Chapter 241: Betrayers and betrayed

Calista was a general of an empire long forgotten by the world, and her uncle was also the great king of the empire. She was proud of her allegiance to the king and was just and strict.
In an assassination, Calista saved the king's life, but accidentally let the poisonous blade bounce into the queen's body.
After the queen was poisoned, the king invited all the physicians and healing mages in the country, but he still could not detoxify. Seeing the queen dying, the king appointed her to find the antidote.
Before leaving, Calista appointed Hercarim, the leader of her newly acquired Iron Group, to guard the king for her.
Hecarim thought she wanted him to go on the expedition with her, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial thing in his opinion. In this regard, he secretly held a grudge.
Calista's footsteps traveled throughout Valoran, searching for the famous wizards and physicians, and the sages living in the mountains, and even set foot on many dangerous places that humans have not dared to set foot in.
Several times, she almost died on the way to search. What supported her to the end was her extremely loyal heart.
Even so, she still found nothing. Finally, she heard that above the vast sea, there is a legendary Fuguang Island hidden in the mist. All sickness and suffering will be saved there. But mortals cannot see and find this island.
She resolutely embarked on a new journey by boat, not afraid of difficulties.
The wise men on Fuguang Island learned of Calista's arrival through divination, and were even more moved by Calista's loyalty and bravery.
After the white mist dissipated, Calista was taken to the shore by the residents and guardians of the island. She prayed for them to heal the critically ill queen, and the master on the island readily accepted.
But Calista needs to bring the queen to the island so they can purify the queen.
Before leaving, the islanders told Calista an arcane spell to pass through the fog barrier formed by magic. But the islanders warned her not to reveal this secret to others.
Calista hurried back to her home country happily, Hecarim picked her up, but the news of the queen's death made her struck by lightning.
The king who imprisoned himself and the queen's corpse on the tower heard that Calista had returned and immediately summoned her and asked her to inform him of her discovery.
It is meaningless to go to Fuguang Island with the dead body, Calista refuses to answer.
The crazy king threw her into prison, unless she repented, she would be imprisoned forever.
Hecarim went to visit her in prison and tried to persuade Calista to tell her secret.
The country cannot be left alone. If the king keeps neglecting government affairs because of the queen, the country will perish sooner or later.
After struggling, Calista promised to tell her findings and decided to take the queen to Fukuguang Island to try her luck. If it doesn't work, she will bring the queen back, and will never allow others to force the kind islanders.
This time, the king personally led the army to go to Fuguang Island, Calista could only obey. Due to the emergency, most of the people who were brought out were Hecarim's Iron Group.
Before the fog, Calista read the spell the islanders taught her to solve the fog. The beautiful scene on Fuguang Island caught everyone's eyes, and they couldn't help but admire that this place deserves to be only a place of well-being in the legend.
The elders of the guardians of the island received Calista and his party and introduced them to the city on the island.
As soon as the king came up, the elders wanted to resurrect the queen, but the elders strictly refused on the grounds that avoiding death violated the laws of nature.
The angry king ordered Calista to kill the elder, but Calista refused.
She also said to persuade the king to return to the country as soon as possible to preside over the great affairs. The queen's death is already a fact.
But the king is no longer the wise and great uncle she used to be. He once again ordered her to kill the elders.
The embarrassed Calista had to ask Hecarim for help, hoping that he could work with her to dissuade the king who was enslaved by grief.
And Hecarim revealed his ambition at this time, he wanted to replace Calista!
Hecarim's jealousy ignited at the thought of Calista being reused by the king as soon as he returned. Thinking back to the last time Calista didn't take him to find medicine, he was even more grudged.
During Calista's departure, Hecarim witnessed the king's transformation from sadness to paranoia. The whole country persuaded the king to be mournful, but the king angrily asked Hecarim to teach those people a lesson.
In order to prove that he was stronger than Calista, the ordered Hecarim directly killed those voices. In order to establish greater honor, Hecarim tried to launch a war to let the king remember his bravery.
After repeated slanders, he found clues to the antidote in other countries, Hecarim finally fulfilled his wish and led his army to conquer foreigners.
This originally thriving country became extremely fragile and empty due to the king’s death of the queen’s ignorance of political affairs and Hecarim’s repeated warfare.
The people are living in distress and famines are everywhere.
When Hecarim returned with enthusiasm, he heard the news of Calista's return, and he hurried to greet Calista, afraid that Calista would notice something wrong.
Along the way, Hecarim tried his best to avoid passing through the war-torn cities, and ordered people to create the illusion of the prosperity of the people along the way.
Back in the capital, Hecarim separated from Calista and separately told the king that he had conquered another tribe. But the king's disregard, and Calista, who was hanging in his mouth from time to time, made him even more angry.
