Chapter 1317: Take Kaisha to find her father

"Ye Feng, do you know where my father is? And how do you know my father's name is Kassadin?"
Kaisha stood up emotionally, unable to control her emotions, rushed to Ye Feng, her hands were placed on Ye Feng's shoulders, and she stared at Ye Feng nervously.
Although Ye Feng has recovered, when Ari saw Kasha shaking Ye Feng so, she tightened her eyebrows and reminded: "Don't get excited, Kasha, Ye Feng will talk to you slowly!"
"Sorry, I lost my mind." Kaisha also realized that her behavior was a bit excessive, and she returned to Wei En's side.
Wien glanced at Kai'Sa, who was disheartened by her father's affairs, her eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but think of her old father who left her when she was young.
After Ye Feng calmed down, he said, "I know your father because I received help from your father Kassadin in Shurima.
I went to the Voidland with Wei En some time ago. We also encountered Kegmore. Kegmore asks us to find a girl who is separated from her father. That girl has your name. "
Upon Ye Feng's reminder, Wei En remembered this incident too. She remembered that the girl Kegmore said was Kai'Sa.
She couldn't help whispering to herself: "It seems that there is such a thing..."
Kai'Sa didn't expect Wei En to know this, but she also made sure that Ye Feng did know her father Kassadin.
At the thought of reuniting with her father who had been lost for more than ten years, Kai'Sa had long been accustomed to all the horrors of the Void Land, her eyes still became hot and humid: "Then do you know where my father is now?"
Ye Feng truthfully replied: "He and Malzaha have now become the guardians of the gate of the void, guarding the deepest part of the Shurima Desert all the year round."
"The depths of Shurima? Where is that? I want to see my father now!"
Kai'Sa was like a crying child at the moment, looking at Ye Feng with tears of tears, hoping to see her father as soon as possible, there was nothing like a hunter fighting with the void creatures in the void.
Ye Feng really has nothing to do with such helpless Kai'Sa. He soothed: "Didn't I just say it? I'm going to take you to your father today, so you don't have to worry about where your father is, but think about it. What do you want to say when you are reunited with your father."
"Ye Feng, thank you. You not only saved me, but also took me to find my father. I really don't know how to repay you to express my sincere gratitude!"
With tears breaking into a smile, Kaisha looked forward to meeting her father Kassadin again, and was grateful for Ye Feng's kindness.
Ye Feng's eyes drifted back and forth between Kai'Sa and Wei En, and he thought of a way to reconcile the two.
"If you really want to repay me, you can reconcile with Vayne, and Vayne, don't forget that you also agreed to Kegmo to help Kassadin find his daughter Kaisha.
Kai'Sa is right in front of you. She has self-awareness and will not persecute humans like void creatures. You should also give up your idea of ​​trying her.
A person who knows the power of the void is not necessarily a villain. Isn't Kai'Sa's father Kassadin the hero who guards Varoran? "
Ari once said something similar to Vayne, but he didn't convince Vayne's paranoid idea of ​​eliminating evil.
But this time, Ye Feng personally said that Wei En, who has a special affection for Ye Feng, was somewhat moved.
Seeing that Wei En seemed to be shaken, Ari also agreed: "Ye Feng is right. Kai'Sa is obviously a good person, and she did not use her void power to do evil. She can become a hero like her father.
Wayne, why don't you give her a chance to believe her? "
Who would think that Kai'Sa said at this time: "I don't want this woman who decides his life and death at will to believe in me, you only need to believe in me!"
When Wei En heard that she was a little moved, and she became angry, and there were signs that she was going to die with Kai'Sa.
Ye Feng saw the signs and hurriedly warned: "Both of you take a step back. If the quarrel continues, I have to continue to ban your magic power!"
Both Kai'Sa and Wei En thought that Ye Feng had left a hand like just now, so they immediately became honest.
In fact, Ye Feng didn't keep a hand, it completely lifted their magic power. If they really did it, Ye Feng could only ban them when they were weak as before.
Seeing that the two of them were honest, Ye Feng calmed down and said, "I hope you two can really reconcile, Kai'Sa, let me show you the next thing. You should know it."
After speaking, Ye Feng took out an old pocket watch from his pocket and opened it, revealing the photo of Kaisha when he was a child.
As soon as she saw the pocket watch and the photo, Kai'Sa was excited: "It's my father's pocket watch, and the photo of me when I was a kid!"
Ye Feng smiled and said: "This is what Kegmore gave us as a clue to you at the time. Now that you have been found, you should keep this pocket watch first!"
Taking the pocket watch and clenching it tightly to the palm of her hand, Kai'Sa once again burst into tears, temporarily forgetting the contradiction between her and Wei En.
When Wei En saw Kaisha like this, she was also very emotional, thinking of her family members who had been annihilated.
The pocket watch was returned to Kai'Sa, and Ye Feng decided to set off immediately: "It’s time to set off for Kai'Sa. Before I take you to find your father, I have to report to Sivir. After all, I'm here to assist her with the Shurima Desert. In combat, if the injury happened to leave because of a private matter, I must apply to her."
Kai'Sa is now immersed in the joy of reunion with her father soon, naturally she obeyed Ye Feng, a benefactor, and became extraordinarily well-behaved.
Before leaving, Ye Feng also said to Wei En, "Wai En, you should go back to the Demacia camp soon. Fiona and the others should have gone too. Now they are both demigods. Sometimes they may Galen and Lux ​​would not be able to hold them.
With you here, the two of them should have peace of mind, and I can also feel at ease. "
Unexpectedly, Ye Feng would be so relieved to let her look at Fiona's second daughter. Vayne felt sweet in her heart and assured Ye Feng: "Well, I'll be optimistic about Fiona. You also remember to be careful!"
After instructing Wei En, Ye Feng looked at Ahri again: "Ari, it is better for you and Yuumi to stay in Ixtal. Sivir needs to fight the Shurima Desert, and there is a shortage of healing wizards.
As for Lulu, it would be better for me to bring it directly to Sivir! "
Speaking of this ghost spirit Xiao Lulu, Ye Feng remembered that a few days ago she deliberately said in front of Fiona that he had Sivir's swimming photos, and he almost had his bones removed by the two daughters of Fiona.
This sometimes naughty little Yordel girl still has to let Sivir come to treat her!
Lulu did not think so much about Ye Feng. She was also happy to leave with Ye Feng after not seeing Sivir for a few days.
Hearing Ye Feng's advice, Ari smiled tenderly and thoughtfully: "Well, I will help Xivir, Ye Feng, you can take Kaisha to find her father!"
All that should be said, Ye Feng signaled Ali and Wei En not to send him off, so he took Lulu and Kai'Sa out of Ixtal, and went to the nearby camp taken down by the Allied forces to find Sivir.
After finding Sivir, Ye Feng gave Lulu to her. Knowing that he was going to take Kasha to find Kassadin, Sivir just teased a few wittyly, and did not stop them from leaving, and he sympathetically signaled Ye Feng to go early.
Saying goodbye to Sivir, Ye Feng left the camp of the Allied Forces with Kai'Sa and embarked on the road to take Kai'Sa to find her father.
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