Chapter 816: Who is more cunning?

When the Englishman drew a ten-dollar bill from his wallet and handed it over, Danbo felt for the first time that these foreign devils were not as rich as he thought. However, the translator invited by the other party specially reminded: "Take it, foreigners are very generous, this is for you."
Danbo wanted to sneer.
As an employee of ‘Shengguang Overseas Development Company’, Tanba is not tall and not strong. But he has advantages that some people don't have, and he can speak many dialects of northern Myanmar and Chinese. The group needs language talents, so his monthly salary is 240 yuan.
When the foreigner with high nose and deep eyes stopped Tanba, he panicked a little. He was full of anticipation when he heard that there was money for the interview. Can you see how much the BBC reporter paid for ten dollars? Only forty or fifty soft sister coins.
He was disappointed.
That's not much money.
Danbo still collected the money and followed two foreign reporters to the hotel in the city. He didn't have any sense of confidentiality, and he didn't even think about what's wrong with receiving money, just a little bit too little.
"Go ahead. What do you want to ask?"
The BBC reporter obviously knew Danbo and knew that this young man was not a Chinese, but a local who worked for the "Holy Light." He felt that a person with this identity would be a breakthrough.
"As far as we know, the army from the north has invaded your homeland. Can you tell me what you know? For example, how many troops the invading army has, what equipment, and the number of the unit."
As soon as the reporter opened his mouth, Danbo was confused. He didn't even know the number of troops and equipment, let alone an invasion. He was speechless, not knowing how to answer.
The local translator hired by the reporter felt that Danbo was too stupid to say nothing, and said displeased: "Aren't you working for the people from the north? Tell me about something that makes you angry. There must be some, yes. wrong?"
An angry thing?
It really does.
"The company organized us to dig trenches, and said that if we can dig more than a hundred instructors, we will give each of us bonuses. We were so happy at the time, and felt that no matter how bad we were, we would definitely be better than instructors alone. .
We deliberately selected the strongest 100 people and prepared the best shovels and hoes. From morning to night, we were exhausted, and many people’s hands were worn out. "
The translator interrupted: "You won, but the bad guys don't admit it, right?"
"No, we lost."
"How is this possible? Didn't you eat? How can a hundred people be better than one person!"
"Because the next day the instructor drove something called an'excavator'."
Danbo was angry when he said this, and now he feels that he has been tricked. But that excavator is really powerful, and one shovel is half a cube. After learning that the instructor deliberately, many people were fooled by him to drive the excavator.
Now it was the turn of the translator to be confused. After being questioned by a BBC reporter, he pondered for a long time and said:
He was forced to work by the intruder. The working conditions were very bad. Many people were injured and humiliated as a result. So he was very angry.

Tanba's expression was indeed very angry.
The BBC reporter nodded and expressed deep sympathy for Danbo's experience. They continued to ask: "Are there concentration camps? Have women and children been abused? Is there a mass murder?"
The first question stumped Danbo. He asked the interpreter, "What is a concentration camp?"
The interpreter said in a hateful tone: "Is just asking if you arrested many people? Have you raped your women? Have many people been killed? Has your life become very bad?"
Danbo shook his head and nodded again, "Some people were arrested and some people died, but nothing happened. The company is very good to us. It is easy to work and you can eat enough, and you can pay back if you are sick. People in the village All hope to be recruited by the company.
As for me, the past few days have been a bit bad. I liked a girl before, and she liked me too. I wanted to marry her as a wife, but I couldn't spend enough money. Her father asked me to eat to wake up. Now that I have money, I went back to the village to find her the other day. "
This story is a bit gossip and full of tragic factors. The interpreter interrupted again, "The girl you like must have married and gave birth to children. When you meet her again, you find that you still love each other, but there is nothing to do with the pain in your heart."
Danbo still shook his head, "The girl I don't like hasn't married yet, let alone have children.
But her father said that since I was rich, I had to pay a tenfold gift to marry her sister. My sister is more beautiful than my sister, and I like it too, but I haven't made up ten times the money. "
What a tragedy!
The translation was almost choked to death by this turning point. He could only think about it a little longer and said to two BBC reporters: "There are indeed brutal and inhuman concentration camps, and many young women have been abused.
People who are forced to work can neither eat enough nor get rest. Everyone is eager to escape the magic cave. Besides, this kid can't be with the girl he likes. This is the tragedy made by those invaders. "
Tanba was indeed depressed. The two BBC reporters made up for the tragedy of ‘the lovers fell in love with each other but were forcibly broken up by the evil group’, and expressed their deep sympathy for his experience.
"Child, don't worry. God will bless you. We must disclose the situation here to the international community, rescue you, and let you be with your beloved girl."
A BBC reporter stretched out his hand and patted Danbo on the shoulder, giving a comforting gesture. Another reporter continued to use an interpreter to say: "But we need some photos to increase the credibility of the report.
Can you take some pictures for us? For example, photographing soldiers from the north, photographing scenes where they bullied you, photographing abused locals, photographing terrible concentration camps. Of course, you can also take pictures of your beloved girl who was taken away.
We are willing to pay for these photos. How about ten dollars each? "
The words came out of the translator, with a slight change, "Each photo is one dollar. You can take more shots and make a fortune for the foreigners. Especially for the tragic pictures.
I know this is a bit dangerous. So we can cooperate and find some people to pose for the shoot. Find someone to get some military uniforms, get some blood, get some injuries or something. I am familiar with this and can teach you. Hurry up and agree. "
Danbo heard it again, dumbfounded, "I don't have a camera."
"It doesn't matter, these two foreigners will prepare it for you."
"I don't know how to take pictures."
"I'll help you with this. You can just agree to it."
Danbo looked at the translator who was acting as an intermediary, then looked at the two BBC reporters, thought about it, and nodded: "First pay me five hundred dollars in advance, and then give me the camera. I'll do it."
The translator was annoyed, "Hey, don't bargain randomly. It's impossible to give you money first, and the camera can't give you directly. Don't make trouble."
Tanbo reached out to the two foreigners, spread his five fingers and shook, and said again: "500 dollars, and give me the camera."
I said a few words, making the translator very embarrassed. I could only relay it to the BBC reporter: "This kid wants five thousand dollars. I think he is not very reliable. He may be trying to cheat money. It is better for me to do another thing. Find someone to cooperate."
The two BBC reporters stared at Danbo, then whispered and discussed in private. They first took out a one-hundred dollar bill from their wallet, and Tanbo immediately waved his hand, repeating the Burmese "five hundred".
So Danbo got five hundred dollars.
The next cameras were also obtained by gestures with each other, and they also came with a dozen boxes of film.
The reporter and Danbo are very satisfied with this. The two sides shook hands, hugged, and the chicken and the duck said their wishes to each other.
Only the translator was beside him with a cold face, expressionless. When Danbo left with the camera, dollars and the expectations of the BBC reporter, the interpreter muttered next to him: "Do you think this kid will come back again? He must take the money and run away."
Two BBC reporters were celebrating their wit, and when they heard the words, they looked at each other and found that things were not as easy as they thought.
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