Chapter 7: Strange Goods (1)

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The moonlight is beautiful tonight.
Snow accumulates on the fluffy needles of the green pine, like crystal flowers.
In her memory, this is the first time in her life that snow scene is beautiful. For the poor, heavy snow brings not beautiful scenery but cold.
In her previous life, when she was five or six years old, she held roses and sold them on a winter night at one in the morning. Adhere to a pair of red men and green women passing by her side, begging them to spend one yuan to buy a branch. In the cold winter, the lunar month is so cold that I can my nose. I only hope that I can be taken back to the rented bungalow earlier to cook a bowl of hot noodle soup.
When I was five or six years old, I saw Hua Jiu slowly becoming lifeless during a snowy night. The people in the town closed their doors and closed their doors. She couldn't remember how she crawled into Ahuang's kennel from the dog hole. I only remember the wind that night that caused my limbs to not listen, and the blood on my body was frozen in inches.
Without feeling the coldness of winter, you won't feel happy when you roast the stove in fox fur. If you do n’t give up, you wo n’t look back and you know exactly what expression will be on the face of Master Lin sitting behind her drinking tea. This old fox has eaten her. Suddenly know that it has a relationship with a prominent royal family, any beggar and lowly girl will be pleasantly surprised.
Lord Lin said directly and obscurely: "The godfather saw that you looked similar to the lady in the painting. I remembered that she did not abandon her. He was also an abandoned baby picked up by Hua Jiu. You have also been pleased for many years. "
If Ruo Wangfu thinks it is not? Will she be beheaded?
Master Lin also said: "The state government of Xizhou Prefecture, the wealthy gentry of the family will successively receive this portrait. The portrait alone looks for people, similar in age, or similar in appearance or appearance. .. For the Seven Kings, there are many girls who will be recommended by then. "
It's just similar, and it's no big deal. Bu Ji suddenly thought of Hua Jiu, who had been frozen to death, and his eyes gradually filled with sadness. After spending more than five years with Hua Jiu, the care in his dirty face is the purest emotion in the world. Unfortunately, he can't wait for today.
The non-discarding fingers wrapped around the hair. The hair is black and shiny with a sense of falling, and loosen slightly, just like the naughty child quickly ran away from her fingers.
Fanghua combed her with the grate again and again, rummaging through her fingers. Finally, it was confirmed that there were no lice. Lin Dansha laughed and praised her hair. She personally tied her ribbons behind her head.
Lin Dansha also sewed the dress, and she didn't wear it for a day. A short jacket of fine brocade embroidered with small florals, a pink Xiang skirt. A dark green ribbon about ten inches wide was tied around his waist. It was so fresh and soft that it reminded her of Xiaohe, which first opened after the rain in Hetang.
She touched her dress, and there was a love of gold and silver in her heart.
Lin Dansha took out her newly sewn skirt without frowning. At the same time, she proactively said that she would be given medicinal herbs to take a medicine bath every day, so that her sun-tanned skin would become soft and fair, and her labored and rough hands would be raised to be lush and lush.
She touched the jade bracelet between the bowls again. The whole body is turquoise, moist and clear. Mrs. Lin wore it for decades, and put it on her wrist with a touch, saying that it was a gift to the newly recognized granddaughter. The jealous grandma said that the bracelet was worth one hundred and two silvers.
Such a generous brush dyed pheasant feathers into phoenix feathers ... The unyielding gaze withdrew from the snow on the green pine, and she turned around with the look that Lin Lin wanted to see.
She looked at the portrait again seriously, and remembered the beautiful woman in her heart. He sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I don't want to give up the lack of such a beautiful appearance. I'm afraid that the godfather admitted wrong?"
Mr. Lin has been sitting in the Taishi chair drinking tea, observing her with a smile. Once again, the doubt of not giving up was dispelled: "No giving up is not inherited from this lady's beauty. However, at this time, you can't look down anymore. The way you smile is carved in the same mold as this lady. I When I received the portrait, I thought of you without any effort. This expression looks more and more like it. "
is it? Do not abandon the sneering expression in his eyes, smiled slightly.
