Chapter 915: Here comes the rubbish

In ancient agricultural society, the fruits of labor were extremely scarce from beginning to end. A grain of rice, a bowl, a piece of wood, and a nail are all precious.
But in the industrial age, for the first time mankind has discovered the extremely absurd thing of ‘overproduction’. There are too many fruits of labor, milk will be poured into the river, crops will rot in the fields, and goods will pile up in warehouses.
But there will still be people who can’t eat enough and don’t wear warm clothes.
In modern society, what the aggressors want is not territory and population, but the market. One reason why the United States is strong is that it has a large and unified consumer market and enough domestic demand to promote economic circulation.
For many developing countries, exporting goods to developed countries such as Europe and the United States is an important way, or even the only way, to obtain capital and technology and develop the economy.
It is as big as China, as small as Vietnam, and as chaotic as India. Economic development always follows a certain path. Native chickens are close to Europe, and trade with Europe is its lifeline.
The textile industry is also a lifeline in the lifeline.
The earliest British industrial revolution began with the textile industry. Its technical content, capital needs and labor quality requirements are relatively low, and it is an entry-level task for a developing country.
The development of the textile industry has now become a highly profitable part of developed countries to master brands, design and develop new materials and new equipment. Developing countries just work hard and earn a little money.
But even a small amount of money is of great importance to developing countries and should not be lost.
Simply put, foreign trade and remittance income are important sources of foreign exchange for native chickens, and textile exports account for a quarter of foreign trade.
In the 1990s, more than two million employed people in Tuji were engaged in the textile industry. If the export of its textiles can be hit precisely, its economy will inevitably suffer heavy losses and even cause social unrest.
Smugglers in a small town are aware of the hidden dangers, but not everyone can betray their own interests. You can worry about the country and the people, but you still have to make money.
"Our textile industry should reflect on why other people ship goods better and cheaper than us? Bureaucrats should investigate, improve production, and reduce costs."
The local smuggler gave his thoughts.
Ilham sounded absurd. Probably the other party only smuggled home appliances, not textiles. If it is the other way round, this local tyrant is afraid it is not a similar idea.
This situation made Ilham pay attention instead. After completing the transaction of satellite TV receivers, he returned to the Commodity Exchange in the Port of Odessa by boat to inquire about other smugglers.
Merchants pay more attention to information. The exchange has specially arranged a gathering area, opened a telephone line connecting the world, and provided free office equipment to facilitate transactions.
The party area provides free tea and VIP lounges, and there are always people staying here. Ilham asked several black market merchants he knew well, and quickly collected a lot of news.
"Textiles? It is said that the suppliers of'Holy Light' have made breakthroughs in dye fabrics and textile machinery, and can produce new fabrics like'Modal' or high-count cashmere fabrics by themselves.
These high-end fabrics were only produced in Europe in the past, and the local chicken textile factories processed them on their behalf. Now the ‘Holy Light’ has come in. Most of the lingerie products that have arrived in Hong Kong recently are produced in ‘Modal’, which sells particularly well in Europe. "
"Modal?" The news was shocked by Ilham, because he had done a similar business before, buying high-end fabrics from Europe and selling them in Tehran, specifically supplying women with status and status.
Even though the women in Tehran wear black robes, they are particularly willing to spend money on clothing under the black robes. Europe itself is a big textile market, and the profits of high-end products are particularly attractive.
Ordinary people are satisfied if they can wear pure cotton, but rich people want more high-end ones. ‘Modal’ fabric is known for its smoothness, softness, and moisture absorption, and it has great advantages in making underwear.
Being able to create ‘Modal’ is indeed an industrial upgrade, which can make a lot of money.
"So, the'Holy Light' must have occupied a lot of the textile market?" Ilham asked his'friends'.
The chattering black market merchants looked at each other, and the information they had was not enough to infer such a conclusion. But theoretically, the portion of the cake is certain. Some people eat too much, and some people must be hungry.
Merchants only make money, but Ilham suffered a loss in Tehran, and subconsciously he is always interested in the inside story behind the business. He took time to collect some information on the exchange, and was shocked to find that the profits of textiles were unexpectedly high.
The cost price of an ordinary T-shirt shipped to Odessa is less than five dollars, but the purchase price of black market merchants is at least ten dollars. When sold to end users, the price will vary, but it must be doubled again.
Nowadays, some poor men are dying. Their way of life is to buy a pack of clothes at the Odessa exchange and transfer them to other places.
There are about two or three hundred pieces of clothing in a scattered bag, but the styles in it are different. The wholesale price of this second-hand goods is cheaper, but it is still very popular.
The countries around the Black Sea are not rich, and the poor at the bottom have nothing to fault, as long as they can wear them. A piece of old clothes only sells for 0.5 dollars, which is also affordable for them.
In addition, I heard that the "Holy Light" plans to build an exchange in the port of Piraeus in Greece, which is also a wholesale textile. The sales target of second-hand textiles is the North African market.
African countries such as Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Sudan, and Ethiopia are even poorer. Their market is extremely price sensitive and only picks the cheapest.
In the past, local chickens provided these markets with cheap and huge quantities of goods, but now they are changing for the "Holy Light"-a ship can transport tens of thousands of tons of goods at will, and the price is original. The dealer collapsed thousands of miles away.
"But the profit is not low." Ilham always thought that the profitability of electrical appliances was high, but after careful calculation, he found that even the cheapest second-hand clothing is actually very profitable when it is bigger.
Zhou Qingfeng was first a ‘garbage guy’, and he took the initiative to set up a modern waste material recycling plant in the coastal areas of China, and used specialized equipment to solve the garbage problem. The waste paper category alone can create a wealth of billions of soft sister coins every year.
In the matter of'picking up trash', if Uncle Zhou is second, no one would dare to be the first. The reason why "Holy Light" can be so big is because he doesn't care about profit at all.
Others want to make money and want to go abroad to enjoy the sweet air. He keeps making money to build roads, build schools and start businesses to create more jobs.
Two years ago, ‘Holy Light’ sold recycled products in China. But now except for raw materials, other second-hand goods are basically sold to backward areas abroad. This has directly blocked many developing countries' ways to make money.
Can it be cheaper than garbage?
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