Chapter 1138: Vampire Demon

As Ye Feng released her hand, Zyra plopped and slumped weakly to the ground.
She covered the wound that was overflowing with blood on her neck, struggling to raise her head and look at Ye Feng. Her eyes were full of puzzlement, she didn't understand why Ye Feng would her blood so well, and also showed that evil look.
She would believe that she would show such a look, but she would never believe that Ye Feng, who prevented her from cannibalism, would release such a look.
Noting the confused eyes cast by Zyra, Ye Fengxie smiled and said, "You are not dead yet? It seems that you are much stronger than I thought, so let me enjoy it before I die! "
Walking towards Zyra again, Ye Feng's appearance has changed greatly. He became a weird man with deep purple eye circles, and his whole body revealed the dark devilish energy that made Zyra fearful.
" are not Ye Feng!"
Zyra gradually understood why the person in front of her would her blood, because this person was not Ye Feng at all!
The monster approached her in the form of Ye Feng, and then bit her neck while she was slack, sucking her belly.
As a piranha, Zyra is also good at pretending to hunt prey. But she never thought that she would be treated as a prey one day, and she was also sucked blood by an extremely ugly strange person.
While nauseous in her heart, Zyra also watched in terror at the vampire who was approaching her step by step. She supported the wooden floor with her hands, and shivered back until she hit the foot of the bed.
Shrouded in the shadow of death, at this moment her courage was smaller than that of Nami Ye Feng, the timidest she had ever seen before, and tears swirled around her eyes.
"You can call me a vampire demon, just like the vampires of your humans. I like to human blood, but the difference is that I am a demon, not a human!"
The vampire demon didn't mean to pity and cherish jade. In his eyes, Zyra, like other living people, was his hunted food.
Seeing that Zyra was about to die in the hands of the vampire demon, the vampire demon suddenly stopped approaching Zyra.
"It is this breath, the purest black demon energy. It is really wonderful. If I can get this power, I will be able to break through the demigod. Then I can get rid of the shackles of the Shadow Island and become a demon. overlord!"
In front of Zyra who was overwhelmed, the vampire demon who stopped his hand began to talk to himself. His crazy appearance is like a madman, or he is a demon with unlimited greed!
At this moment, Zyra, who was a delicacy in his eyes, was like a dispensable rotten dish at this moment, and he wanted to inhale someone with pure black devil energy.
Glancing at Zyra, who was frightened by the fear of death, the vampire demon murmured, and decisively left her room, looking for the source of the black devil energy.
And Zyra didn’t realize that the vampire demon had left suddenly. She lowered her head foolishly, hiding her face and sobbing helplessly, not daring to face the tragedy she was about to face, and she did not have the cold posture of her previous hunting prey. .
But she cried for a long time and didn't feel any pain from being bitten by her fangs, except for the first wound. She raised her head cautiously, only to realize that the vampire demon had long been gone.
At this moment, she felt the joy of being reborn. Although she is very weak now, she still can't help smiling.
After crawling back to the bed and lying down, Zyra subconsciously glanced around her eyes again, confirming that the vampire demon had really gone, she let out a sigh of relief: "It turns out that it feels so terrifying to be hunted..."
With a lingering fear, Zyra suddenly felt sympathy for the prey that she had hunted mercilessly.
But this thought of sympathy was soon forgotten by her, and she still believed that what she had done before was not wrong. As a predator, what does she eat without prey?
Thinking of this, Zyra was very upset that Ye Feng insisted on learning those human survival laws.
Ye Feng...Just now that vampire turned into Ye Feng to deceive her, would it also become her to deceive Ye Feng?
After finally catching a breath, Zyra started to worry about Ye Feng again because of the questions in her heart.
But after thinking about it, Zyra, who was restraining her by Qi Yefeng, felt that Ye Feng was best killed by the vampire demon, so that she would be free again.
The contradictory psychology made her very tangled. After fighting between heaven and human in her mind for a long time, she finally decided to see Ye Feng. If the vampire really became her appearance, she could just remind him.
Stepping out of bed with difficulty, Zyra staggered towards the room where Ye Feng lived regardless of her weak body that had not recovered.
Getting closer to the room where Ye Feng lived, she vaguely heard Ye Feng calling her name. An unknown premonition surged in her heart, and she held on to the wall connecting the room to the room, trying her best to speed up her pace.
What followed was Ye Feng's increasingly clear words, and she was basically certain that Ye Feng was talking to her. But she is definitely not the person who talks!
He heard all Ye Feng's words into her ears, but Zyra could not digest it, she had to rush to Ye Feng's side before Ye Feng was sucked blood by the demon who faked her.
Breathing gradually became quicker, and Zyra came to Ye Feng's room with her weak body. The door was open, and exhausted, she took a deep breath and rushed in.
At first sight, she saw the scene where the blood-sucking demon who pretended to be her was shocked by Ye Feng’s forbidden power. She was fortunate that Ye Feng shook away the blood-sucking demon in time, but she also exclaimed,
That guy will change the appearance of others. Then take advantage of people to relax their guard against blood sucking, don't be fooled by him!"
After saying this, Zyra fell to the ground because of exhaustion. Seeing this, Ye Feng flashed to her side and hugged her pale face, and then kept a certain guard distance from the vampire demon.
Being hugged by Ye Feng, Zyra raised her head and saw that there was a bite mark on Ye Feng's neck like hers. Her eyes widened in surprise: "You were also sucked blood by him?"
"No, as soon as he bit me, I was shaken away."
Instructing Zyra not to worry about him, Ye Feng stared at the vampire demon vigilantly, and reached out to perceive the vampire demon's upper limit of strength.
When he sensed that the strength of this blood-sucking demon was not as good as him, he snorted and enveloped the entire room within his forbidden domain.
Shrouded in Ye Feng's Forbidden Magic Realm, the vampire demon who couldn't use magic showed a panic expression.
Taking advantage of the moment when his feet were in chaos, Ye Feng holding Zyra rushed to his side, punched him in the abdomen, knocking him to the ground.
Easily subduing the vampire demon, Ye Feng first put the weak Zyra on the bed, then walked to the vampire demon, and asked condescendingly: "Who sent you?"
"No one sent me!" The vampire demon didn't seem to be afraid to subdue his Ye Feng, and his tone of voice was extremely arrogant and arrogant.
Ye Feng sneered, kicked the vampire demon from the center of the room to the corner of the wall, and then made a few more kicks. To deal with this kind of devil, you have to be cruel!
"Don't... don't kick, eldest brother... sir!"
The physique of the blood-sucking demon couldn't stand Ye Feng's kicks. He was so painful that he begged for mercy after being kicked.
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