Mr. Lin then said seriously: "Do not give up, the old lady loves you, the old man accepts you as a righteous girl, just for you to be happy under the old lady's knees. Who knows Wang Jing sent this portrait, the old man hesitated, afraid not to I do n’t think that the old man accepted you as a woman for this reason. Zuo Siyou thought, the old man really did n’t want to let the pearl fall into the mountains. "
If you don't abandon your heart's curse and accept her as a righteous girl, wouldn't she look like the lady in the portrait at her look? It must be so straightforward.
However, she seemed to have no need to refuse. There seems to be no reason to refuse.
The next step is very simple. A loving shouting daughter, a moved cry with tears in her eyes called the godfather. Of course, Mr. Lin absolutely can't think of it. She doesn't give up calling such intimacy because she remembered the words of a bitch.
You sing a paragraph and I play a paragraph. So things are settled.
Don't abandon and return to the room to take out the only box. All of her original clothes were ordered by Lin Dansha to be burnt by Fanghua. The only thing that really belonged to her was this pottery bowl.
"Do you or yourself?" Bu Qi gently stroked the pottery bowl.
The pottery bowl is not very round. It was made by Hua Jiu who dug out the clay and pinched the clay, and burned it with a pile of firewood for several days and nights. Some parts of the surface were burned with a light and bright glaze, and some parts were still rough, but it took a long time and was smooth.
Hua Jiu used it to get rice soup and feed her big. She was full of food and smiled at Hua Jiu, and Hua Jiu's dirty face followed with joy. Do not give up the melancholy thought, Uncle Ji, why can't you live for a hundred years?
In the early morning of the next day, I did not abandon sitting in a sedan chair and took the girl, who was given to her by Lin Fu, Hong'er Lu'er and the four little guys, and went to a chaotic grave.
The snow fell heavily last night, and the chaotic grave was like a snow-white bun that had just been pulled out of the cage, and the height was low and it was located on the hillside.
Lu'er snorted, "Yeah, it's all buried in the snow. Can you find it, Miss?"
The snow was not deep in the knees, and it was much shallower when walking up the hillside. Some large and small graves stand in front of stone monuments, and some are integrated into the mountains. Hong'er Lu'er has been living in the house of Yaolingzhuang, and has been to such a desolate place for several times. I only hope that I can burn out the paper money quickly and go home.
"Uncle Jiu's grave is there. You walk a little more carefully, beware of stepping on the dry bones. The poor have no money, the straw mats are thrown here and the old crow is eaten, and the remaining bones are thrown all over the slope."
Hong'er Lu'er's face suddenly became like their name. One was blushing in horror, and one was so bluish as to have green in the face.
No abandoning smile: "Forget it, you two will stay here. I will do it myself." She reached out and took the bamboo basket from Hong'er. Seeing Hong'er seemed a little worried, he pointed to the hillside not far away and said, "The one who can see me is under that tree."
Going up alone, slowly showing a smug smile at the corner of the mouth. She deliberately scared Hong'er and Lu'er, just not wanting them to follow. She knew that she would leave Yaoling Town to Wangjing from now on, and she would not have much chance to see Huajiu again. Something in my heart always wanted to talk to him alone.
There is a shallow grave under a dead tree on the hillside. Yaolingzhuang did not abandon it. Mrs. Lin did the good deeds in the end, and took two or two silvers to ask someone to dig a pit for Hua Jiu and bury it, so as not to leave his dead body in the wilderness. A monument made of wooden boards was diagonally inserted in front of Huajiu Grave.
Without giving up standing in front of the grave, he turned back and waved to Honger and Lu'er under the hillside. Then he took out the incense candle paper offering from the bamboo basket. While burning the paper thread, she smiled and said, "Nine Uncle, do you see it? Don't abandon it is now a lady. Today came in a sedan chair with a girl. The Lin family hopes that I have forgotten you and really treat myself as a lady. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again when I go back to Linfu this time. Ahuang will be buried beside you. With it to accompany you, you won't be lonely. "
When the wind blew, an old cormorant on the tree beside Huajiu Grave suddenly cried out. Bu Yi raised his head and laughed and scolded: "I don't understand the language of birds, and I can't understand it if I ask it. But you never forget what you say. I want to tell you something today. Remind me that holding a golden rice bowl and begging will be very prestige. In the future, I will give you a golden rice bowl with only gems to give you, so that you can beg for the scenery in Huangquan. Lin Fu has kept me for many years, no matter what they are To repay. I believe you will agree. "
Without giving up, he stood up quietly and looked at the little tomb. Turned down the hillside.
