Chapter 1022: Ice Witch Lisandro

In the control room of the Refik, Ye Feng summoned all the ice bloodlines except the Frost Guard tribe, as well as the suspected ice bloodlines of Sivir and Teddamir.
The reason why the Ice Bloodline of the Frost Guardian tribe was not summoned was because he found that they were not in his room when he went to call the Ice Bloodline of the Frost Guardian tribe.
Oriana and Caitlin stood in front of the console as usual, debugging the Refik terminal and some new Hex technology products all night long. Galen and others of the rescue team were also there at this time, looking at Ye Feng who seemed to have something to say to them.
Looking at the people in the control room, Ye Feng and Sivir exchanged glances, and Sivir stood up from the crowd, instead of Ye Feng, conveyed the news that they were about to return to Ionia to everyone.
Everyone naturally didn't have any opinion. Now Freljord was already full of demons and watchers, and the sooner they left, the safer it was.
After obtaining the consent of everyone, Caitlin and Oriana immediately activated the power engine of the Refik and flew towards the east where Ionia was.
Shortly after the battleship started to fly, there were rapid footsteps and gasping sounds outside the control room.
The people in the control room also looked at the corridor outside the control room in confusion, wanting to see who would be here at this late hour.
Under everyone's gaze, Cathy, who had planned to come to Ye Feng before, gradually walked into everyone's sight.
"It's Lisandra's witch..." Although the three clans have joined the alliance, Sejuani still doesn't like the Frost Guardian, and shows a little hostility towards Cathy.
Seeing that it was Cathy, Ye Feng greeted her happily and smiled and said: "Kathy, I just wanted to find you. We have already set off for Ionia. Could you please go back and inform the next Li Sandra and Your people!"
Cathy, who came to talk with Ye Feng on important matters, did not listen to Ye Feng's words at all, she rushed to Ye Feng's face out of breath. In order to find Ye Feng, it seems that she has taken the wrong way on board the Refik.
In Ye Feng's gradually shrinking pupils, Cathy told everything she had seen in her dreams and Lisantro's next plans, hoping that Ye Feng, a demigod, could help her.
"No... it's not good, Ye Feng, Li... Master Li Sangzhuo, she..."
Staring at the Refik, which was swiftly flying towards the east in the night sky, for a while, Lisangdro turned to turn to the icy bloodline wizards of the Frost Guard tribe she had gathered.
"It's getting late, we should also set off!"
After finishing the order, Li Sangzhuo mobilized the extreme ice magic power in his body, and took the lead in the direction of the Howling Abyss.
A group of wizards followed Lisantuo, one of them realized that Cathy was not among the people, and he reminded him in a low voice: "Master Lissantro, you seem to have forgotten to call Cathy..."
Hearing that, Li Sangzhuo did not stop her fast-moving body, but she curled her mouth with her back to the crowd: "Kathy, she will soon catch up."
After listening, the mages stopped talking and followed Lisangzhuo intently.
After a long time, everyone led by Li Sangzhuo to the Broken Bridge of the Howling Abyss, and the watcher's eyes floating in the night sky were staring at them with crippling eyes.
"Li...Master Lisandra, it's... the monitor!"
As soon as they saw those magic eyes, the wizards trembled in fright. The eyes of the magic eyes seemed to penetrate deep into their souls, making them feel deeply powerless and desperate.
"Don't look at those magic eyes, which stimulate the ice blood in your body. It can protect you from the erosion of the magic eyes. The real body of the magic eyes is still trapped in the deepest place, so don't be afraid!"
While reminding everyone to activate the bloodline power, Li Sangzhuo also activated the pure ice bloodline guard in her body.
At this moment, the space behind Li Sang Zhuo and his group began to vibrate violently. With the birth of a spatial vortex, Ye Feng and Cathy walked out of it slowly.
As soon as she came out, Cathy rushed forward to dissuade him and said, "Master Lisandra, come back with us, you can't deal with the monitor alone!
Li Sangzhuo turned to face the two Ye Feng, but the next second she pushed the Ice Bloodline Mage she had brought into the abyss from the broken bridge.
"Master Lisangzhuo!" The wizards who were pushed into the abyss obviously didn't react. Why did their beloved Queen of the Frost Guard push them into the abyss.
