Chapter 9: Dilemma

Who is Ben?
Who is Cyric?
Zhou Qingfeng didn't even know.
In his eyes, the deity is a broken thing of wooden tire clay sculpture, which is a cover for tourist attractions to cheat money. Whoever believes is stupid!
Even if he knew that there was really a in this world of swords and magic, but he still refused to admit the existence of a in the other side, it was nothing more than a stronger monster. Is there a difference between being ten times stronger than me and ten thousand times stronger? I can't beat anyway.
As for the nonsense guy in front of him, it should be a neurosis.
The victim was whispering the name "Xerek", and Zhou Qingfeng had no interest in this guy. He turned to Todd and went into the village hall.
In order to strengthen the defense, Baiya Village has a small area. Many buildings have become versatile. The Chamber is actually more like a pub for fun and pleasure, with a rough and huge round table in the middle, and a group of men drinking around and discussing loudly.
The Black Forest suffers from bitter cold and does not produce food. Liquor needs to be transported from outside and the price is very expensive. But because of the bitter cold, all the adventurers who are here to drink are good drinkers. They love to drink two things when everything is OK, to warm the body and to anesthetize themselves.
After all, life here is too hard.
Zhou Qingfeng pushed open the door of the chamber, and was suffocated by the strong taste of wine.
Todd sat at the round table holding a large wooden cup, patted the table, and poured his head up. The other adventurers in the village are noisy and do not know what they are arguing about. They just listen to the scolding sound, as if they might fight at any time.
Above the round table, the pale Lukans was impatient with the quarrel and shouted, "Enough is enough, no more quarrels are meaningless.
Just as I planned, I had to figure out exactly what those Bane believers wanted to do? I don't want to be regretted by the demons they call. "
Lukans is the boss of the village. After he made a decision, even if someone didn't agree, he would no longer object. After all, the horrors of the Bane believers are well known, and you must not relax your vigilance.
"What happened?" Zhou Qingfeng came in against the corner, and no one explained to him from beginning to end. He wanted to ask Todd, but the barbarian would be drinking wine at the round table, and it seemed that he would not stop if he didn't drink enough.
This question was whispered, and there was a voice in the corner asking: "Boy, where are you from?"
Zhou Qingfeng turned his head and saw a looming human figure in the shadow of the corner.
‘Shadow hiding’.
This is a real thief.
The opponent's level is significantly higher than Zhou Qingfeng, holding a cup of hot water vapor, wearing a leather coat, but wearing a hood covering his head and face, completely invisible. If he hadn't spoken, it would be difficult for outsiders to find him.
"I came with Todd," Zhou Qingfeng replied.
"Todd?" The man in the shadow glanced at the barbarian at the round table. "When did Todd make a thief friend? He looked down on those of us who walked in the dark. But you are a novice, Not so good in the shadows. "
Hehe, Zhou Qingfeng chuckled twice and asked the question: "I just heard someone say" Evil God Resurrection ", what happened in the village? And the guy hanging outside was always shouting 'Ban 'Who is Ben?'
The man in the shadow was even more surprised, and he asked again, "Boy, you don't even know who Ben is?"
Zhou Qingfeng shook his head.
The other side looked at him carefully.
"Forget it, at least the of tyranny cannot have an ignorant believer like you." The man in the shadow sighed and explained a few words, "The black forest is very dangerous, and there is only one way to connect with the outside world. 'path of.
This road has been controlled by a goblin tribe called Magulu. But just yesterday, the goblin blocked the boardwalk. If this road is impassable, more than a dozen human villages in the entire Black Forest will not be supplied, and more than 2,000 people will starve to death.
The road closure was too bad, but it was even worse.
The old man in the stucco village sent a messenger to Lukans, saying that he would discuss how to deal with the current situation. But last night, Lukans found that the messenger was a follower of the evil Ban.
So things are complicated. God knows if there are other conspiracy hidden in it? "
The person in the shadow shrugged, took a tea cup and took a sip, which was considered to be the end of the explanation.
Zhou Qingfeng seemed to understand, "That is to say, it is likely that the believers of the evil planned this all, in order to kill a dozen human villages in the Black Forest?"
"Who knows?" The man in the shadow sneered. "Ban is the of tyranny. He prefers slavery, oppression, and torture. Maybe the planner behind this wants to turn us all into slaves.
Some people want to escape from the Black Forest in one go while rushing to the 'Goblin Trail' while there are supplies in the village. But Lukans was reluctant to own his family business. He hoped to send someone to contact other human villages to find out the situation. Everyone flees if they want to escape.
Even more annoying is that Old Xiusi in the stucco village is likely to betray. How many people in other villages can you trust? Actually, I don't think I can be trusted. "
The people in the shadows have been taunting, as if it is not their own business.
Zhou Qingfeng also had no hardships. The newborn calf was not afraid of tigers and didn't know what to fear. Without much thought, he asked again, "You just said that Ban was the of tyranny, so is there one of the gods called Cyric?"
"How can you call the name of my Lord 'Dark Sun'?" The man in the shadow suddenly said coldly, "You are also a thief, don't you believe in the of murder?"
What, the of murder?
Zhou Qingfeng was Zhang Erjingang's head scratching his head.
This of murder doesn't sound like a good thing, I'm afraid it's an evil like any Bann.
The one in the shadow slowly left the corner and approached Zhou Qingfeng. A young face, a man in his twenties, was thin under his hood. He seemed to press for a few words, but suddenly someone broke in outside the chamber and shouted
"The believer of Bann is dead."
The original hall was full of hustle and bustle, but everyone heard this sentence and immediately became quiet.
Ranger Lukans is assigning tasks and arranging for manual investigations in several other villages. Hearing this, he stood up for a moment and hurried out of the chamber.
A dozen or so people were crowded around the big round table, all rushing out with Landing Kans. Even the one in the shadow left like a gust of wind, no longer embarrassed Zhou Qingfeng.
There was only Zhou Qingfeng, who was still drowsy, and Todd who was drunk.
The barbarian hadn't drank for two days, it was almost his life, and now he hated not to soak in the barrel.
Zhou Qingfeng ran to Todd in a small step, pushed the other side a few times, and asked, "I said brother, it seems like a big trouble now, how can you drink so much? Want to be trapped in the cage by the goblin again?"
When referring to 'Goblins' and 'Cages', Todd was immediately awake. He slammed the tabletop and yelled, "Damn Old Xius, he dare to turn to the evil Bann and sell me to the goblin. I can't spare him.
Go, let's go to trouble with Laughseus now. "
After that, the burly Todd did not care whether Zhou Qingfeng agreed or not. He was more than two meters tall and picked up Zhou Qingfeng, clutching the latter and heading out. Zhou Qingfeng couldn't protest and was taken outside the chamber.
Not far from the Chamber is the torture rack.
A group of people, including Lukans, were hanging around the prisoners on the stand. I heard someone shouting in horror: "Strange, this guy is not only dead. Even the soul is completely gone.
This is totally unreasonable. We, we may really be followed by evil gods. "
Hearing this, Zhou Qingfeng was a little creepy, as if something evil on his back was staring at himself.
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