Chapter 867: Have to spend money

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the get off work bell rang.
Due to the special nature of the work, it is impossible for employees of Tianyang Machinery Factory to stop immediately. They have about half an hour to slowly finish the work at hand and hand over the post to the night shift staff.
Hearing the ringtone, Zhang Gaoyuan saved the drawing drawn on his computer, simply made a work note, and stood up from behind the workbench.
After Professor Jung handed over the burned disc, his whole person was like freeing himself. The ‘takeaway’ from hk won’t arrive until tomorrow at the soonest. He was rushing around the factory with excitement today, and he was surprised at everything.
Find people everywhere to chat, freely point others to work, and look around for fun. Jung is more active than other distinguished experts. Before leaving get off work, the fat man was finally tired, and ran to the office to inspect the work of Zhang Gaoyuan and others.
I have to say that the youngest associate professor in Princeton in recent years has a very high level. He is familiar with the complex specifications in mechanical manufacturing, and can combine the current and foreseeable future technical levels in the country to give the best design scheme.
According to Jung's suggestion, ‘Holy Light’ pursues heavy-duty integrated gearboxes to make breakthroughs in large-scale vehicle manufacturing technology. But at the same time, the relevant technology should be applied to the light hydraulic transmission of the family car.
With the scale of the domestic market and the attitude of learning from Japanese engineers for excellence, the "Shengguang" car will soon be able to produce a second model with greatly optimized performance, and then make a lot of money with sufficient production capacity.
Heavy industry is expensive. Even if R&D expenses are waived, the investment in production lines can bring down ordinary enterprises. The output of large vehicles is far less than that of family cars. The same technical route should be considered for wider applications to reduce costs.
Zhang Gaoyuan agreed. He wrote a small note, made a summary of his work today, and posted it on the side of the monitor. Among them are a few words of Jung.
"Zhang Gong, I have dinner." The young people in the same group shouted at the door, "This canteen is a Southeast Asia special. It is said that they have made Thai and Malaysian dishes. Let's try some fresh food together!"
Zhang Gaoyuan nodded and smiled, and followed out.
The initial creation of "Shengguang University" followed a path of close integration of "production, study and research". While cultivating talents, the team of specially-appointed experts directly intervenes in the front line of production.
Zhang Gaoyuan and others are seed students. After they have completed their studies, they are responsible for spreading the technology. It was the technicians from Northeast and Inner Mongolia who had accepted the proliferation and crowded him towards the cafeteria.
When Zhou Qingfeng really recruited foreign experts and scholars, the ministries and commissions immediately squeezed in a group of people, who were regarded as auditors of the'Holy Light University'. They are mainly concentrated in heavy industrial machinery manufacturing. The domestic talent pool in this area is fairly small.
This sounds nice and is called ‘spend small money to do big things’, but if it doesn’t sound, it is to take advantage.
Is it just an effect?
"Zhang Gong, how much salary does the'Shengguang' offer you?" There was a stunned green in the team, and he opened his mouth and asked how much it would cost a month.
Everyone always wants to have a comparison in their hearts, and it is common to ask about wages these days.
Zhang Gaoyuan smiled, "Before I came to the Holy Light, it was more than 300 a month. After I came to the Holy Light, I didn't have a formal position. I was arranged to study with Professor Jung and only paid more than 800 yuan a month."
Since 1993, prices have risen sharply. Competent institutions have raised wages one after another, and those who are unable to owe wages.
Zhang Gaoyuan's original unit was in arrears of wages, but was bought by the "Holy Light" because of a blessing in disguise, and the subsidy was a thousand dollars less.
When the report came out, the young people around were suddenly upset that they belonged to the ‘audit’ study. The ‘Holy Light’ can at most give a meal supplement of dozens of yuan and free accommodation, but nothing else.
Although the money is enough to eat and live, it is far behind Zhang Gaoyuan.
"This subsidy is comparable to the official salary of our researcher Fularki."
"You Fularki are not bad."
"Not really. Back then, the old man was lazy and built a factory along the extension of the Siberian Railway to Qiqihar. But we have no resources around Fularki, and there is no steel plant near the heavy industry. Twenty years ago, it was no better than Baotou. ."
A few young people were talking nonsense. After complaining, they went back to Zhang Gaoyuan, "Zhang Gong, if you become a regular person, how much can you get in a month?"
"I don't know how to get a regular?"
Zhang Gaoyuan himself laughed. The university that the president has run has an emergency nature, just to train a group of people for a short time to strengthen the technical strength of the group.
The establishment of ‘Shengguang University’ is really messy. But after all, it has only been formed for less than half a year, and it's not bad to be able to pull the team up and let it start working. I believe that when the school buildings are arranged next year, everything will be on the right track.
"If it's a formal employee, it should be at least two thousand four."
Zhang Gaoyuan said humbly about two thousand and four, but he stared at four or five thousand in his heart. He recently heard that the starting salary of the group's senior technical staff has been adjusted to 8,000.
If you don't give such a ‘high salary’, the talents that are finally cultivated have to go abroad.
He felt that even if he was not ‘advanced’, it should be no problem to be a ‘intermediate’.
It's just that this ‘modest’ number also amazes young people from the north. Especially the few from the northeast, sighed and shook their heads.
"I don't want to go back."
"But the ministry won't let it."
"The big deal I don't want that job anymore."
"Nonsense, but your dad asked for a lot of favors to make up."
"What about it? I can't make any money at all, but I still get angry every day. I would rather work harder in the'Holy Light'."
When it comes to self-interest and the future, the young people ‘auditing’ talked a lot, suppressing the atmosphere. Zhang Gaoyuan was still a little secretly proud, but he was also lamenting in his heart.
I didn't know what the ministry thought, and sent a bunch of technicians from large state-owned factories to study. But few people who come can understand the technical information. Some are still rookies who graduated from technical secondary schools, let alone studying, and wandering around all day long without doing business.
Seeing that Zhang Gaoyuan could make money, these ‘auditors’ shouted and wanted to stay. The ‘Holy Light’ does not discriminate between good and bad people.
Zhang Gaoyuan remembered the rumors that he had heard, saying that Mr. Zhou had taken state-owned enterprises to engage in CNC machine tools and the state-owned enterprises had ignored them. Mr. Zhou was forced to buy a bankrupt machine tool factory and start anew, and now he is booming.
Now that ‘Holy Light’ is engaged in university, everyone also said that Zhou is always forced. Because there is an atmosphere of despair in the current scientific research system, everyone has no confidence in themselves and will only look to foreign countries.
Zhang Gaoyuan, who also came out of the system, has a deep understanding of this argument, and even fully agrees with it. However, he had been with Jung for a while, and he also heard another interpretation.
The root cause of poor organization is lack of money!
There is no way to unite people without money.
The United States also has academic corruption, both in number and scale. But the United States has money. As long as some of its projects are successful, it is enough to endure the loss and promote economic and technological development.
But because of the poverty in China, the investment in technology is too low.
For example, Jianguolai's investment in all aviation development is not as much as the money burned by a project of the American F404 engine. And how many types of aviation is there? There are dozens of types in active service.
This is a huge gap in national strength.
With such a small amount of domestic investment, the current results can be achieved, which is already a super high efficiency of capital use. But if you want to surpass the U.S. Emperor, you have to catch up with other people's spending!
Zhang Gaoyuan sighed softly in his heart: "Fortunately, the'Holy Light' spends quite generously."
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