Chapter 1073: Murloc

Near the waters of Bandar City, Ye Feng and his party swam towards the Kaima tribe where Fizz lived under the leadership of Nami and Fizz.
On the way to the Kaima murloc tribe, in order to pass the time, Nami briefly introduced the tribe of Fiz to Ye Feng.
The tribe of Fiz is named Kaima, and Kaima people have lived in an underwater city called Anabs for generations.
Their city is located under a mountain range somewhere in the Sea of ​​Conquerors. It is as strong as a fortress, and it has resisted the invasion of other sea races again and again for the Kaima people...
Listening carefully to Nami's story about Fiz and his tribe, Ye Feng was very confused about the seamounts Nami mentioned.
Also confused was the second daughter Fiona, who had never heard of mountains in the sea. As a land person, what Nami told them was too unbelievable, and it was hard for them to believe it until they saw it in person.
Although Ye Feng and the three were confused, they were not eager to inquire, but continued to listen to Nami's recounting of other strange things about the Kaima and the sea.
In this way, Ye Feng and his team, who were moving at full speed, unknowingly entered the sea of ​​the conqueror.
At this point, Nami and Fitz stopped swimming forward gently, but started to dive head down.
The Ye Feng trio followed closely. As they dived, the sea surface visible above gradually blurred, and the area below that was so deep that it could not be seen to the bottom gradually became clear.
More and more unknown marine creatures appeared in front of Ye Feng's three people, and they were a little dizzy. The continuous mountains have also lifted the veil of mystery and caught their eyes.
Looking at the magnificent rolling mountains below, Ye Feng and Fiona couldn't believe it.
There are really mountains on the seabed! And it seems that the size is comparable to the Iron Ridge Mountains on the main continent.
This simply subverted their cognition. They rubbed their eyes and saw that the mountains below had not disappeared before they were convinced that this was not an illusion.
"There are really mountains..." Still feeling a little unreal, Ye Feng muttered to himself with dull eyes.
Continue to follow Nami and Fitz to dive, Ye Feng and Fiona found that they still have too little knowledge of this submarine mountain.
The towering mountains are more than iron ridge mountains, and their height is higher than the highest peak in the world.
The bottomless submarine mountains, as they continue to dive deeper into the sea, the long submarine mountains are constantly refreshing their understanding of the underwater world.
The unfathomable mystery sea area is even broader than the main continent...
Is this the true face of the sea?
Both Ye Feng and Fiona were immersed in deep shock, and this trip to the sea was destined to be unforgettable for them.
The Ye Feng trio who were immersed in the shock did not even notice that they could already see Fiz's hometown of Anabs. When they noticed, they had already dived to the peak of the underwater city of Anabs.
Although Anabs is under this submarine mountain range, he is not at the lowest level, but on a mountain topped with various megalithic statues.
Looking deeper from the edge of the cliff where Anabs is located, there are more unknown aspects of this submarine mountain below, which shows that its depth is unimaginable.
"Are there other sea creatures underneath?"
I asked Nami with curiosity. The question of her childhood sweetheart Fiona was also Ye Feng and another question of her.
"As far as I know, the Kaima murloc tribe is a race that lives in the lowermost layer of this submarine mountain range. I don't know anything further down. After all, I am not from the Kaima tribe, I am from the scorpion tribe!"
Nami knew everything, but she also said that she knew little more about this place than the three of Ye Feng.
Fitz on the side took the words: "Sister Nami is right. We are indeed the ethnic group living at the bottom of this submarine mountain range, and there are no other sea races further down, because the deepest part of this submarine mountain range. There is a submarine volcanic vent, where hot lava is boiling all year round. It is dangerous!"
Originally, after witnessing the submarine mountains, the brains of the three land people Ye Feng couldn't bear the amount of information that refreshed the world view. Now I heard Fitz say that there is a volcanic crater in the deepest point, and the three of them were suddenly blinded.
"Submarine volcanoes? It sounds like a deceit. Water overpowers fire. How can there be volcanoes in this sea area full of sea water?"
The Laurent family Fiona shook her head straight, saying that it is impossible to have a volcano on the seabed, and even felt that the weird Fitz was deliberately tricking them into playing.
Ye Feng and childhood sweetheart Fiona nodded in agreement. They also did not believe that volcanoes exist in a world full of sea water.
Nami stood up at this moment and told Ye Feng and the three of Fitz that what Fitz had said was true. If they didn't believe it, they could wait until after visiting Anabs and continue to dive to see the true face of the submarine volcano.
Slightly calmed down, Ye Feng and the three followed Nami and the two who walked in the front and stepped into Anabs.
Passing through the white stone arch on the front of Anabs, everything that Ye Feng and his group saw in front of them changed dramatically.
All the other mountains that could have been seen disappeared, replaced by one after another magnificent Kaima murloc buildings, and the magnificent murloc city appeared in the eyes of everyone.
It's just that this beautiful city should have been filled with all kinds of Kaima murlocs, but today it is very quiet. There is no murloc in the whole street, and no murloc conversation can be heard.
The breath of silence was extremely suppressed, and Ye Feng and his party quickly noticed something was wrong.
"It shouldn't be. The murlocs of the Kaima tribe are usually very happy. The city is full of laughter and laughter. What happened today?"
In the impression that Nami came here in the past, the city of Kaima murlocs would not be so dull. Her brows frowned and she fell into thought.
Fitz had already swam to a high place at this time, overlooking the entire Anabs. Looking around, not only the murlocs cannot be seen in the main street where they are located, but even the other streets and the upper floors of the building cannot see the same kind.
Upon seeing this, Ye Feng and others also floated up to a height to overlook the entire city. When they saw the entire city empty, their faces were somewhat embarrassed.
"Where did everyone go? Is this playing hide and seek?"
Fitz is only five years old this year, so he didn't realize what it meant for the murlocs in the city to disappear for no reason.
The agile Fitz quickly shuttles through the streets and enters the interiors of various magnificent buildings and ordinary houses.
But without exception, the fish people in the city disappeared without a trace as if they had never appeared before.
"Strange...Where did everyone hide?" The innocent Fitz pouted his mouth and touched his cute fish head, still not realizing that his tribe may have encountered an accident.
Looking at Fitz, who was still trying to find her tribe in the city, Fiona from the Laurent family whispered: "It doesn't look like it has been invaded. It's good, why everyone disappeared out of thin air?"
Nami and childhood sweetheart Fiona shook their heads and said that they were also confused and did not know what happened here.
However, the unintentional doubts of the Laurent family Fiona made Ye Feng tremble all over, he thought of the uninhabited village where he and Ari had visited in Ionia last time.
There were rumors in that village that everyone had disappeared out of thin air. Later, he and Ari were teleported to another world to realize that those people had entered another world.
Soraka also told him not long ago that there is a gate that connects to another world hidden in the deepest trench of the sea, and the world he and Ari teleported to is the same world at the other end of the abyss.
So, will Fiz's people be teleported to the other end because of the unstable barrier of the sea abyss?
If it is as he guessed, then the people of Fiz may be more ill-advised...
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