Chapter 893: Small restaurant

Chen Rui did not return to the army after filming Zhou Qingfeng's short video of the fighter. He has spent the past two years on the formation and training of the ‘Blue Army’. This time he came to the Imperial Capital to simply take a vacation and stray around every day to find some small restaurants to taste delicious food.
On this day, Chen Rui went to a small shop that made a big belly during dinner, ordered a few dishes, and sat down to eat and drink.
The store is very small, with two tables inside and two outside. A 14-inch black-and-white TV was hung in the corner of the store, and the picture was covered with frosted snowflakes, which seemed to have been used for many years.
There are not many customers, there are tourists and neighborhoods. The boss also served as a cook, and after the cooking, he gave Chen Rui a plate of peanuts and a bottle of beer. The two sat down to chat. Chen Rui was not in a hurry and ate slowly.
The topic of the chat is all over the world, and the current social climate will be discussed in no time. The boss is over fifty, and he keeps shaking his head and said, "The young people are not as good as before."
"Why?" Chen Rui was a young man and asked with a smile.
"When we were young, we might have suffered. We were not picky about our work. We were just as happy as the smoke of our ancestral grave when we were able to enter the factory. But now young people are too spoiled, and they don't want to do any work. "
"Society has progressed. It's not that you are hungry and have no food. Naturally, you are looking for a better job."
"This kind of thinking is wrong. Young people don't like to enter the factory, and they feel bitter and tired. They are now popular and want to go abroad. Watching TV magazines about living abroad, they have to sharpen their heads and run out.
Social security is not good now, and moral standards are also poor. When we were young, there were so many petty thefts and kidnappings. But now you see, there are too many things that have been corrupted. "
The shop owner said, take a sip, and sigh, "I always feel that today's days are not right. Compared with foreign countries, it is far behind, then that is all behind. Let alone us adults, even elementary school students are not better than foreign ones. "
Chen Rui caught a chopstick and burst into his stomach. Hearing this, he stopped and asked, "What's wrong with the pupil?"
"Didn’t the magazine say that Chinese and Japanese elementary school students go to Inner Mongolia for summer camp. Japanese children carry a weight of 20 kilograms. They have to walk 50 kilometers without being tired, and they have to walk 100 kilometers. Our children can’t stand it and throw their backpacks in the car. , Very spoiled."
The boss said and said it was a pitiful sigh, "The development of the country depends on the children and education. Our children are not as good as Japanese children, and they will have to be bullied in the future."
Chen Rui didn't listen, and asked, "Who wrote this?"
"Forgot, I heard it was an educator, a university professor."
"What kind of university professor?"
"Hey, why do young people speak so badly. People who write articles in magazines must be knowledgeable, but you can't talk nonsense. You have to admit that Japanese people are really strong."
Chen Rui was even more upset, and asked, "Master, small Japan is strong, I admit it. But that doesn't mean that Japanese elementary school students must be strong. When you were a child, could you walk 50 kilometers on your back with 20 kilograms without being tired?"
"I..." The boss was immediately stuck, "I had a bitter life when I was a child, and I didn't have enough food and clothes. How can I compare with the kids now?"
Chen Rui also said: "Our army marching in the field has a weight of only 20 kilograms, and it will be tiring to walk 50 kilometers. Is it possible that all Japanese primary school students are supermen?"
"This..." The boss was deeply displeased, and felt that he was refuted. "You young man is not humble and always stubborn. I won't tell you, I can watch TV."
"News Network" is being shown on the TV. Just after the ‘leadership is busy’, the host announced the good news to the national audience with a joyful smile, "A new domestic fighter plane has recently carried out a ground run test flight."
In order to show the scene of the test flight, a harsh engine roar came from the TV. Chen Rui was looking down to clean the plate. Hearing this sound too familiar, he quickly raised his head.
With this head up, the picture came out.
The hangars, ground crews, fighters, the pictures taken are so handsome!
When he yelled, the chopsticks in Chen Rui's hand fell off the table. The moment he saw the new fighter plane, his heartbeat could not be controlled, and his heartbeat rose rapidly.
At first glance, Chen Rui fell in love with the fighter on the screen. Good guy, more beautiful than'Tomcat'.
This diamond-shaped nose is different from the usual, and the canard layout is also particularly refreshing. The enlarged twin-engine body represents a heavy-duty machine, which perfectly embodies the exquisite aesthetics of industrial products.
The 14-inch black-and-white TV picture is not clear, but the boss sitting next to him still exclaimed: "Oh, we made this by ourselves? It's beautiful and pointed."
The common people do not recognize the design of an aircraft that is too sophisticated, and judge the performance based on whether the aircraft looks good or not.
The air intake of the nose is not good-looking, it must be backward.
A few years ago, there was a J-8-2, and the pointed one was considered an advanced fighter. But now this one is more beautiful than the J-8, especially the lens is beautiful, giving people a strong sense of technology.
A beautiful airplane must be a good airplane.
Chen Rui also sighed in his heart, "This is the sky mount in the boundless world of my dreams. If I can...I...I...I..."
When the picture changed, Chen Rui was excited and surprised and said that he quickly converged. Because he saw an ‘acquaintance’ on TV that was not very clear.
This acquaintance was wearing a new flight suit and carrying a helmet, and appeared on the TV steadily.
Stayed, completely stayed!
This action is so familiar, isn't it about half a month ago?
"Oh, this guy is handsome." The shop owner slapped his thigh and grinned. "This suit looks good, it's very energetic. This is a pilot, really a pilot."
On the screen, Chen Rui stepped onto the boarding ladder. Chen Rui in the small shop rubbed his eyes desperately, shouting frantically in his heart: "No, this is absolutely impossible."
At that time, the shooting scene had a green screen background. The fighter plane was a wooden cabin model with a joke-like cardboard in the cabin. The lines drawn on the cardboard are like the simple strokes of a kid, crooked, and completely unreadable.
It is said that the stick figure was also made by the president.
But now...
I..." Chen Rui saw the pictures in the cabin, especially the head-up display of'one up and two down'. This thing is definitely the current high-tech.
You must know that whether it is a Su-27 or F-14A, there are densely packed instrument switch buttons in the cabin. Flying a fighter jet is a very complicated and hard work.
With a HUD, the pilot can focus on driving instead of wondering what the instrument is for.
The F-22 is ‘one up and five down’, and the F-35 and F-20 are changed to two super large HUDs. After waiting for more than 20 years, the country has turned this stuff into cabbage, and light sports aircraft have been equipped with large flat displays for easy piloting.
There is also a small detail on the TV screen, that is, looking out from the helmet, you can experience the virtual enhanced display projection. This is not a sense of technology, it is simply a sense of science fiction.
During this period, the CCAV news host read a narration to the effect that domestic scientific research institutes and private enterprises boldly cooperated to break through numerous difficulties and jointly developed this cross-era ‘competitive opportunity’.
During the narration, the new fighter was pulled to the runway by the ground crew using a special trailer. Chen Rui in the cockpit yelled out his famous words, "Tower tower, Raptor One is ready, request to lift off."
These words sound like nature!
At that moment, Chen Rui in front of the TV was full of enthusiasm and anger!
The owner of the small shop narrated suddenly wiped his tears and was unable to hold on to himself.
The Raptors are rolling and are about to take off!
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