Ye Feng seemed to have thought of something, he glanced at Cathy who believed in Li Sangzhuo uncertainly.
And Li Sandra grinned with an evil smile: "Kathy, you are really kind, haven't you seen the truth?"
When this was said, Cathy's head was like a bolt from the blue. Looking at Li Sang Zhuo's increasingly evil smile, her body was shaking constantly, still unwilling to believe that what she saw in her dream was the truth. Her emotions were on the verge of collapse again, and she, who had believed in Li Sangzhuo since she was a child, couldn't accept all this.
"Since you brought my prey, I will accept it unceremoniously!"
As he spoke, Li Sang Zhuo's ice-blue skirt gradually condensed into profound ice, and a trace of magical power exuding an aura of extreme cold began to strike Ye Feng.
"Li Sandra, I didn't expect you to be an accomplice of the watcher, but are you sure you can defeat me if you lose to me once?"
Feeling the surrounding air gradually condense into ice, Ye Feng's eyes flashed, and the trembling spatial fluctuations instantly shattered those condensed ice thorns.
Seeing Ye Feng easily crack her spell, Li Sangzhuo's face did not become gloomy, but a weird smile appeared.
"Ye Feng, you are very strong, but compared to me, you are a bit worse!"
As the voice fell, a mysterious ice body condensed from extreme ice magic rushed up from the abyss behind Li Sangzhuo.
Xuan Bing's body merged into Li Sang Zhuo's body instantly, and Li Sang Zhuo's magic power began to grow rapidly at a staggering speed.
Her body is also gradually turning into ice, and under the reshaping of extreme ice magic, she has changed into a white mage dress like a witch. Like the long white hair of falling snow, the blue helmet was also reshaped into an evil white ice crown resembling a frost watcher.
Li Sangzhuo, who had reshaped her body, was like a white-haired witch at the moment, revealing a weird cold breath all over her body.
Feeling that Li Sangzhuo's momentum was gradually rising, Ye Feng's pressure instantly doubled. However, at this moment, what made him feel even worse was the sense that several shares should have been flown to Ionia with the Refik.
Under the gaze of his increasingly embarrassed look, Sivir, Ashe, Teddamir, Sejuani, Olaf, Volibear, Nunu, Gnar, and the young watcher Xiaoice rushed towards this from the east.
Li Sangzhuo also showed an unexpected look, but he didn't expect Sivir and others to come. But since they are here, she has accepted the ice bloodline together.
Seeing Li Sangzhuo who was confronting Ye Feng expressing an extremely cold devilish energy that was extremely similar to the Frost Watcher, Sejuani snorted coldly: "I already said that Li Sangzhuo mostly colludes with the Frost Watcher!"
Ashe also sensed the breath of Li Sandra's body that was similar to that of the Frost Watcher, she covered her small mouth and said in disbelief: "How come... Sister Li Sandra is the one who supports me to become a queen, how can she have Frost Watcher? The breath of a person?"
After sensing the breath of Lissandra's body, Volibear, who followed Sejuani, said angrily: "She is the enemy who killed my parents!"
"I was really embarrassed when so many guests came at once, I hope you will like my hospitality!"
How to deal with Ye Feng and his party, Li Sangzhuo has quietly figured out a countermeasure in her heart. Following her meaningful words, Ye Feng and others' bodies began to be covered by the magic of extreme ice.
Immediately afterwards, the bodies condensed from the extreme ice magic power broke away from Ye Feng and the others, and each body was exactly the same as their own, only the mysterious ice form of the extreme ice magic power.
"this is……"
Ye Feng had an ominous premonition faintly, but before he could react, the body condensed by extremely ice magic exploded.
As his extremely ice body exploded, other people's extremely ice bodies also exploded one after another.
The terrifying ice magic that burst forth immediately blasted the ground under Ye Feng and his group. Except for Ye Feng, who ran the power of the demigod in time to stabilize his figure in mid-air, everyone else fell into the howl along with the broken ground. Cry the abyss.
But Li Sangzhuo wouldn't let her fattest prey Ye Feng escape, she directly slapped Ye Feng, who was barely stabilizing, into the Howling Abyss.
"The sacrifice ceremony has begun..."
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