Chapter 13: Wind and Snow (2)

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An arrow drawn by a mysterious man pulled up by a black horse looked at him in surprise and said, "There is a lotus flower carved on the arrow. It is a lotus!"
Liu Qingwu reached for the arrow and ordered coldly: "Take up the remains and return to the village!"
The jade-like fingers wiped the lotus nicks fiercely, engraving the hatred of the Lotus Yike into my heart. She vowed secretly that she would find the owner of this arrow to revenge today.
Black riding is well-trained. In a short time, the body of his companion is bound to the horse, and the black woman is hurrying away from Tianmenguan.
However, a pillar of incense work, only the carriage destroyed by Mo House, the dead servants and a few dead horses were left in the valley official road.
After another tea time, Lian Yike went back and returned. He pulled out the arrow on the ground and looked at it, there was no mark on it, and then there was no mark on the dead horse. He murmured: "The act is really careful. Who has the guts to dare to be against Wangjing Mofu? It should have lifted her cloak just now to see clearly." What's the matter, Qian Qing? "
All his eyes were covered with blood stains. Don't abandon the initial curse of Moruo Fei's scourge, but also be more aggressive in wearing such gorgeous clothes. Now she only hopes that there is not blood on his shirt, but blossoming red flowers.
His waist is thin.
Brother Shan's waist is not thin. She could not embrace his waist with both hands.
Brother Baoshan's waist was only when he was a child. She embraced the roses and sold them. At three o'clock in the morning, Brother Shan would ride a bicycle to meet her at the door of the wine bar. If she sold a lot of money that day, she would hug his waist all the way after jumping on the back seat of the bicycle and go home laughing and laughing. If the flowers did not sell a few, Brother Shan would be unhappy, and she would not dare to hug him. You can only hold the bike's rear frame tightly to prevent you from falling off the bike. Growing up, she and he will always spend where they should start stealing money every day. The only entertainment is watching TV or playing games in Internet cafes. As he said, she hated him and was afraid and helpless. Because she couldn't find her parents, she could only follow him day by day. There is nothing to think about in the future. This kind of thinking is too unrealistic, and he and she don't consider it at all.
Quietly raised his head, did not give up seeing Moruofei's pale face. This is the face of a young man who is eighteen or nineteen years old. Without a mixed beard, her skin is softer and smoother than her. Beautiful enough to confuse the hearts of women in the world. And for himself, he has a new destiny of his own. In this life, he can think about the future. She can too.
"Porphy!" Moruofei spurted blood on the face that never gave up.
Before she could wipe off the blood that had stuck her eyes, she was taken by Moruofei and immediately fell to the ground. She fell on him, and the chest held in her arms made her chest hurt. Without giving a shock, a few wiped the blood from his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw Moruofei lying in the snow with his eyes closed.
She looked around in a panic. The valley is empty and the wind is faint. She seemed to be the only one left in the world. He gave Mo Ruofei the and shoved his face, and his voice changed nervously: "Mogong! You wake up!"
Moruofei was motionless. The beautiful face looks like ice sculpture, transparent and bloodless.
Bu Ren shivered and touched it on the side of his neck with a touch of throbbing from his fingertips. She let out a sigh of relief, he was not dead. In the mind, the past with the brother's life suddenly flowed. The magic bottle that had been imprisoned for 13 years was opened, and tears burst into her eyes. Do not abandon sobbing and said: "You have a good life, it is impossible to die like this. I do not want to recognize you, nor do you want to die.
She untied Morrofe's sapphire belt. Pulling the front flap open to see a bruise on his chest, she touched it carefully, without breaking her ribs. Where did the blood come from? She overturned Morrofei with her shirt and exhausted her breath. Her wounds on her back were grim and her white clothes were stained red.
Here the official road is no longer a cliff, the hillside is covered with snow, and the shrubs and shrubs are half buried in ice and snow. The turmeric dry grass tipped the snow mass. It's not difficult to burn a pile of fire with shrubs, what if you are caught up? Don't abandon the tense direction when looking at it, and lie down on the road to feel whether there is the vibration of the horseshoe.
She suddenly discovered that the horse was gone. Without giving up bitter smiles and thinking, even if hiding in the roadside, she could not hide the trace of dragging Moruofei by her. It is destiny, now it is important to save people.
He didn't abandon the silver raccoon cap that he took off, covered him, and stood up and ran up the hillside. After half an hour, a fire had risen near the leeward side of the hillside.
Without abandoning, Xinxue put it in the pottery bowl and cooked, picked up Morrofi's dagger and cut through the sticky clothes, and tore the skirt to tie his wound tightly. When she got this right, Moruofei's face was paler and her body shivered with cold. She wrapped her hands in a cloth, picked up the pottery bowl by the fire, and carefully fed the heated snow water into Morofi's mouth.
"The horse ran in the direction of Taniguchi, and the sword sound would see it, and it would immediately bring people. You hold on."
Moruofei seemed to be a bit conscious and swallowed the water.
Morrofee's body trembled more severely in the wind-chilling cold in the valley. Fugu frowned, got up and moved the fire away. The ground was hot, and she dragged Moruofei over, turned and ran up the again.
She waved her dagger hard to cut off the dry bushes, and raised a new fire. The silver raccoon cape was wrapped around Morrofee, and the skirt was used to wrap up his wounds. She only wore short jackets and tops. Seeing the fire gradually forming a semicircular ring of fire, I gave up and wiped the sweat on my face. The bushes and the dry grass couldn't help but burn, and she kept walking between the hillside and the official road without feeling cold for a while.
At last, the energy gradually wears out, and the bushes in his arms are piled up in the fire without weary, and there is no more energy. When the wind blows, the hot sweat turns into ice, and the cold swish sticks to the body. She sneezed a few times, and she froze trembling. I looked at Moruo Fei and didn't give up hugging him, hoping to keep both of them warm.
