed toward the center accelerated a little bit, but this was not enough. Seeing the elf archer will let his soul fly away and die out completely
Uncle Zhou had a cry in his mind, "Don't, don't kill me. I surrender, I give in, I'm willing to serve you. Please be sorry for me, I have been imprisoned here for decades. It's unlucky. Let me go. "
the host?
This begging made Zhou Qingfeng hesitate. The second psionic arrow of the archer's golem is already on the string, which makes him want to hear the other person's words, "What are you? What good is it to be your master?"
During the speech, the ghost light group completed the reunion, but the volume was much smaller than before.
There was also a small piece floating in the middle of the light group, and the other party said, "I am a semi-demon, and I am willing to offer a soul contract under the testimony of the patron saint of the elves. The master can control everything about me.
The core of the light group was suspended in front of Zhou Qingfeng, but he turned to look at the statue of Corellon behind him, and looked at the soaring archer Golem, he did not quite understand the connection between them.
But thinking that his body can even imprison the murder god, and he should not be afraid of other gods, so Zhou Qingfeng reached out and grabbed the core of the light group and touched it. He immediately understood the so-called 'soul contract'.
The contract itself is fine, and the rights and obligations of the owner and subordinates are clear. It's just the devil language of the contract. The one who wants to sign the contract with Zhou Qingfeng is a half demon.
By signing a master-servant contract with a semi-demon, Zhou Qingfeng can get a lot of benefits. For example, according to the blood of the devil, different ‘devil bodies’ are obtained. Strength, physique, and agility will be greatly improved.
The price is that this slave must be fed with his own flesh. If the flesh is not enough, you have to feed it with your own soul.
Seeing Zhou Qingfeng was interested in the 'contract', the Ghost Light Troupe was relieved. It felt that it should not be completely wiped out and said, "Master, as long as you are willing to accept this contract, I will give you all my loyalty."
"Does the demon have the quality of loyalty?" Zhou Qingfeng asked dismissively.
Devil is the embodiment of chaos and evil. Their dictionary does not have the word 'loyalty' at all, but there are many words related to 'betrayal'.
The white light group continued to humble and said, "Master, I am only a semi-demon, not a thoroughbred demon. In order for me to serve you better, I also hope you can do me a favor first."
Before the contract was signed, you started to ask for it?
Zhou Qingfeng frowned slightly, "What do you want me to do?"
"I have been imprisoned here for decades, and I cannot escape even as a ghost because my bones are still trapped in a dungeon."
The ghost whispered, "You seem to have a good relationship with the elves. Not only do you have the mystery of the elves, but they can also stimulate the power of faith remaining in the idols. I am willing to be your servant. Can you release me from the dungeon? "
It turned out that the ghost was imprisoned here.
Zhou Qingfeng frowned even more. Xeric could not help but ran out and explained, "This is the ghost of an abyssal demon horse. It was the offspring of the demon 'nightmare' and the ordinary horse when the demon invaded. This is a good mount.
The elves of Silver Leaf City fought against the demons and captured many descendants of the demons. This abyss demon horse should have been imprisoned at that time. Obviously, the elf did not take it away or release it when it evacuated the Black Forest.
Its bones should still be visible in the dungeon. I want to revise my previous judgment. The deep pit you fell should be dug by it. It is estimated that someone will come down to save it. However, after being imprisoned for decades, it was a bit abnormal. "
Sirek's explanation triggered Zhou Qingfeng's silent whisper. Are you crazy that you are qualified to say that others are mentally abnormal?
But the judgment of the of murder is clearly correct. The ghost light group was awake after being hit hard. It reverted to its original form and transformed into the shape of an abyss demon horse. Its four hooves are stout, tall, covered with bone armor, terrible.
Its head is completely different from a horse. It is a monster head with fangs and giant teeth. The skull is very thick. The head is like a unicorn with a sharp spike. It looks like a rough guy who is good at brutal collision.
Zhou Qingfeng's bantam horse was thrown in the woods, this will be afraid that he has been snatched by the goblin. Now I have a piece of this stuff and it looks very good. He hesitated for a moment and asked again, "What else is in the dungeon?"
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