Chapter 907: shipyard

Putting down the phone, Marcos in the easy chair waved tiredly. Two enchanting Ukrainian girls stood up from the side of his legs, cleaned up, and slowly exited the room.
Ma Keshi's mind was empty, and he wanted to fall asleep with afterthought. But he couldn't sleep. Instead, he got up from the chair lying flat, walked out of the lounge in pajamas, and returned to his study.
Open a safe from the corner of the study and take out a metal bottle. Ma Keshi took a few sips, the spicy taste immediately inspired him, his brain was clear, and his physical strength quickly recovered.
The spiciness of the stamina potion is its iconic sign. If it is not spicy, it will be considered bad, the more spicy the more expensive. Ma Keshi was so hot that he almost choked, but he was satisfied.
Physical medicine is a good thing, and everything provided by the President is a good thing. Those items full of mysterious power work in the team that supports Marcos, allowing them to withstand the difficult times before them.
It is indeed difficult, and the current situation in Eastern Europe is not very good for the'Holy Light'.
After the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, NATO had a strong desire for eastward expansion. The former Warsaw Pact countries are also eager to embrace the West. The two Germanys were reunified, and countries such as Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary lined up to welcome the American imperial division.
Even the former Soviet Union countries such as Da Mao Er Mao desperately want to establish good relations with the West. The people at the bottom also have an inexplicable affection for the West, and they know countless parties to lead the way.
In this context, the forces of the'Holy Light' that took advantage of the chaos in Eastern Europe to expand in the first two years have been greatly hit.
The CIA has not sent less people to make trouble in the past two years.
Snipers, car bombs, female spies, Marcos has gone through a lot of hardships. He saved his life, but his men died a lot. Had it not been for Zhou Qingfeng to train him a group of thousands of backbones, Ermao's situation would collapse.
The only thing Ma Keshi can do is to fight back with a tooth for a tooth. Zhou Qingfeng would come here in person occasionally and spend a few days to clean up his opponent's forces. The CIA killed even senior employees with heavy casualties, and the two sides gradually ceased the war.
After two or three years of hard work, the system mastered by Marcos has become an indispensable dumping channel and procurement market for the "Holy Light".
Ermao is the ‘European granary’, where the grain yield and quality are high. Marcos has set up many food processing plants, which not only provide employment but also provide the "Holy Light" with millions of tons of exports per year.
The port of Odessa in the direction of the Black Sea is being expanded for this purpose, and will become an important transit hub in the future, connecting the huge market of nearly 200 million people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
As long as it can make money, ‘Holy Light’ never picks up customers, and even the big Iranians are friends.
While enjoying the rights and status, Marco also knows what the group behind him needs. Advanced technology, high-end manpower, and heavy equipment. Ermao's family property was shoveled up by him like scrapes, packed and taken away.
Among them, the ‘Varyag’, which was rebuilt at the Black Sea Nikolaev Shipyard, is the top priority. The aircraft carrier is currently undergoing sea trials of its power system and will be able to embark on its return journey in two or three months.
"Boss got the local chicken?" Marco muttered to himself after receiving the call.
Ermao is the champion of the world's "self-made and self-contained" competition, so the native chicken is the top player in the world's "left and right horizontal jump" event.
Native chicken is not a European country, but part of its territory is in Europe. It is not a Christian country, but it is mixed with faith in Jesus. It wants to be the boss of the Middle East, but it has a bad relationship with a bunch of allies and brothers in the Middle East.
It is not enough to squeeze into NATO, and the native chickens have to enter the European Union. However, it still feels good about itself. It gives Germany and France, the core of the EU, every day, the EU will not wait to see it.
Such a weird ‘hukist’ in the world is just one.
Marcos made a series of calls in Kiev to the Nikolayev shipyard on the southern Black Sea. He immediately took a helicopter and went to see the ‘Varyag’ which was being tested at sea.
Don't get into trouble with this aircraft carrier, otherwise Uncle Zhou will be furious.
Two years ago, after Zhou Qingfeng planned to buy the "Varyag", the 705 and 703 warship institutes in China sent people to participate in the renewal.
As the current domestic shipbuilding tonnage is only a few hundred thousand tons and the technical level is low, there is a complete blank for the construction of large high-performance ships. Although Mao Xiong's shipbuilding technology is not good, it is still much better than the current domestic ones, and it is worth learning.
Ma Keshilai ‘inspected’. The aircraft carrier had to come back a few days after going to sea. He found a chief engineer from Dalian. The other party's surname is Tang, and he has brought hundreds of technicians and workers to directly participate in the renewal in the past two years.
"You have to be prepared, the aircraft carrier may leave the Black Sea at any time." Ma Keshi said this with a serious expression.
Chief Engineer Tang was surprised and delighted, "Do the native chickens are willing to open the channel?"
"I don't know, I'm sending someone to contact. Boss actually called me and asked me to arrange the return of the'Varyag'. It is estimated that the situation will change in the near future."
The ability to bring this 60,000-ton aircraft carrier back to China is no less than a leap forward for the domestic navy and shipbuilding industry that is currently at a low tide.
The navy will definitely report to fund the fleet and carrier-based aircraft units. Various military-industrial and shipping companies will also receive large grants and follow the fast track of development.
As for military spending, we must fight for drops, the more the better.
"Well, well, I'll make arrangements right away." Chief Engineer Tang smiled and went to convene a meeting. After all, this matter requires a lot of coordination. Running a distance of more than 10,000 nautical miles, which lasted for several months, had to face many difficulties.
The news spread, and the Chinese personnel in the shipyard were all excited. They have been waiting for this day for a long time, always worrying that the enemy's obstruction will lead to failure.
Marcos went to the manager of the factory again, and found Makarov, who was the director of the factory-it was this old man who reported to the then Prime Minister Ermao that "Varyag is no longer possible. It's finished."
The ‘Varyag’ has not yet been completed, but the power system is complemented and it can sail on the sea. It still has a long way to go before it has full combat capability.
Knowing that this huge ship was about to leave, the old factory director shook his head with a sigh, "This is also its best destination. It is better than the Ulyanovsk."
The first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Soviet Red Navy was dismantled into scrap at the Black Sea Shipyard two years ago. The American company that originally bought the scrap iron was shameless, causing the shipyard to lose money.
The scrap iron was finally bought by the "Holy Light".
"How is the situation at the shipyard?" Marco asked.
Makarov shook his head bitterly, "It's almost finished."
"How come back? The Holy Light paid you money."
"Yes, it was the ‘Holy Light’ who paid, so only half of the tens of thousands of employees are currently reserved."
"What about the rest?"
Makarov glanced at Marco Shi, "The rest was pulled away by the Holy Light."
Ma Keshi was stunned for a few seconds, and said in a low tone: "Comrade Makarov, in fact, you can all go."
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