"Miss, why are you staying so long? Can it be done? A beggar."
If you listen to these words, you will inevitably get angry. Look down on the beggars, I still look down on Lin Lin's forces! She glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "It's frozen? Why don't you get on the car first and warm up?"
Hong'er Lu'er looked at each other and said in unison: "Don't dare to slave!"
Do not give up lightly said: "I will never come again, and I am no longer a former beggar girl playing miscellaneous girl. If I do not want to wait for me, I went back to my grandma."
Although the second maid had been ordered by Mrs. Lin to come and serve, she knew that the new lady had a future. But there was always a contempt in my heart. One is because of her non-abandoned background, and the other is always because of her young age. Unexpectedly, in front of this chaotic grave, he did not abandon and sway his prestige.
How dare they dare not to leave to return to Mrs. Lin, scared to kneel down on the snow: "The slave-servant knows the wrong."
Bu Yi looked at them and said slowly, "Since it is someone who is going to follow me to Wangjing, I will make the statement clear now. You two are the girls of Lin Fu, and the grandma and the godfather are beside me to help me. People, I have no choice, neither do you have choices. It ’s just that now I ’m a lady, you are girls, and do your part. Go back to the house. "
Honger and Luer got up from the snow and looked at each other.
That day, Mrs. Lin and Mr. Lin learned the conversation between the three masters and servants before the chaotic grave.
Master Lin snorted: "This girl was only a day when she missed her tail. She would rise up in the future. If you become rich, you might be greeted by her husband!"
Mrs. Lin said Amitabha: "If you don't abandon the doghouse where Aunt Liu San lived for a few days as a child, you will know to carry water and repay her."
Only this sentence, Master Lin's complexion eased and said with a smile: "Mother said yes. Do not abandon is a good child who knows how to show grace. The young lady should have the appearance of a young lady. Before the Spring Festival, there will be news in Wangjing City Here comes. Waiting for the trip after the Lantern Festival, it will be two or three months. From tomorrow on, Dansha will be mentioned to her one by one. "
Mrs. Lin closed her eyes slightly and sighed: "How much you can teach. Some habits can't be changed. It doesn't matter. After all, people in the town know that she spent nine or six years to discuss the meal. We are doing our best to work for the palace. , And it ’s not a training girl for Wangfu. "
"Mother said very much."
"This is her only chance to fly to the branch, no need to worry. That girl is clever."
It was also this conversation in Mrs. Lin's room that made him not to live a good life that Lin Dansha never had.
Mr. Lin specially invited Master Manchu from Duobao Pavilion in Wangjing City to cook dishes. Be sure to familiarize her with the taste of Beijing.
Lin Dansha is no longer beloved, and he will never drink the pigeon soup with a complete bird's pot for supper today. The daily dishes are never repeated, just look at the dish's craftsmanship and show that the chef is cooking hard.
She was not convinced by the hot eyes, and she didn't know how many times she was scolded. Lin Dansha knew very well that she couldn't afford to let the children get out of the wolf. She sneered, thinking, what is spent on Hua Budui today, and in the future the Seventh Prince will return it to Yaolingzhuang ten times. Reminiscent of the prince of the prince, Lin Dansha gritted her teeth and worked hard and did not give up to cultivate feelings. From morning to night and not to be bored in one place, the fashion styles of the clothes of the boudoir daughter's family are cherished.
Regarding reading and literacy, it is very easy to learn. She gradually realized the traditional characters, and was accustomed to reading them in vertical format without punctuation marks, from left to right. As for writing her, it won't work. It's always complicated, but she spends the most time on it.
What made Lin Dansha curious was that he was not interested in books such as the Four Books and the Five Classics on Women's Training and Commandments. No love for poetry. She is just obsessed with recognizing words.
"Women are virtues and virtue, so they can read and write. My sister feels that she should not give up the way to take the first place in the exam? There is not much time, it is better for her sister to teach more than some etiquette!" Sand's doubts.
Lin Dansha felt right not to give up. Women are most afraid of rudeness. Immediately afterwards, teach you how to deal with the identities of people and species. Just teach it once and remember it.
