Chapter 1297: We need a transit point

The Confederate troops stayed in the Mogron Mountain Trail camp for three days. During these three days, they didn’t do nothing. Under the command of heroic leaders from various countries such as Yixivir, they carried out the area north of the Mogron Trail. Terrain detection.
After three days of reconnaissance, how many shadow creatures there are nearby, and their racial classification, have been figured out by the Allied Forces.
At the foot of the mountain on the west side of the Moglong Trail, Sivir and others gathered at the open-air combat conference table one after another.
When the leaders of the Allied Coalition Army gathered, Sivir did not speak to preside over today's combat meeting.
She turned her gaze to Fiona’s second daughter, and instructed them:
Fiona, today’s meeting also requires representatives from the Moglong Mountain Trail Camp to attend. You two go to the eastern mountain and call Ye Feng over. !"
Hearing that Sivir asked them to call Ye Feng over, the second daughter Fiona, who had not seen Ye Feng in the past few days, was overjoyed, and she agreed to Sivir without even thinking about it.
While waiting for Ye Feng, Sivir did not want everyone to be idle. She placed the sheepskin roll she was holding on the conference table, spread it out, and motioned everyone to come and take a look.
"Through your efforts in the past few days, we have roughly understood the distribution of nearby shadow creatures. I also classified them in various ways and marked them on the sheepskin map I drew by myself. You can take a look together!"
After hearing this, the others also gathered around to check the map she had drawn by herself. Seeing that this map was drawn as detailed as Sivir said, everyone was somewhat surprised.
Everyone looked at the map drawn by Sivir carefully for a while, and Ye Feng was brought over by the second daughter of Fiona.
Sivir smiled and nodded towards Ye Feng: "Ye Feng, Fiona, the three of you also come to take a look at the map first, and we will start today's meeting after reading it."
Upon hearing this, Ye Feng followed the second daughter of Fiona to the conference table and looked at the long sheepskin map on the table.
Finding that this map was drawn in the area near the Moglong Mountain Trail Camp, and it was drawn in great detail, Ye Feng asked, "Who made this map?"
"I drew it, but without the efforts of allies of the Alliance and Allied Forces these days, I can't draw it in such detail. This is the result of our joint efforts!"
Sivir did not attribute all the credit to her alone. She knew that their team needed a lot of cohesion and she also mentioned other people.
When everyone heard her say that, whether it was people familiar with her or unfamiliar, their impression of her changed somewhat.
After Ye Feng listened, he also nodded, expressing understanding, and beckoning Sivir to continue.
Sivir pretended to unintentionally glanced at the crowd, coughed, and began to preside over today's combat meeting.
"Now everyone has read this battle map once, so I will share with you my next battle plan. If you have any objections, you can also raise it. We are not in a superior relationship. We welcome you to discuss it together. "
Having said that, Sivir paused, smiled kindly at everyone, and then continued her speech.
"When we came, Master Soraka told us to establish a new base for the people of Demacia and Noxus?
Now that we have confirmed the distribution of shadow creatures in the area north of the Mogron Trail through these three days of hard work, we only have to carry out specific combat operations.
I personally think that if we want to lay down two solid strongholds, we must first take down this shadow fortress away from the Mogron Mountain Trail, and use it as a transit point between the new stronghold and the Mogron Mountain Trail Camp! "
Everyone listened carefully to Sivir's narration, and at the same time they also focused on the location of Sivir's fingers on the map, each pondering whether Sivir's ideas were reliable.
Sivir was not eager to continue, patiently giving everyone plenty of time to think.
After everyone raised their heads to look at her again, she continued, "Do you have any better ideas? Or do you have any questions?"
Everyone looked at each other, Dreyus, one of the representatives of Noxus, stood up and cleared his throat: "This shadow fortress on the map has two demigods sitting in town. The others are not demigods. Shadow creatures can be solved with our strength, but how can these two demigods be solved?"
Faced with Delius’s question, Sivir replied with a serious face: "This is why I called Ye Feng today. With his demigod, those two demigods are not a problem!"
After Sivir's explanation, Delius had no doubts. But Lacus of Demacia asked: "Sivir, are you sure Ye Feng can beat those two demigods?"
Lacus's question also caused everyone's eyes to drift back and forth between Ye Feng and Xivir. They knew that Ye Feng was a demigod, but they doubted whether Ye Feng, a demigod, could be one enemy of two demigods.
The same is true for Fiona, who doesn’t want Ye Feng to take risks alone. Her childhood sweetheart Fiona spoke on behalf of the two of them:
Sivir, wait for the two of us to use their sword energy and talk to Ye. How about the wind attacking the nearest Shadow Fortress as you wish?"
Sivir glanced at the people at the combat conference table, seeing that they all seemed to be beginning to doubt whether Ye Feng could single out two demigods, she decided to ask Ye Feng's opinion.
"Ye Feng, are you confident to solve those two demigods?"
Ye Feng was a little surprised that Sivir would directly ask him for his opinion. He noticed that everyone was staring at him. He thought for a while, his eyes condensed and said: "With my current strength, I should be able to fight."
Not long ago, having experienced the sniper of the demon leader of the Shadow Island, the Laurent family Fiona was very worried about Ye Feng going alone.
She spoke at the right time: "I don't agree. If the two demigods are the pinnacle of demigods, you can't beat them!"
The childhood sweetheart Fiona on the side also nodded deeply, and she also felt that if Ye Feng were not accompanied by them, they would not be relieved.
Ye Feng knew that Laurent family Fiona cared about him, but he still said: "The peak of the demigods, they are all at the level of the shadow island demon leader. Now the shadow island is closed, the two demigods The devil is obviously just an ordinary demigod, Fiona, you are too careful."
Laurent family Fiona stared at Ye Feng faintly: "But..."
At this time, Vayne, who was eavesdropping in the shadows, came out. She interrupted the words of Laurent Family Fiona: "Since Ye Feng has confidence, we should believe him. Also, do you forget I am also a demigod..."
These days, like Ye Feng, Wei En had not participated in their combat meetings, so that all of them temporarily forgot about her, the night hunter who likes to hide in the shadows.
Now that she came out like this, Lacus, who was worried about Sivir’s plan just now, clapped her hands: "Yes, Wien is also a demigod now. She and Ye Feng have both been to the Dragon Clan recently and gained the power of the Dragon Clan. Together, they should be able to easily solve the two demigods!"
Wien's timely appearance also made Sivir smiled: "We also have two demigods now. Now everyone should have no idea about the battle plan to attack the Shadow Fortress?"
As Sivir said, the appearance of Wei En made them also have two demigods, and the rest of them would naturally no longer oppose her opinion.
Seeing everyone's consensus, Sivir's expression was shaken: "Since everyone's opinions are unified, we will launch an offensive against the nearest Shadow Fortress tomorrow. Today, everyone will go back to rest and replenish their energy for tomorrow's battle!"
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