Chapter 895: laid back

Yingjiang’s embassy is still on Yabao Road, Jianguomen. CCAV's program is also a must-see and must-record for its embassy staff, and obtaining information from public channels is a required course for intelligence personnel.
When the'new fighter plane' was unveiled, several intelligence military officers stood in a dark room and frowned in front of the TV. One and a half of the news has been recorded and played repeatedly.
There is no high-definition signal these days, and the TV picture is very blurry. If you want to see the changes in light and shadow clearly, you have to check it frame by frame with your eyes wide open. But even so, many details appear vague, even deliberately concealed with truth.
It is not normal if it is not concealed.
Someone knocked on the door outside the dark room and sent a stack of intelligence files.
The intelligence officers opened their file bags and picked up thick stacks of files. There are photos, data, names of people, and various information that can be cross-checked.
"Last year, a number of insiders sent information that the prototype of the No. 10 project was officially manufactured in Chengdu, one year earlier than expected, and the progress is very smooth. A test flight will be officially launched at the end of this year."
"This new fighter plane is obviously enlarged from the No. 10 project. But its progress is actually faster than the single-engine model, which is somewhat difficult to understand."
"The picture on the news is fairly clear, and nothing suspicious has been found for the time being. This is not like a forgery, it should be true."
"Judging from its taxiing status, the takeoff and landing performance of this new aircraft should not be bad. It is really a heavy aircraft designed and manufactured according to carrier-based aircraft standards."
Under the bright desk lamp, the more dossier you open, the more information you can sort out. Many pieces of scattered and fragmented intelligence in the past have been pieced together to confirm the same fact.
The military attaches belonging to the CIA had to admit the fact that the ‘Holy Light’ aggressively intervened in the domestic manufacturing system two years ago, especially after ‘moving’ the factory of Da Mao Er Mao, the heavy military industry developed extremely fast.
Over the past two years, many relocated equipment and factories have been installed and rebuilt, and they have entered a stage of positive feedback, continuously improving their technical level.
"These Soviets are really stupid." The military attaches must first send their anger on the fallen bear. "They let their precious technology and resources drain at will."
This made the military attachés look at each other, and everyone knew it well.
Since 1991, all Maozi’s houses have been messed up and lost their management before they disintegrated. The students of Moscow University were able to pull out the AK if they didn't agree with each other. One can imagine the extent of the chaos at that time.
Yingjiang is not very interested in Teddy Bear's technology, but it does not mean that others are also the same.
It was precisely because Moscow was so chaotic that even Bei Bang took out some poor foreign exchange to win over nuclear experts. It was really killed by the "Holy Light" who had been expected to send someone half way.
This may be a rare consensus between "Holy Light" and Yingjiang.
There are many forces that come to eat the corpse of a bear, but this is the only one that is organized and disciplined like "Holy Light", and can be balanced between black and white.
Zhou Qingfeng squatted in Moscow for more than half a year, with harsh and weird methods, and Guo Jianglong was stunned to suppress the local snake. No one can count how much benefit the ‘Holy Light’ has gained, even it doesn’t even know.
It's easier to count the people transported back from Maozi's home. But the information, technology, equipment, etc. are countless. Many things don’t matter if they are three or seven twenty-one. I don’t know if it’s necessary or not. I’ll tell you about it first. Anyway, it’s cheap or even free.
"'Holy Light' has built many huge warehouses in Urumqi, which are full of goods moved back from Eastern European countries. Among them, not only Soviet goods, but also East Germany, Czech Republic and other countries have not let go."
"So, with the support of the'Holy Light', has this new type of fighter been built?"
"'Shengguang' enterprise is really special. As long as it intervenes in the industry, its development speed will accelerate several times or even ten times."
"This is not the first time that the intelligence of this heavy aircraft has appeared. We collected photos of its wind tunnel model last year, but we didn't expect its prototype to appear so quickly."
"The engine is the biggest problem. But Madsic cooperated with'Shengguang' two years ago, and the joint venture factory between the two parties has been built long ago. We tried to prevent it but have not succeeded. It is guessed that this model is the same as the No. 10 project. The Hangfa."
The fighters in the news did not appear out of thin air. From a variety of logical reasoning, it has a realistic basis for emergence. All the conditions for manufacturing it are complete, depending on whether there is demand.
Obviously, the domestic air force needs a heavy fighter. However, the appearance of the ‘Blue Army’ made the Air Force very disappointed with the Su-27. No one wants to spend a lot of money to buy a piece of equipment that is lagging behind.
"In this way, this enlarged double-issue No. 10 project should be stronger than Su-27."
"Referring to the conflict that occurred in the Strait not long ago, its performance is probably close to F-14D."
Close to the F-14D being replaced by the US Navy? This assessment is beyond the capacity of the intelligence attache. However, overestimating or underestimating the opponent's strength when necessary is also a traditional art for the CIA.
Now that new fighters have just appeared, it is not an exaggeration to overestimate it. Maybe the CIA will issue a warning to Congress that its regional aviation advantage is being severely challenged, and the U.S. military will thank them.
Want intelligence interpreters to yell with excitement like young young people outside, or pessimistic? No, it is impossible. They are very calm.
The intelligence interpretation work is tedious, completing one after another, and writing one report after another. This is a job, or a job that is particularly exhausting.
After writing the routine briefing, the follow-up work is handed over to the senior staff at Langley headquarters. The intelligence and military attachés of the embassy also felt tired, and walked out of the dark room to meet for a cup of coffee.
One person held a cup and whispered: "No matter what point of view, they have improved by one point. It is still a very important step."
Who are ‘they’ need not be said.
"The pace of progress is still very fast." Another person also toasted, "Probably catch up with our level thirty years ago."
"But they don't even have a few cars on the streets."
"The per capita income is poor."
"Eating a burger and waiting in line."
"Always want to immigrate to the free world."
Hahaha...The intelligence officers were exhausted and relaxed, telling jokes and having fun. For them, there are many similar situations.
The Soviet Union back then was even more fierce, and there were no waves.
"Even if you can develop three generations of aircraft? How much output can you achieve? The engine has not been completely resolved yet."
"Their economy is very backward, prices are rising desperately and may collapse at any time."
"Wait until they surpass Britain."
"France is waiting for them to surpass."
"And Germany and Japan."
The United States, which controls the first island chain, has a natural initiative for a country that does not have any overseas bases or an aircraft carrier and can only defend itself.
Several intelligence officers collectively put down the cups and laughed at the same time: "It is the sky of the fourth-generation aircraft soon. What is the use of still building the third-generation aircraft?"
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