Chapter 431: The devil is also playful

In the castle of Shadow Island, Elise ate her favorite cherry leisurely, just like drinking human blood. The juice of the cherry can always satisfy her morbid desire for blood red.
She is wearing a fresh beige pleated skirt today after she has lost her demon form. If she is unfamiliar with her being a demon, she will probably think she is a beautiful big sister.
Thresh pushed in and looked at Elise's human form. He couldn't help but play with the taste: "Elise, do you like human form so much?"
The intoxicated smile on Elise's face gradually disappeared when she heard the sound of Thresh. She said coldly: "Don't bother me if nothing happens!"
Thresh was not afraid of it, but smiled: "Eilis, Piltworth and Zuan are not there yet, do you want to play?"
Hearing that, Elise's cold face gradually showed a slight smile: "Thrush, won't you go together?"
Thresh shrugged and let out a devilish voice: "I won't go anymore, this time I have a task to entrust you to these two places."
"Let's listen." Elise didn't care, she admired her hands with nails with interest.
Thresh’s eyes flickered with dim light, and said: "These two cities are still very fun. While playing, I hope you can go to the Hex Research Base in Picheng to take a look. The second one is the two of us. I found the life form in the Zuan underground waterway. I hope you can bring it back for me. I am very interested in its structure."
Elise also recalled the life form she had sensed in Zu'an's disgusting sewer before. A look of disgust appeared on her face, and she said displeased: "If that disgusting thing makes me angry, I don't promise to kill it on the way back."
Thresh was obviously taken aback, but he quickly joked again: "If it really irritates our queen, I don't mind if you get him out of it. How many research subjects are you worth?"
"Ah tweeted!"
Ye Feng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, sneezed abruptly, causing Wei to cast an unfriendly look.
With a awkward smile, Ye Feng looked back at Irelia, who was still studying the walkie-talkie in the back seat. He had to give up this idea temporarily when he wanted to get it back.
Wei also glanced at Irelia through the rearview mirror of the car, who had been on the intercom since getting into the car. The excited red light on Irelia's face made her a little confused.
"What are you doing, Irelia?" Wei couldn't help but ask some time before returning to the police station.
Seeing Ye Feng and both of them staring at her, Irelia couldn't help but flushed, and she was not as embarrassed: "I don't know, I just feel curious, there are so many things I don't understand."
Having said that, Irelia couldn't help but look at Ye Fengtou for help, wanting him to teach him.
Ye Feng naturally understood what Irelia meant in his eyes, but he could only make phone calls himself, how could I teach Irelia?
With a helpless smile, he said: "Don't look at me, I can only call."
Wei grinned at the right time, and took the words: "Let’s do it, now there is a protective shield, and the flying warship hasn’t been built. I’ll find a time to take you around Picheng tonight, and I will teach you something while familiarizing the city The operation of the smart walkie-talkie."
The corner of Ye Feng's eyes twitched, and he said, "We are here to perform the task, isn't it good for you to take Irelia to play like this?"
Wei, who was still grinning and showing a hearty smile to Irelia before, slowly turned her head, staring at Ye Feng coldly: "Will you build a spaceship that can hold all the survivors?"
With a cold sweat on his forehead, Ye Feng narrowed his eyes, trying to ease the embarrassment. He said: "No."
"Then will you supply energy to the shield?"
"will not."
"Since you can't do either of these, you can only be idle in Picheng these seven days. What happened to Irelia playing for a while?"
Wei screamed, and her fiery temper came up all at once. If Ye Feng dared to talk back to her, she would lose her hair.
In line with the principle of peaceful coexistence, Ye Feng could only smile awkwardly: "Yes, just don't overplay, lest..."
Before Ye Feng finished speaking, the violent Wei interrupted: "Does this still have to be said by you? Irelia, but Ionia's general, won't she cope with emergencies?"
Ye Feng frowned. Did this Wei take gunpowder? The temper is not ordinary, he is a little angry.
Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Irelia immediately put down the walkie-talkie and said roundly, "Well, you two calmed down. I blamed me for being too curious, Ye Feng, the walkie-talkie returned you!"
While talking, Irelia also picked up her plaything, she picked up the walkie-talkie and handed it to Ye Feng.
Ye Feng glanced at Wei, whose temper had receded, and he also calmed down a lot. In fact, what Wei said is right. They have nothing to do these days, and they can really relax appropriately.
Thinking of this, Ye Feng pushed Irelia back with the walkie-talkie, and said with a smile: "If you like it, just hold it and play for a while, and you will return it to Ionia when you return."
When Ye Feng was so generous, the curiosity in Irelia's heart was opened again. She is not the kind of pretentious girl, since Ye Feng wants her to keep it, she will not be polite. She said generously: "Since you don't mind, I will put it away first."
Irelia also picked up her playfulness at this time, and decided to ask something serious first: "By the way, Wei, did Oriana really go to that base to build a spaceship with Caitlin?"
Wei also raised the spirit, not very optimistic: "Yes, according to preliminary estimates, based on the personnel and technology in the base, it should take a week, or even more, to build, and the protective cover can only last for a week, so At that time, we may fall into the siege of the shadow army in order to protect the construction of the spaceship."
Irelia frowned, was silent for a while, and then said: "Zuan really refuses to leave together?"
Wei sighed: "We have all the children from the Zu'an slum. We have all picked up Picheng. As for the others, they are not willing to cooperate with us."
"When is this, still thinking about relying on the power of a city-state to contend with Shadow Island?" Ye Feng didn't quite understand where the Zuan people were confident, so he dared to be so big and refused to unite.
He does not mean that. Irelia thought of something from Ye Feng’s words just now, and her eyes lit up:
It seems that we have to wait for the Galen brothers and sisters to come back and tell us what they have discovered. Unimaginable changes may have taken place in Zuan. Changes may even change the battle between humans and demons!"
Wei and Ye Feng both looked suspiciously at Irelia, they were a little bit unsure that Zuan had such an ability.
Just when everyone in Picheng thought that there would be no demons in Picheng temporarily under the protection of the protective shield, Elise, who had previously taken over the task, slowly walked out of the portal and landed on a high-rise building in Picheng’s commercial street. top.
Looking at the protective shield in the sky that seemed to be useless to her, Elise slowly raised her right hand, preparing to destroy it directly.
But after a while, the corner of her mouth curled up with a weird smile and put her hand back.
"It's a shame to ruin this place so quickly, why not let me play more!"
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