The fire gradually weakened, and the bushes she had struggled to collect could no longer support the fire to continue to burn vigorously. Do not abandon the desperate thoughts, she can only do these things, whether she can persevere that the sword can bring people to help, it is life.
Mo Ruofei suddenly moved, without giving up the surprise, said: "Are you awake ?! I will give you water."
She picked up the pottery bowl and fed him a few sips of hot water.
Moruofei gradually opened his eyes. The mountain breeze blows away the fire, and the red grass that has burnt red suddenly turns into a black ash. He stared at Nobuy in front of him, suddenly raised his hand and slapped her face fiercely, gasping and cursing: "I don't know what to do!"
Although he was seriously injured, his slap force was not small. He didn't give up, but he felt like he had his face peeled off. He only heard the clear voice first, and after a while, there was a needle-like pain on his face.
Mo Ruofei's pale face was full of anger, and he gasped and scolded: "I don't know life or death! I don't even want to kill my life for the sake of breaking the bowl!" He took the pottery and fell down.
"Don't!" No screaming and rushed past. The forehead hit the ground, tears flowing out of the pain. The water in the pottery bowl spilled all over her, and it instantly turned into frost, and the wind blew through her heart. She couldn't control so much. She picked up the pottery bowl and looked at it from left to right, making sure it didn't break her before holding it tightly to her chest.
"Flowers don't give up. If it weren't for you to drop the horse for this broken bowl, I would get hurt ?! Say you are smart, hum, stupid as a donkey!" Moruofei looked at her in disgust.
She is stupid, so stupid that she let go of her hand and fell off the cliff. So stupid that he let go of his hand today and fell off the horse, causing him to nearly die. An anger swelled in his chest, he couldn't control his emotions anymore, jumped up and yelled at Moruofei: "Without it, you can drink hot water? What you see is cheap, it's my baby ! With a beautiful face born in a rich family, I do n’t understand the mood of the poor ?! I ’m tired of you, I begged you to come back to save me? I do n’t save you now too? I owe you! I do n’t owe you in the past or in this life! "
What did she say? Past life? The blood color on Wu Qi's face faded suddenly, and he was a few steps away from Moruofei subconsciously. She looked at him in horror. Will he hear it? The heart beat violently at this instant. The rumbling sound was like a drum, it seemed that she would pop out of her throat with only one mouth.
Moruofei was shocked by her scolding. In the past ten years, he has been favored in Mofu, when he was scolded by his nose. However, the unyielding scolding stopped, and he saw her face change from pale to red, and he was horrified. The diamond-like eyes were full of horror.
After scolding him, he finally recovered and knew he was afraid?
"I ..." Shaking out the word, I sat on the floor with my legs slumped. His head fell down weakly, and he dared not look at him again.
Moruofei saw the unconsciousness like this. The thin body shook steadily, and the snowy white pants had long become dirty. The hair was scattered on the face, and the hands on the snow were red and swollen and bloody. He glanced at the silver raccoon cloak and the bandaged wound, and his anger dissipated.
"You also saved me, evened out." He sighed and stretched his hand to lift up his unforgettable face. Seeing that he didn't want to hide, he frowned and scolded: "Don't move!"
He looked at him timidly, holding the pottery nervously. Moruofei just gently flicked her scattered hair away, and his eyes seemed to have endless pity and regret. She turned away uncomfortably and heard Moruofei said: "Fortunately, the stone didn't scratch your face."
It turned out that he was distressed by this face. Do not give up a sigh of relief, followed by bursts of sadness. In Moruofei's eyes, in the eyes of Master Lin, her face is now naked silver.
Anyway, she didn't want to recognize him, and he would never know that she had crossed like him. Without abandoning the pottery bowl, he touched his forehead and smiled and said, "Fortunately, I just bumped a bag and raised it for a few days."
There were hoofs again in the valley. Moruofei stood up from the ground and took hold of his non-discarding hand to hide behind him. Looking back from the mountain stone, it was Jiansheng who saw the lead. He let out a sigh of relief: "It's mine."
He still stared at him and held his hand. When he was pulled behind him, she frowned so sadly. Then she told herself that what he wanted to protect was a flower he regarded as a stranger. If it weren't for this face, if it weren't for a similar look, she was the beggar girl he wouldn't even look at.
Unyieldingly, he took off his hand and climbed onto the rock and waved and shouted, "Brother Sword, Mo Gongzi is here!"
The sound of the sword was seen from a distance, urging the horses to come. Before approaching the hillside, he jumped out of nowhere and landed in front of Buqi. He stretched his hand and pushed Buqi away from the rock: "If the son is unpredictable, you will still have ten lives!"
He didn't give up and fell to Venus, his fell to the ground, only to feel more than pain, elbow pain, body pain. She screamed fortunately in her heart. She fell three times today, but she was already dead when she broke her arm and leg.
"Send a team of people to visit Taniguchi. This matter is not allowed to pass back to Fuzhong to make the old lady worry! Go back to Bie Zhuang first." Moruo Fei's weak command was finished, and he was surrounded by horses. He turned back to Jiansheng and said, "Give her your cloak to protect her."
Jian Sheng grunted, and after taking off his cloak, he would not abandon the package strictly, throwing her on the horse like a bag, and said fiercely: "If you dare to fall again, I will pick you up slowly while carrying your son!"
"Brother Jiansheng is better to protect me. I can't guarantee that I will have the strength to go back." Do not abandon touching the pottery bowl in my arms, tired of screaming at the sound of the sword, his face grimaced, his head dizzy.
"Hey, I haven't finished speaking!" The sword shook her hard with anger. Seeing no response, I had to hug her and clap the horse to catch up with the team.
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