Chapter 900: Really domineering

When she hung up the phone, Michelle's stunned mood was a little flustered. She is sheltered by her parents, has hundreds of millions of fortunes to squander, and walks almost sideways in European and American countries.
Life in the twenties has always gone smoothly.
Until she met Zhou Qingfeng, Michelle went through many dangers and repeatedly hit the wall. Let her know that the world does not revolve around her.
Zhou Qingfeng is fierce, cunning, and scheming. His ideas for doing things are unconstrained and unrestrained. All of Michelle's pride seemed trivial to him.
If this was just a shameless underground power leader, the little foreign girl would not have much interest, and would even mock the other party as a rotten rat hiding in the sewer, and could only hold a feast in a dark and stinking corner.
But from the moment Zhou Qingfeng appeared, he was dazzling and dazzling. Its influence has risen so fast that it is hard to find in ancient and modern times. He is slowly changing history.
The sudden phone call messed up Michelle's mind. She hurriedly left the shop that had not yet been renovated and returned to her home in Manhattan's Central Park. She can be calmer only by staying at home.
"Hey, Uncle Billy, this is Michelle. Can you do me a favor? Do you know that I studied China's "Shengguang" group before, what new news about that company recently?"
Michelle called her father's assistant. In terms of relationship, the "Uncle Billy" who is almost 50 is no different from his family. In her father's position, the assistant's contacts are like an octopus, and they are everywhere.
Michelle called at noon and received a parcel from his father's assistant two days later.
In the postal packet are all public and non-public reports on the "Holy Light" in the past month, including the sensation caused by the "new fighter plane". But the most noticeable are a few VCD discs.
"Does the CIA use video tapes now?" Michelle murmured.
The assistant uncle who delivered the parcel laughed, "The compact disc is light, large in capacity, and easy to encrypt. The CIA is not ignorant, and always chooses the most advanced technology. But these are not special secrets. VCD is used for convenience."
"It seems that'Holy Light' has produced products that affect the world." There is a VCD player in Michelle's house, and it can be played well.
Hearing ‘influence the world’, the assistant uncle nodded in agreement, "This thing does have a great influence."
Michelle turned around, expecting the assistant uncle to continue. There must be a deeper reason behind this evaluation.
"Since the beginning of this year, the production capacity of'Shengguang' VCD has exploded. They lack foreign exchange, so they use 80% of their production capacity for export.
Originally, their foreign markets were mainly in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, where consumption power was poor and income was not high. We did not pay too much attention. But you can’t think of who buys the most VCDs now? "
Michelle was even more surprised, "Is it America?"
"No, it's Europe. Especially those countries that have to pay TV taxes."
Many European countries collect TV taxes, such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, and so on. As long as you buy a TV, TV stations such as BBC will send people to collect the money.
Even if you say you don’t watch the BBC, it’s not alright.
If you have the possibility to see it, you have to pay. If you take a peek, you will also face a huge fine-trust the BBC, if anyone does not pay for watching TV, they will have professionals using professional equipment to come to catch it.
Guaranteed to make peekers heartbroken.
When you go to Europe, you will find that many homes do not have a TV at all. Don't be surprised, this is all forced. So many people would rather go to the bar at night than stay at home. Because the family is so boring.
It's all right now, and the VCD is sent from the "Holy Light"
Connect the VCD to a monitor that cannot accept external signals, and get some pirated CDs to enjoy modern audio-visual products. Possession of pirated CDs is not illegal, at most confiscated.
Even if it is illegal someday, it is much easier to hide pirated CDs than to hide a TV.
"The sales of VCDs and pirated CDs in Europe are particularly hot now. No matter how the media promotes the harm, ordinary people simply ignore it.
Since most of these are underground transactions, the official cannot count the specific amount.
A British reporter made an unannounced visit to investigate a block in London, and found that more than 80 of the more than 500 households in the block used VCD.
Nearly half of the remaining families have a desire to buy, but they haven’t bought them temporarily because they are out of stock.
The British police have been investigating the smuggling channels of VCDs, but there has been no progress. At present, not only local gangs are involved, but also many formal businesses are participating.
Because the profit inside is too great, the risk is still low. I heard people jokingly a few months ago that all drug dealers in the past are now selling VCDs and pirated CDs. "
Michelle curled her lips and whispered: "This is a typical'Holy Light' style, that is, she knows that it has done bad things, and even has sufficient evidence, but can't catch it alive and well. It's hateful!"
The assistant uncle also sighed, "Now the VCD industry is not only smuggling, but also causing other social problems."
"What is the deeper impact?"
"Of course." The assistant uncle nodded affirmatively. "VCD recording equipment is very cheap. You can easily purchase it for a few thousand dollars. This is much cheaper than ripping video tapes. So private disc production began to flood.
For example, some black underground bands lack distribution channels for street music. Well now, ‘Holy Light’ recently launched a portable VCD, which is almost a perfect match with street music.
When you go to Brooklyn now, you will see almost all black people wearing earphones, wearing a portable VCD around their waists, and writhing in the streets listening to hip-hop music.
Similar self-made audio-visual images are increasing exponentially, and some people are already studying how the rapid spread of subculture will affect mainstream society.
Because many people no longer get information from the formal media, this even affects votes in certain regions. Your father has noticed these things, and he expressed concern about it, and he felt that this might be an opportunity.
Another point is that the VCD patent of "Holy Light" comes from Philips. But Philips found that the technology it developed was actually cheaper than others, and it is fighting a patent lawsuit worldwide.
In addition, Philips is also preparing for the next generation of DVD technology in conjunction with other technology companies, hoping to recapture the current hot VCD market.
But you must know that the VCD market is completely supported by pirated CDs. DVD wants to restrain piracy, which is almost doomed to fail.
‘Holy Light’ issued a statement not long ago saying that if they refused to enter the new DVD alliance, they would destroy the industry without hesitation.
At present, Japan's Sony has succumbed and is trying to pull Philips together. Because they realize that the ‘Holy Light’ is really capable of turning their efforts into nothing. "
"That is really overbearing." Michelle complained weakly.
The assistant uncle smiled again: "It is indeed annoyingly domineering, and it is impossible for others to use it. But your mother's interest in the'Holy Light' has been increasing recently."
"Oh, I know."
The assistant didn't say much, but Michelle knew what the other party meant. Most of the goods she obtained from the "Holy Light" are currently handed over to her mother for promotion and sales.
Luxury goods from other worlds have a strange charm effect. Ladies and ladies in New York and Washington have no resistance to this, and they have generously donated their money and asked for money.
If you make a lot of money, your favor will naturally increase.
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