Chapter 807: Financial aid

"The Golden Triangle is actually nothing mysterious. It is an inland mountain ridge with a tropical monsoon climate. Due to the complex environment and dense vegetation, it is difficult for government agencies to enter, and it has become the nest of the grass head king.
In fact, those are scattered strengths, and dozens of people dare to call themselves general, chairman, and commander-in-chief. In fact, they are poor and miserable, with only a bad life.
But the Burmese army was also rotten, and could not deal with these grass-to-head kings, but made them bigger. These guys are trapped in the mountains, and after a long time they can only use crooked ways to cheat us.
It's actually not difficult to deal with these guys. The problem is that our strength can't get through, and we can only stare across the border.
The poorer this place is, the less it is possible for the bottom to change their way of life. When you go to Myanmar, you will find that the society there is still very low-level.
Many places are village autonomy. Farmers have no right to decide what to grow or not, nor can they make much money.
As long as they give the bottom a way out, they will not resist. They are all poor, and everyone manages them the same. It’s good to have a full stomach. So Zhou always wants to invest in pilot projects, and we are also willing to try. "
Ruili’s local officials explained some border situations to Ouyang Jun, so that he could talk about investment projects with the Myanmar side tomorrow. Although it's just showing his face, it can't be ignorant.
There are many difficulties in investing in Myanmar, and now there is no money in the country, so it can only block the border. But Zhou Qingfeng is famous. He is willing to go out and lead the line to unblock it, and it's okay to beat the side drums locally.
In particular, Ruili has just been upgraded to a city in 1992, and the local government also hopes to make some achievements, and is very interested in the barter trade proposed by the "Holy Light".
Myanmar has a lot of resources to develop, and it is highly complementary to China, which is undergoing industrial upgrading. The key is to find a qualified agent, this is the biggest difficulty.
After dinner at night, local officials chatted with Ouyang Jun. Apart from introducing the situation in Myanmar, they were full of praise for the helicopter anti-drugs. They only hate that the number of helicopters is too small to be able to monitor around the clock.
After talking late at night, several people rested individually.
Ouyang Jun went back to the room, lay on the bed and thought about it. There are still many doubts in his mind that Myanmar is too poor. It does not have decades of industrial foundation than Da Mao Er Mao, and it has nothing but undeveloped natural resources.
It is not easy to develop natural resources, and it also needs the support of industrialization. Mr. Zhou has too much money? Why do you have to come to this place where birds don’t shit?
Sleeping in a daze, the people of the Burmese military government arrived the next day. Ouyang Jun doesn't understand Burmese, so he meets to take pictures and talks. Everything is mere formality and requires an interpreter.
Zhou Qingfeng was obviously in Ruili, but he did not show up. The photos in the press release in the following days belonged to Ouyang Jun. But these news did not spread widely, and the domestic media did not even know that the "Holy Light" had signed a cooperation agreement with Myanmar.
This is a very formal agreement. The military government is also a government and has basic credit. The agreement itself is no problem. The "Holy Light" abides by Burmese law and invests in Muji Town, opposite Ruili.
The investment is mainly for the "Shengguang" to send a management team to hire local people to build roads, build houses, purchase local goods, and conduct barter and soft currency transactions.
Everything looks very formal.
It's just that Ouyang Jun used an interpreter to communicate with the Burmese side and gained more information.
First of all, the situation in Muse is complicated, and the military government has no control over this area. There are too many grass head kings in Kokang, Wa State, Shan State.
Secondly, the military government has been under great pressure in the international community and has been sanctioned, just like a rat crossing the street. It just so happens that the "Holy Light" is also described as an evil demon in the Western media.
In the end, Myanmar is really poor, and the total annual import and export volume is only one billion US dollars. So poor that the government army was beaten by local armed forces, and so poor that the military government could only control a few large cities.
With such a few pieces of information, when Ouyang Jun left Ruili, he was not sure if the Myanmar personnel he saw came from Yangon? Or a local faction? The local cadres who accompanied the negotiations pretended to be deaf.
But if the president sits in person, Ouyang Jun does not matter. He stayed in Ruili for three days, took the opportunity to travel, and left by helicopter.
On the third day, Zhou Qingfeng walked through the Ruili-Muji port alone and met with the local representatives in the small town on the other side of the river. Irene, who is good at charm, stood behind him and whispered: "It's really messy here. I only found these ones that are more reliable."
Zhou Qingfeng didn't talk much with the local representatives, and only made imperative requests. It's not that he has never thought of doing it himself, sweeping the grass head king of the entire Golden Triangle area.
But this is useless.
If you don’t take root to do basic work, you will get ten grass-tou kings if you sweep away one grass-tou king.
The requirements now are simple to stabilize public order first. The'Holy Light' will send a'humanitarian' aid team to assist a group of'construction machinery' and help Muse to train local'technical personnel' suitable for modern production.
Local young people are doing evil because they have no way out. Now they can receive training from the ‘Aid Group’ with a monthly allowance of 110 yuan, which is already a high salary in the local area. Those who are well-trained can also get promotion and salary increase.
Zhou Qingfeng believes that as long as three months of training, these recruits and new technicians can use the ‘machinery and equipment’ aided by the ‘Holy Light’ to stabilize local security.
As for the aid group itself, this is not a problem.
Nothing else in the country, a lot of veterans.
With a monthly salary of several thousand, it is easy to recruit veterans to form an ‘aid team’. They absolutely do not intervene in local affairs, except for guiding work, at most building barracks and the like.
The specific dirty work and wet work are naturally completed by trained local ‘technicians’.
In just three months, the local ‘technical staff’ should be able to act independently.
"Holy Light" can increase investment and develop local projects. For example, "If you want to get rich, build roads first." Local ‘technicians’ drove ‘construction machinery’ to build roads. This is normal.
In the process of building roads, the construction staff of the'Holy Light' must'convince people with reason'. I believe that local residents are also willing to cooperate for a better future.
Even a small loss can be compensated by the ‘Holy Light’, which does not cost much money.
Of course, there must be some local residents who do not understand the good intentions of the "Holy Light" and oppose occupying their own land for road construction. The'Holy Light' will definitely'persuade' patiently, twice if one time is not enough, and three times if two is not enough.
Until no one objected.
Once the road is built, it is necessary to farm. At this time, some ‘farming tools’ are also normal, right?
The "Holy Light" will certainly persuade local farmers to plant harmless crops, such as rice, tea trees and rubber.
It takes four years for tea trees and eight years for rubber to enter the payback period. During this period of time, the "Holy Light" will definitely provide more in-depth services and more assistance, which will surely enable the local people to live a stable life and get rid of poverty.
Anyway, I don't want to go anyway, I must succeed.
Zhou Qingfeng believes that with the endorsement of the signed cooperation agreement, he can train five thousand local'technicians' in just three months.
The grass head king of the Golden Triangle is great with a few hundred people, poor equipment, poor training, and completely weak combat effectiveness.
At most, the ‘Holy Light’ will kill them all. The rest is water milling effort to guide local development. But the anti-drug task is complete.
The world cannot say that Zhou Qingfeng's assistance is wrong, right? The West often does this kind of thing, and we should also learn.
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