Chapter 1076: Miserable death

Hot magma gushes out from the vents of the submarine volcano, even if the surrounding is full of sea water, it still cannot stop the eruption of the volcano.
The magma is like a wave of heat, rushing towards Ye Feng and others above. Seeing this scene, everyone changed their expressions and swam upwards one after another.
However, the speed at which they escaped from the scene was much slower than the speed of the magma gushing.
They hadn't been upstream long before the hot lava below had chased behind their ass.
The gushing magma exuded the temperature that was enough to distort the surrounding space, and the hot breath instantly spread around Ye Feng and his group.
Even with Nami's gentle tidal power, everyone's skin still showed signs of burns.
Seeing that they were about to be swallowed by the magma coming up, Ye Feng, who didn't want to sit and wait for death, turned the sword of wind in his body to the extreme, and injected the sword energy with sword intent into Nami's tidal force barrier, trying to support it. .
Seeing this, Fiona's two daughters also understood their spirits and drove their respective swords to the extreme, and injected their sword energy into the barrier.
At the same time, the power of three demigods was added, and the tidal power barrier that Nami specially used for protection immediately became stronger.
Even if they are swallowed by magma, Nami's tidal power barrier can well protect them from the burns and erosion of magma's high temperature.
Temporarily out of danger, the optimistic Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "In this case, it is more important to heal the mage's protective ability!"
Before he had time to be happy for too long, his childhood sweetheart unceremoniously poured cold water on him: "We are now swallowed by magma. If we can't get out, we will probably be caught in the sea with it when it spews to the final stage. Cooling is part of the magmatic rock!"
The Laurent family Fiona also said with an embarrassing expression: "Over time, we will die of suffocation!"
After finally letting go, Ye Feng's nerves tightened because of Fiona's cold tone.
These two people really didn't forget to open their faces coldly! Even though he complained about the two girls in his heart, Ye Feng still asked them anxiously: "Then what should we do now?"
"Sleep, so that you don't feel pain from suffocation."
Hearing the words of Fiona's second daughter, Ye Xian risk was not choked to death by their calm expressions.
They don't care if they don't want to escape. What if they are so calm and calm when they say such pessimistic words?
No longer holding any hope that the two of them could think of an escape strategy, Ye Feng turned to look at Nami and Fitz, wanting to see if they had any feasible escape ideas.
At this look, Ye Feng looked at it again...
Fitz shook his head and waved his harpoon, staring at the cute eyes and curiously looking at the magma enveloping the tidal force barrier, as if he didn't realize how dangerous their situation at the moment was.
And Nami...
Nami was born timid, too pessimistic, she curled up and leaned against the corner of the barrier, shivering and shivering, not what a demigod should be.
Oh my God, what kind of monsters these people around him are!
With a mournful cry in his heart, Ye Feng knew that he was better than asking himself now. None of these people around are people with normal brain circuits!
At this time, how much he hopes to be with Sivir and Sarah, although they are about to be weak, they are both first-class. If it were them, they might have escaped now?
While thinking of Sivir and Sarah, Ye Feng was thinking hard, hoping to find a way to escape from the magma.
No matter how he racked his brains, he couldn't think of a strategy to escape. And as time passed, he could clearly feel the surrounding air was passing by.
If this continues, even if Nami's tidal power barrier can always protect them from the lava, they will be suffocated to death here because they can't breathe.
At this critical juncture, the instigator who caused the sea floor shaking and volcanic eruption appeared in their sight.
Below them, the previous monster made of reddish-brown rock was bathed in magma, and it was glowing with red light from the high temperature of the burning.
At this moment, the monster bathed in magma looked like a giant lava monster. Although he was huge, the speed at which he hit Ye Feng and his group was faster than the magma gushing.
Everyone was already facing a crisis of life and death, and now another giant lava beast rushed towards them madly. They all looked terrified and took a breath.
Especially Ye Feng, he can even think of their way of death...
Under the impact of the lava behemoth, Nami's tidal power barrier shattered, and the hot lava would burn their bodies, and the burning sensation would tear their nerves and make them feel unhappy.
Before they completely lose consciousness, they will withstand the impact of the lava behemoth's impact, turning into meatloaf.
They dying of breath sometimes fainted due to pain, and sometimes regained consciousness from the fainting due to pain, constantly wandering between the two realms.
Eventually, they will be burnt into ash by the magma, and they will become part of the magma rock together with the cooled magma.
Thinking about it makes people feel desperate, this way of death is too tragic!
As soon as the lava monster hit the tidal force barrier, Ye Feng said inwardly: It's over!
However, the expected collapse of the tidal power barrier did not occur. Instead, it shook a few times under the impact of the lava behemoth, but there was no sign of collapse.
This scene ignited hope for Ye Feng and others, but the next moment the entire tidal power barrier was taken and flew upwards together under the impact of the lava behemoth.
The powerful impact caused Ye Feng and his party to fall to the bottom of the barrier, and their heads were stunned. Some people didn't know where they were now.
The speed of the lava behemoth flying upward with them is still very fast, and faster than the speed of magma gushing.
Ye Feng and his party, who did not die because of the impact of the lava giant, did not know their own condition but a blessing in disguise, and they were taken away from the magma spewing area by the lava giant within a short while.
The erupted magma also stopped erupting at a certain part of the submarine mountain body, and was cooled by the sea water into magma rock, which became a part of this submarine mountain.
The burning body of the lava behemoth also turned into a normal reddish-brown color as it escaped from the magma and gradually cooled down, but he did not choose to stop, and continued to fly with Ye Feng and his group to the higher part of the sea mountain range.
It wasn't until he came to the peak where Anabs was that the lava beast stopped his fast-flying figure.
The lava behemoth that stopped moving seemed to have no intention of harming Ye Feng and his group who was in a dizzy state. He carefully placed the people in the tidal force barrier on the mountain peak and looked at them curiously.
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