Chapter 863: Nap

Jung brought back four or five plates from the buffet table, either large chicken drumsticks or roasted whole lamb, extra large cups of ice cream and frosted doughnuts. One person occupies half of the table.
Due to too many people eating at the same time, a few others had to join Jung. They are all specially-appointed experts from Europe, America and other places in the past two days, and they are also comrades-in-arms in the same trench.
There was a white-haired old lady at the same table who only ate some vegetable salad and bread. Seeing Jung ate and drank so much, she couldn't help but reminded: "Young man, your weight is overweight, you have to control it."
Jung shook his head, "Don't be afraid, I can lose weight now no matter how much I eat. The goal is to lose 50 kilograms in half a year. Don't you realize that your appetite will increase after coming here? Let's get a chicken leg."
Pan-fried chicken drumsticks, golden appearance, burnt skin and tender meat, smelling fragrant, make people drool.
The old lady was startled slightly, and sighed after looking at Jung's posture: "Well, you may be right. My appetite has really improved a lot these days, and my mental state is also good.
I have been dieting for many years because of certain diseases, and I almost forget what meat tastes like. But the "Holy Light" really gave me some changes. Please give me a chicken leg, I decided to make an exception. "
"Very happy." Jung pushed out his plate full of chicken legs, and asked in passing: "What is your professional?"
"Medicine, neurosurgery," the old lady said.
Jung turned his head again and looked at the stranger on the other side of the table. "How about you?"
The stranger was in his fifties, with a rigid expression, he was forking a piece of pizza on the plate, and he casually responded: "Polymer materials."
Jung asked one more person. The answer was: "Optics, focusing on satellite observation."
The professions of the few people at the table are very different, and they are basically completely out of bounds. It is conceivable how big the planning made by the "Holy Light" is.
Jung sighed a lot about this, and wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. He is a little worried but does not affect his appetite. After lunch, he felt sleepy and returned to the hotel suite and decided to take a nap.
At the same time, in the student dormitory not far from the hotel, dozens of learning teams crowded in a limited space are facing the learning tasks assigned by their instructors with a sad face.
Zhou Qingfeng appeared at the hotel on time. He knows the situation of the students from all over the country. Some students come from national-level scientific research institutes, and their abilities are still messed up. Many incompetent people get into the system entirely by relationships.
‘Holy Light’ selected a group of people who have a positive attitude towards learning to join themselves. Their abilities are indeed poor, and naturally they have to rely on the president to push them.
Every day at two o'clock noon and eight o'clock in the evening, the little fairies will come to help the specially invited experts and students. The first is still ‘suggestion’.
The suggestion is not useful for farts when the level is low, and at most hypnotize the caster to sleep well. But after the high level, there are a lot of things that can be'implied'.
For example, let the specially-appointed experts keep in mind the confidentiality guidelines, so that they will not accidentally leak the information.
Under the hint, the subject will also ignore some unconventional phenomena, or become accustomed to the ability to suddenly master.
The specially-appointed experts and trainees who were hinted at returned to their rooms to rest after lunch. Sophia came out and blessed them with ‘Fox’s Cunning’, temporarily boosting their intelligence.
Link network access experts and students' thinking, forming a semi-open ‘group chat’.
The thinking storm started to work.
Jung was in a half-dream and half-awake state, clearly sleeping, but his thinking was extremely clear, as if his soul had been separated. With his eyes closed, he could see that he was standing in a classroom with a dozen students staring at him.
With the blessing of the "Fox's Cunning", Jung's head and seeds are moving a hundred times faster than usual. The students of his team started from the simplest English words and fired at him like a gun.
If it were normal, Jung would not bother to answer such low-level questions. But at this moment, his thoughts changed, and dozens of hundreds of answers rushed out of his mind without using his mouth, and directly instilled into the students' minds.
Unlike the dead knowledge read by the Arcane "Scholar's Touch", what is transmitted in the "Thinking Storm" is the living knowledge that can be directly used.
In the interactive teaching scene, there is benign feedback interaction between the instructor and the students. When one student asks a question, other students learn the same.
Jung found that he couldn't help but feel the joy of being a good teacher. The seemingly dull student is very efficient at absorbing knowledge, and many problems often scratch him.
More than a dozen trainees can unite and learn from one another.
In the high-speed information transmission, some basic knowledge was forgotten or even ignored by Jung himself. The process of teaching is like ‘ruminating old cows’, it’s the sorting and adjustment of one’s own knowledge system, which is equally rewarding.
Exciting, exciting, joyful, real learning is always joyful.
In about ten minutes, hundreds of thousands of questions were asked in the team, and the language barrier was easily broken. The communication between teachers and students has become more convenient.
No need to speak, just think. Even if one student's thinking is not complete, other students can add it. Individuals become groups, and knowledge is spreading rapidly.
There are dozens of specially-appointed experts from the West in the hotel, corresponding to dozens of learning teams with nearly a thousand students. In the link network, the first ten minutes are the internal study and discussion of the small team.
Ten minutes later, Zhou Qingfeng opened the thinking barrier between the teams, and experts and students from different disciplines communicated with each other.
For example, let medical students understand some concepts of polymer materials, or let an optical tutor teach some popular science knowledge to students who learn mechanical transmission, or vice versa.
Interdisciplinary content is spread within a large group, and everyone knows some developments outside of their own system. This is of great help in expanding your horizons.
At the end of fifteen minutes, both teachers and students became exhausted, and the link network gradually disconnected. Zhou Qingfeng and the strange maids will take action to pacify everyone involved in the "Thinking Storm" to ensure their physical and mental health.
For Jung, it was like participating in a lively ‘Athens meeting’, as he preached his knowledge to the world.
Being able to say what I wanted to say happily turned into a supreme enjoyment.
Jung originally planned to take a half-hour nap. But when he really woke up, he found it was dark, his stomach was empty, his stomach was hungry, he was hungry and uncomfortable, and he had a strong desire to eat.
After getting up and hurriedly walked into the bathroom to deal with the metabolites, Jung realized that he was a little different when he looked in the mirror. But he was so hungry that he rushed to the restaurant after changing his clothes.
Today, I won’t eat the western food buffet, so Jung decided to go to the restaurant’s newly opened Turkish kebab stall tonight and fill his stomach with fragrant meat.
In front of the barbecue stall, the old medical lady I saw at noon was carrying a plate, and when she saw Jung, she said hello: "Young man, you seem to have lost a lot."
Jung touched the fat all over his body, and found that the belt he usually put in the largest size seemed to shrink. He was happy and surprised, and thought to himself: "The effect of the group's medicine is better than before."
There is a weight scale in the restaurant. Jung wanted to weigh it, but found that his weight of more than 200 kilograms was still on the table. So he went to the bathroom again to look in the mirror and found himself...
Maybe, maybe, probably, it seems, it seems to be a little thinner.
"Ah..., this is a good thing. I can finally eat it open, not afraid of growing meat."
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