Chapter 826: Attack begins

When the sky shrank away, night fell.
The timid in the lead became excited, and ran back and forth noisily. They rely on the roars of Fro and the mad war beasts as action commands, and they also begin pre-war preparations-summoning companions.
Each demon can summon the same race to assist in the battle once a day, but the summoning success rate is about 30%. For thousands of cowardices, troops can increase three hundred and fifty out of thin air.
This is already impressive.
A timid and timid, offense must rely on quantity. When the number of companions increased, they ran more madly and were extremely noisy.
Two tall mad war devils and two dozen Fro devils commanded them to move forward, killing towards the dense fog fortress, expecting to taste the taste of fresh flesh and blood in the main material world.
Behind the demon army, the Jeck and his sons of the Great Night City led their own Knights of the Crown of Thorns to follow closely. They also placed more than three hundred wolves and orcs at the forefront as cannon fodder, with the intention of expanding the gap in the battlefield opened by the devil.
Countless bonfires have been lit in the noble camp, and a response force of about 3,000 troops is preparing to set off. Regardless of the success of the Jeck family, they are responsible for acting as a reserve team.
The northern nobles, large and small, had their eyes wide open, hoping that their powerful forces would be like a hammer banging an egg, with a single blow effect and ending this protracted suffering.
But in the direction of the dense fog fortress, it was quiet, with no lights or noises, as if unguarded. Friedman stood on the observation tower of the military tent, no matter how wide his eyes were, he couldn't see any movement from kilometers away.
"What the is Victor Hugo thinking? Wouldn't he see that our military is strong and sneak away?"
Friedman grabbed a monocular bronze telescope and scanned it back and forth, but still didn't see the fart. This made him deeply doubt whether there was anyone in the fortress opposite.
The nobles also looked for heights and watched, also wondering why the opposite side was so quiet? Changing them for defense is definitely to make the lights brightly lit and shout to command.
But now...
Fifty kobolds rode mechanical spiders silently in the trenches in front of the fortress. These weak creatures took off the sunglasses on top of their heads, seeing the darkness as day, without any influence, but merged into the darkness.
The magic flintlocks on the spider's back were all loaded, just waiting for a wave of fire.
Zhou Qingfeng stood on the black fortress wall, and the link network enveloped all his subordinates within 500 meters. After he entered the fifteenth level, the number of simultaneous links increased from one hundred to one thousand.
This is a huge convenience in command.
The marching speed of the demon army is very slow, mainly because the coward is too slow.
But the noble wizard was not idle, at least a dozen secret eyes and magic pets flew quietly to investigate. There are hundreds of flying summons, and there are all kinds of strange things.
A flying head rushed forward. Its appearance is an ugly human head with wings, with fangs and sharp teeth, and green flames burning in its eyes. The guy uttered a harsh scream, with the intention of triggering fear in the prey.
Feitou Man followed a dozen or so mephits. They vibrate their wings and emit sound waves that are inaudible to human ears, which can also cause dizziness and discomfort to the opponent.
These are all weird tricks that wizards use to shame people.
This Bailai flying unit was proposed by Farrell to learn from the experience of the first battle. The ground defense of the dense fog fortress is considered to be close to perfection, and only the air has the opportunity to enter through the gap.
The swarms flying in the air are faster than the demon army. They ignore the three-hundred-meter-deep trench defense on the ground, and rush straight to the fortress wall, intending to figure out the layout of the city together with the secret magic eye.
When these flapping wings approached fifty meters away, a lot of slender figures suddenly appeared behind the crevice on the wall. More than a dozen wild elves quickly drew their bowstrings, and under Xili's command, they shot arrows.
The hardwood rods and aluminum arrowheads, and the recurved eccentric bow body is painted with Mithril on the energy storage magic pattern, which is precise and complicated. Only these bows and arrows that are combined with modern technology and elves are invaluable.
If these magic bows were not too attractive, Xili alone might not be able to gather the remaining wild elves hiding in the Black Forest. But with the valuable equipment produced by the Cold Wind City Forge, nearly a hundred wild elves have been brought under Zhou Qingfeng's command.
And now...
Every time you pull a bow and arrow, the corresponding magic pattern on the bow body will light up, and the aluminum arrow will enchant with magic damage.
Or piercing, or burning, or freezing, or electric shock, or toxin, or acid erosion, for some monsters that are immune to damage, there is always one suitable for it.
The arrow flew, and the flying head that rushed in the foremost shot immediately. It was stared at by the ‘spreading wings’ bow in Xili’s hand, and the adamantine arrow shot through its fangs.
Feitou Man was making a strange cry and was hit by this swift arrow. The electric shock damage from the ‘spreading wings’ immediately made it paralyzed, lost coordination, and fell from mid-air.
The endless quiver retracted the adamantine arrow.
The flying head that fell was seriously injured but still flapping its wings on the ground. It tried to fly again, but was stepped on by a big foot in iron boots.
The ugly skull of Feitou was trampled on like a meatball in sauce, sputtering a pool of disgusting green brains. The iron boots loosened and rubbed against the dirt on the ground. The dwarf in iron boots raised his head and snorted coldly, waiting for the attack of the demon army.
The Bailai flying unit mobilized by the noble wizard seemed to have encountered an invisible arrow wall, and stopped at about 50 meters from the dense fog fortress and could no longer approach it.
Xili took the wild elves and shot a wave, basically the enemy will be cleared for most of the future. The rest also realized that it was not good, and quickly retreated and fled.
In the noble camp a kilometer away, many noble wizards who cast spells immediately jumped and cursed. Some people not only damage the summoned flying monsters, but also catch precious familiars.
Hearing the shaman from the same camp, the illusionist Johnson couldn't help hiding in the corner. His croaking owl also closed its mouth, hiding in his master's clothes and dared not show up.
Dudu is a terrible mouth. If he is sent out for investigation, he will definitely be dead. "Master, I think this battle tonight is not so good."
"Why?" Johnson asked in a low voice. He was drafted forcibly, and he couldn't avoid it. Powell was even more unlucky as his difficult brother, and he has been kicked out for investigation.
"The chaotic nature of the demons determines that their battles are messy, and they don't use their brains. The timids are particularly timid, and they can rush through a wave with a large number, but once they are severely injured, they will definitely flee and affect their own people.
In addition, the reason why the mad war demon is called the mad war demon is to fight regardless of the enemy and us. This sounds like the best cannon fodder, but in fact it is the worst subordinate.
In the battle between the abyss and purgatory, the devil’s strength has never reached one-tenth of that of the devil, but it can always be tied. That is, the chaotic nature of the devil is always bad. "
The whispered whisper, Johnson felt very impressed. The current situation of the nobility looks okay, but the master and servant have discussed a few words and are already considering how to escape later.
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