Chapter 1013: Lisandro's Secret

Seeing Ye Feng's face sluggish for a long time without replying, Sivir noticed something wrong. She asked in a low voice with blinking eyes: "Ye Feng, is something wrong?"
After Sivir asked, Ye Feng slowly recovered. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, his eyes solemnly said: "Avarossa's last ice bloodline suddenly has another ice bloodline beside it, and the two seem to have appeared together in the Frost Guard tribe through a spell like a portal. ..."
Hearing what Ye Feng said, Sivir was also lost in thought. After a brief thought, she frowned and said: "Why don't you go to the territory of the Frost Guardian tribe to see the two ice bloodlines, I will wait for your news in the control room of Rifick?"
"Okay, I will be back soon, don't act rashly until then!"
Ye Feng also agreed with Xivir very much. The moment his words fell, a twisted spatial vortex appeared in front of him.
Before Ye Feng stepped into the space vortex, Sivir exhorted: "Although you are a demigod now, be careful!"
"Why are you saving me?"
In the Ice Crystal Palace in the main city of the Frost Guardian tribe, Tydamir looked directly at Lisandro who was sitting on the Ice Crystal Throne. Although Ashe was able to claim that the emperor was inseparable from Li Sandra's support, Tai Damir still had a high level of alert for Li Sandra in front of him.
Regarding Teddamer’s vigilance, he didn’t care very much. Lisandro on the throne replied unhurriedly:
Teddamir, Avarosa has a friendly relationship with the Frost Guard after all. It’s the right time to save you. It’s a pity to be me. Knowing that when the Shadow Island army attacked Avarosa, Avarosa had been occupied for a long time, coupled with the demon eye change of the Howling Abyss not long ago, I found the opportunity to go to the territory of Avarosa today and happened to save you. ."
Li Sang Zhuo has been sending him friendly messages, but Teddamir's instinctive reaction is that he can't fully believe Li Sang Zhuo who has lived for thousands of years.
Although I can't trust Lisandro, Taidamir still said, "Thank you for your help. If it weren't for you just now, I might have died in the hands of those undead."
"Teddamir, you can rest with me first, I will try my best to search for Ashe's trace, and when I find her, I will notify you as soon as possible!"
Lisandro motioned to Taidamir to rest with her at ease. As for looking for Ashe, she would arrange for someone to do it. But let's talk about it, in fact, Li Sangzhuo didn't have the slightest desire to find Ashe, she was just playing Teddamil.
When Teddamir was taken away from the main hall by the guards, the corners of Lisangdro's mouth turned into a shallow arc, facing the chief archmage Cathy who was still guarding the main hall, and said: "Kathy, be optimistic about Teddamir, the scheduled day is getting closer and closer. It's near, I don't want any accidents."
Although Li Sandra looked smiling, His Royal Highness Cathy still felt the invisible oppression. With cold sweats, Cathy knelt down in front of Lisantro respectfully: "My Queen, please rest assured, Cathy will definitely be optimistic about this sacrifice!"
Cathy’s reaction made Li Sangzhuo very satisfied. She put away the pressure she put out, and said with a pleasant tone: "Very well, you go down first!"
"Yes, the queen!"
With an air of humility, she retired from the main hall, and Cathy, who had not dared to breathe, took a long breath. Just when she was about to return to her own residence to rest, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her.
"Ye... Ye Feng?" Cathy said the name of the person who came out. This person was exactly Ye Feng who had planned to come to Frost to guard the tribe.
Appearing in front of Cathy, Ye Feng stared at Cathy's unexpected cheek with scorching eyes: "Kathy, I have something very important to see your leader Lisantro, can you arrange it for me?"
Cathy looked hesitant, because Lisangzhuo had just dismissed her, thinking it was because the palace behind the main hall was resting. It's probably not a wise decision to bother Li Sang Zhuo at this time.
But Ye Feng once rescued her, and it seemed that he was really anxious... Under the entanglement in her heart, Cathy made up her mind to reply: "You wait for me here, I'll help you see Lisang Master Zhuo has not rested, if she sleeps, you can wait until tomorrow!"
"No problem!" Ye Feng made a no problem gesture, motioning Cathy to ask.