But when he learned that Calista refused to answer her findings, Hecarim knew his opportunity had come!
Yes, his chance is here!
Recovering from the memory, Hecarim concealed his thoughts. As always, he pretended to obey Calista's instructions and came behind her.
Calista didn't know that Hecarim was rebellious, she even thought Hecarim was just as loyal as she was.
As everyone knows, the spear in Hecarim's hand has been raised, facing her back.
The spear pierced Calista's back from behind, splashing blood.
Calista's pupils shrunk slightly, and she looked back in disbelief. It was Hecarim, her most admired and reliable subordinate who assassinated her!
Hecarim smiled grimly at Calista's incredible expression. He seemed to see that he was about to become the king's most important general!
"The Iron Group listened to the order, Calista repeatedly disobeyed the king's instructions and immediately beheaded her!"
With an order, the knights of the Iron Group threw out their spears.
Calista was ruthlessly penetrated by countless random spears!
Calista was already pierced with hundreds of holes, and blood dripped down the spears wantonly. What shocked her even more was that Hecarim ordered the Iron Group to slaughter another group of soldiers who followed her.
Calista fell on her knees, dying. She looked at her slaughtered soldiers feebly and desperately, and the hatred in her eyes for the betrayers seemed to ignite a raging fire.
Before losing consciousness completely, Calista swore that she would make the traitor pay her life.
Punishing those absolutely loyal soldiers, Hecarim ordered the Iron Group to slaughter all the residents of the island.
They didn't stop the slaughter until they found a pale-faced and weak shredded man with a lantern in his hand. The reason for stopping is because Zhaxian said he knows how to bring the queen back to life.
Under the instructions of the king, the stray resurrected the queen, but the queen turned into an ugly zombie.
The queen did not expect that the king had done so many wrong things for herself, and she felt guilty. Besides, she didn't want to live in the world with such a posture. She begged the king to give her a death and put her to sleep.
The king was also sober at this moment, and he also realized that he had committed an irreparable mistake. Feeling speechless, he went back to face his people and cast a spell that ended his life and the queen's life, and locked him and the queen's soul together forever.
However, due to the special magic circle of Fuguang Island, the power of this spell has been infinitely enhanced. It turned into a black mist storm, swept across the entire Fuguang Island centered on the two kings.
Where the black mist passed, all creatures instantly turned into spiteful undead spirits. The plants on the island also instantly burned their branches, leaves and flowers and disappeared, and the breath of black magic invaded the bodies of these plants.
The breath of black magic is still spreading and distorting this originally vibrant place of well-being.
Hecarim abandoned the dying king in horror, and fled frantically towards the coast.
As far as his eyes can reach, all creatures touched by the black mist turn into terrifying monsters.
Hecarim's body was trembling incessantly, even though he hurried forward, the black mist still chased after him.
Finally, when the black mist touched him, his body gradually merged with his horse, turning into a terrifying monster swallowed by the desire to kill.
Perhaps this is the real him deep in his soul, and he can finally face himself.
The soul of the previously dead Calista gradually turned into a dark blue-skinned female undead dressed in generals under the confinement of the black mist, but her aura and intelligence were much higher than those of the haunting low-level undeads around.
Looking at the scene of death and terror, the memory of the past gradually faded.
But she still remembered a man she had to kill-Hecarim!
Seeing the undead spear that pierced her left chest, Calista pulled it out with a dull expression.
Shaking his head, the long ponytail that was erected high by her helmet shook, and the shawl hair behind her shook slightly.
The moment she drew her spear, the flames of her revenge instantly swept across her body like a prairie fire.
The unquenchable ghost fire in her eyes flickered, and she knew that only Hecarim's death could calm down.
She could feel Hecarim's breath, and she also felt endless magic power surging in her body.
A kind of undead magic flashed in her mind, Calista flashed away, and she appeared on the beach where she had landed before.
She saw Hecarim and Hecarim was also twisted into a wraith.
When he tried to make Hecarim unable to even the undead, Calista stopped. A contract spell that would never betray flashed in her mind, and she decided to ask Hecarim to experience the pain of being betrayed.
Eternal life becomes her servant!
After chanting an obscure spell in her heart, Calista pierced Hecarim who was running tirelessly on the coast with a spear in her hand.
When the spear penetrated Hecarim's body, Calista could feel the contract take effect.
Feeling Hecarim's fear and absolute loyalty in his heart, Calista no longer looked at him.
The anger in her heart calmed a lot, but she could never really calm down.
Looking at the sun gradually disappearing from Fuguang Island in the distance, Calista muttered to herself.
Her voice was with a trembling magical sound, and the whole island echoed with her words of resentment and determination.
"When we are wronged, we seek justice."
"When we are hurt, we strike back."
"When I was betrayed, the Vengeance Spear hit back mercilessly!"
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