From the point of view of not abandoning, the only thing is to speak with a gentle voice and a lower voice. It's better to talk less and be dumb. It's a ready-made girl who sits still.
It is said that three generations of nobility, the elegance in the bones was slowly cultivated after the accumulation of wealth to a certain time. The kind of temperament that shows up between hands and feet should be learned in a short period of time, and only one sentence should be said. Drawing a tiger is not a cat. It's just that the level of pretending to be a paper tiger is still there.
Moruofei lived in the guest room in the west courtyard of Yaolingzhuang with the sound of sword.
He was looking at a portrait while sitting at the desk. In the painting, the bright moon hangs high, and Dangui fragrant. A beautiful woman looks up at the moon and smiles. The paintbrush was vivid, and the beauty's skirt was brought up by the evening wind, as if Chang E wanted to go to the moon. It is exactly the same as the portrait sent by Yushi Chen Kuaima to Yaolingzhuang.
The bright sky reflected on his face from the window with white cotton paper. His complexion was crystal clear, and the people were like jade carvings.
The word fate is wonderful.
This sentence flashed in Moruofei's mind.
He recalled her expressions and deeds that night when he did not give up, and he burst into laughter.
The sword asked puzzled: "Why is the son so happy?"
Mo Ruofei nodded and said: "Did you hear the girls in the house talking privately? Lord Lin newly received a little girl as a righteous girl. The sky was too dark to see clearly, and her face was still around during the day. Wearing a cloth towel, full of mud, smoke, ink, I did n’t think about it. Now I think about it, Huabubuqi sometimes looks like his wife.

Jian Sheng was overjoyed: "The son is the newly-reasoned daughter of the Lord Linzhuang. Is Miss Wu the person we are looking for?"
Moruofei smiled with confidence: "The hunt for the Seventh Prince in Xizhou Prefecture has been spread. A seven-year-old vegetable garden mistress will be suddenly accepted by the Linzhuang Master as a righteous girl, which is very strange .. Jian Sheng, you ’re going to stab a kiss, otherwise Lin Zhuang will not see us. Remember the portrait of Moti. "
"Sword declares nothing." Jian Sheng should hurried out of the room.
Mo Ruofei looked at the portrait with a smile, and suddenly came to the door of Yaolingzhuang to spend his words. There was a lot of interest in his eyes, and he murmured: "If you call me a beast in your stomach, you are a bitch! Really a sly girl, do you think this son is scolded in vain ?!
The famous thorn is three inches long and one inch wide, and the white thread is hot with silver thread. There is a vermilion square coin stamp in the middle.
Lord Lin looked at the name stimulation in his hand and twitched his beard. He took a deep breath and asked kindly: "Your son is the son of Wangjing Mofu?"
Such a reaction was as expected by Jian Sheng, and he smiled and replied: "My son is the Shaodong family of Wangjing Mofu. Thank you Yao Lingzhuang for the small wound. The son wants to say his thanks to Linzhuang. "
The most powerful person in the world is naturally His Majesty the Emperor. The richest people are the four great families, Feiyunbao Yunjia, Mingyue Villa Liujia, Jiangnan Dajia and Zhujia, and Wangjing Mofu.
In addition to the traditional accident of running a family, the four major families also run royal businesses. Feiyunbao operates swords and horses, and takes the path of the army. Mingyue Villa Liujia operates official kiln porcelain. Jiangnan Zhu's home is exclusively for silk tea. Wangjing Mofu is gaining ground due to geographical advantages, with 8 out of 10 business stops in Beijing having the shadow of Mofu. The relatives of the emperor and the ministers of the DPRK and China accounted for a lot of dry stock in these businesses. Therefore, although Mofu did not directly intervene in the business of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he obtained the right of official bank transfer. All local tax officials ’banks and the military ’s rates and bank transfers are transferred through the Moyuan ’s Fangyuan Bank. As long as it is a silver ticket issued by a bank with this vermilion square coin symbol, all banks in the world can cash it.
Lord Lin's eyes gradually brightened. How good is his luck? The Seven Kings are looking for someone, but they are similar to the lady in the portrait. He wanted to make friends with the dignitaries, but he just sent the master who knew him well in Beijing.
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