Cathy also returned to the conference hall, and as she expected, there was no Lisantro on the throne.
Walking quickly from the side door towards Li Sandra’s bedroom behind, Cathy quickly came to the door of Li Sandra’s resting room.
Seeing that the door was lightly covered, Cathy was a little surprised that Li Sandra did not close the door. By accident, Cathy stood outside the door of the lightly covered room and whispered, "Master Lissandra, are you asleep?"
After calling out softly, Cathy waited outside the door for a long time and no one responded. She called again: "Master Lisangzhuo, Ye Feng from our clan asked to see you again now. Is it convenient for you to see him now? ?"
After waiting for a long time, no one responded. Cathy guessed that Lisantro was mostly busy and tired during the day, so she fell asleep soon. Thinking of this, she thought it was better not to disturb Lisantro.
In the room with the door lightly hidden, on the big bed covered with silk curtains, Li Sangzhuo closed her eyes tightly, her face showing pain and fear. Her curled up body kept trembling, and her consciousness was suffering unimaginable torture in her dream.
In the depths of the dream, the ideological Li Sandra fell to the deepest point of the Howling Abyss, and human bones everywhere appeared in her eyes full of fear.
A deep sense of guilt destroyed her will, making her very afraid of facing these human bones.
Then, one after another Frost Watchers she hadn't seen in a thousand years appeared in front of her. In front of many frost watchers, Li Sangzhuo, who was wearing an icy blue dress, felt deep powerlessness and despair.
In front of these monitors, Li Sangzhuo felt that she was extremely small, and she had nowhere to hide under their almost crushing power.
"Lisandra, you let us down!"
One of the Frost Watchers smiled, and stared at Li Sandra who was not as big as his eyes.
Faced with the almost oppressive gazes of many monitors, Li Sangzhuo trembled with fear. Without the majesty and self-confidence usually faced with the people of the tribe, Li Sangzhuo was as humble as a slave who was afraid of being punished by his master, looking around the countless frost watchers in fear.
"Please... please wait patiently... wait for a while, soon... Soon Li Sandra will unlock the seals for the masters, and then the entire Valoran will be surrendered to the Frost Watchers!"
Trembling and reluctantly organizing the language to please the Frost Watcher, Li Sangzhuo's eyes flashed with fear, and her voice was extremely flattering. She still has the beauty of the scenery in front of people in the past, like a puppy who tries to please his owner.
Hearing this, another watcher spoke: "This is not the first time I have heard you say this, Li Sang Zhuo, we don't listen to you talking empty words here!"
The monitor’s dissatisfaction scared Li Sang Zhuo to the ground. She tried her best to explain to herself:
Monitor, Li Sang Zhuo is not talking empty words. In recent years, the loosening of the seal is due to Li Sang Zhuo’s efforts. A few months later, the masters will be able to return to the ground. Please wait patiently!"
"Huh, it's too slow, we have been imprisoned for a thousand years...Li Sang Zhuo, seven days, we can give you seven days at most!"
It only takes seven days to hear, Li Sangzhuo took a deep breath: "Seven days? This time is too short, masters, can you give me more time?"
Seeing that Li Sang Zhuo even dared to make a request, one of the watchers immediately waved his huge ice blue tentacles and hit Li Sang Zhuo's body. Countless extreme ice spikes protruded from all parts of the tentacles, and pierced through Li Sandra's clothes and flesh and blood, causing Li Sandra to fall to the ground and convulse uncontrollably.
"Trash, just seven days. If you can't complete it, we will find someone else to replace you as the leader of mankind. If you don't want to endure the torture of purgatory forever, then do everything possible to complete your mission!"
An ultimatum was given to Li Sang Zhuo, and many watchers and the scenes in the deepest part of the Howling Abyss disappeared with the collapse of the dream.
And Li Sangzhuo's soul and consciousness returned to the body at the moment when the dream collapsed, and her body also sat up with a chuckle.
Lying on the bed and panting awkwardly, Li Sangzhuo glanced at her body subconsciously. Seeing that there were no wounds on her body, she was slightly relieved.
But when she thought of the deadline given by the Frost Watcher, she seemed to have fallen into the deepest part of the howling abyss, and the boundless chill and silence covered her heart.
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