Chapter 1054: Tentacles

"I warn you, I am not afraid of you now, give some face, don't do it!"
After being chased all the way by Fiona's second daughter, Ye Feng stopped a little tired, pretending to warn them not to mess around.
When the second daughter of Fiona heard the words, her sharp eyes flashed with chills, and Ye Feng took a step back subconsciously as she watched.
However, the two just stared at Ye Feng like that, and did not take any further action, which also temporarily relieved Ye Feng, who was afraid of their violence.
Thinking that there are still important things to do, Ye Feng carefully considered his tone: "Fiona, you also know my mission, so let's go back first? I will be active in Ionia, it's okay!"
The two women were speechless, and even the emotions on their faces did not fluctuate at all, still staring at Ye Feng indifferently.
Their actions made Ye Feng a little confused, not knowing whether they acquiesced or disagreed.
"If you don't speak, I will assume that you agree, Lord Soraka's mission is important!" Since they didn't speak, Ye Feng had no choice but to bite the bullet and think that they had acquiesced, and then turned and left.
However, the two daughters of Fiona didn't seem to intend to let him go, and they followed him when he left.
On the next road, Ye Feng stopped many times to try to communicate with them. They just kept silently following behind him without speaking, and had no plans to return to Presidian.
Later, he simply stopped trying to communicate with them, and let them follow him. He also figured it out. Anyway, he was just investigating the situation of the sea beasts in the nearby sea, and it didn't matter if the second woman followed.
He didn't know that the two girls seemed to have the same expression on the surface, but in fact they were very happy inside after he stopped trying to persuade them to go back.
In this way, following Ye Feng to the coastal area of ​​the three southern provinces, the two soon saw Sarah's residence.
When her childhood sweetheart Fiona saw the two-story dilapidated birgewater-style wooden house, she held back her red lips and said, "Ye Feng, is this?"
"This is Sister Sarah's residence, she was specially built according to her house in Bilgewater Poor Street!"
Ye Feng answered as he came to the door of the dilapidated cottage. He tried to knock on the door: "Sister Sarah, I came to see you. Are you at home?"
After seeing no response for a long time, Ye Feng frowned: "It seems that I am not at home. I will go nearby to see if I can meet her."
Before he could say anything, he left here first. Fiona's second daughter behind was slightly dissatisfied with his worried Sarah expression, but they still followed him.
After going around the Bilgewater refugee area in the three southern provinces, Ye Feng and the three did not find Sarah.
"Strange, with Sister Sarah’s character, she shouldn’t take over the tasks of Lord Soraka alone, Fiona, think about where Sister Sara will go." I really can’t think of where Sarah is going, Ye Feng I hope the second daughter of Fiona can also give him an idea.
Hearing Ye Feng's words, Laurent family Fiona raised her eyebrows and glanced at the childhood sweetheart Fiona, and found that she was also looking at her.
The two women tacitly agreed, even though they didn't like Sarah very much, they were all lost in thought.
For a moment, the Laurent family Fiona raised her head and said unsure: "Could it be the refugee camp in Piltworth?"
Ye Feng was taken aback: "Piltwolf's camp?"
The childhood sweetheart Fiona quite agreed with another point of hers, and took the words: "Sivir and Oriana are both there, maybe she might go to see them."
After what they said, Ye Feng also thought it was very possible. Just when he decided to take the two daughters to the northern border of the three southern provinces, the whispers of the two Bilgewater passing by caught his attention.
"Do you know Miss Sarah went to sea this morning?"
"Of course I know that a fishing boat went to sea today and ten people died and three people died. Lord Sarah went to sea to investigate after she knew about it!"
"It's already afternoon, and the waves on the coastline are getting more and more turbulent, do you think it will?"
"Shhh... don't talk nonsense, you will cause panic, go!"
The whispered conversations of these two passers-by all fell in the ears of Ye Feng's trio, and Ye Feng's expression became increasingly gloomy as they told them.
In the next instant, his figure sank into the distorted space vortex under the drastically changing look of the second female Fiona.
The sea of ​​the defenders, thunder and lightning, strong winds, dark clouds obscured the originally clear blue sky.
The turbulent water slapped the hull and deck, the Siren was swaying in the wind and waves, Sarah casually threw the malfunctioning compass aside, and could only find a route back to Ionia based on her years of sailing experience.
This situation is not her first experience. She should have been calm and composed, but for some reason, she always had an ominous premonition in her heart, vaguely perceiving her closer and closer to danger.
In fact, just as she perceives, there is a mysterious power in the dark, which is distorting her sense of direction of her voyage for many years, leading her to unknowable danger step by step.
As she approached the unknowable danger step by step, a terrible suction force began to influence the direction of the Siren.
"Vortex!" The experienced Sarah immediately thought that there might be an ocean vortex nearby, and she immediately turned the rudder to change direction.
But the suction power of the ocean vortex was far beyond her imagination, and it continued to control her Siren.
"Obviously not approaching, how can the ocean vortex have such a terrible suction?"
Muttering to herself in disbelief, Sarah immediately ran out of the bow control room, trying to see what was going on outside. Looking at it this way, she was surprised that her pupils shrank instantly.
The turbulent sea was tearing everything around her under a vortex that was so huge that she could not imagine it. The terrifying suction force even almost sucked her directly into the depth of the vortex from the boat.
The Siren was clearly far away from the huge and terrifying vortex, but it still couldn't get rid of it.
As if perceiving her gaze, a series of ghostly tentacles suddenly emerged from the depths of the bottomless giant whirlpool.
The trembling power of the tide, mixed with a trace of dark energy, struck Sarah.
Sarah took a breath. She knew that if she waited any longer, she would just sit and wait for death, so she turned around decisively and planned to continue to control the Siren out of this giant vortex.
It's just that when she turned her head, the back of her neck was suddenly swept into her body by the cool wind.
Immediately afterwards, her body seemed to be out of her control, slowly facing the giant vortex she had never encountered before.
I don't know if it was hallucinations, all the tentacles that had hit her before were gone, but one after another familiar dead souls of relatives appeared in her shocking beautiful eyes.
"Sarah, my dear daughter, we're here to pick you up..."
"Sister, younger brother still wants to hear you sing the song of blue sky and blue sea today!"
"Go back to the sea, my child!"
Looking at the dead souls of relatives who were getting closer to her, Sarah couldn't help but trembled: ""
The pupils gradually lost their color. Her loss of consciousness made her unable to resist the suction of the whirlpool anymore. Her feet were separated from the deck under the whirlpool's suction, and her whole person floated in the air.
Seeing that her Siren was about to be sucked into the deepest part of the ocean whirlpool in one step, the dead souls of relatives in front of her were smashed to pieces by the glow of the wind shining with moonlight.
The space behind her is also distorted here, forming a space vortex that exudes the power of space.
"Sister Sarah, are you okay?"
After being embraced by the man who walked out of the spatial vortex, Sarah slowly walked out of the small world of absent-mindedness.
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