Chapter 487: Destroy the forbidden device

"Ellie, what's the matter with you?"
Coming to Elise's body, Ye Feng looked at her dull face suspiciously, and gently shook her shoulders.
"I..." Elise opened her mouth, but stopped halfway through the conversation. She narrowed her eyes slightly, as if there was something unspeakable.
Seeing her mental state is so unstable, Ye Feng can only attribute it to her being sick again. He stroked her back, softly soothed a few words and asked her to wait for him, and walked straight to the console.
With more than four minutes left, Ellie's judgment was correct. If he had given up before, I am afraid that Valoran's magical civilization would really be destroyed. Looking at the countdown displayed on the screen, Ye Feng knew that time was running out.
Holding a laser sword at the operation table below the countdown screen is a sword, but Ye Feng, who just wanted to show a smile, looked down.
A scene where his pupils were gradually shrinking came into his eyes, that is, the console was not damaged by the laser sword!
When Elise in the back saw Ye Feng wanting a sword to destroy the console, she was so frightened that her hands fell on her chest, her whole heart hanging. But when she saw that the console was undamaged, her frowned brows stretched slightly.
"Ellie, the laser sword can't damage the console!"
While speaking, Ye Feng instinctively cast a glance at Iris for help.
Looking at his anxious look, Elise knew he wanted her to help him find a way. But in her heart at the moment, she felt that it was good to live in a world without magic, so she didn't plan to make suggestions for Ye Feng in these last few minutes.
There was a slight sense of guilt in her heart, but Elise still looked hard to think about on the surface.
After careful consideration of the words, Elise's eyebrows were erected, and she walked forward slowly, with a trace of hope hidden in her eyes, trying to persuade Ye Feng to leave with her and give up the idea of ​​destroying the Forbidden Magic Device.
"I didn't expect this to happen. If it doesn't work, Ye Feng, how about the two of us..."
Before she finished her inquiring words, Ye Feng glared at her and interrupted: "You want me to give up? But don't forget, Ellie, when I wanted to give up, you inspired me to move forward. Up to now, as long as the above time has not returned to zero, I will continue to persist. Even if I fail in the end, I will not give up. This is what you taught me!"
Ye Feng showed a bizarre anger for Elise's retreat. When his mind was hot, he didn't even look at Elise's eyes, and in front of Elise, he took a laser sword and slashed frantically at the console and screen in a circle around the ring room.
Elise was shocked by the sound of Ye Feng's reprimand just now, and her eyes showed a trace of unbearable and despair.
Watching Ye Feng's crazy behavior in horror, Elise was really afraid that Ye Feng would accidentally chop one of the components, causing the Demon Device to stop working. But she was very contradictory in her heart and didn't want to step forward to stop Ye Feng's crazy actions.
Fortunately, the hardness of the console and the screen, even the extremely sharp laser sword, cannot cause any damage to these machines.
After Ye Feng threw away the laser sword in a desperate manner, Elise stepped forward, with a little hope in her heart again, and tried her best to keep a smile and calm down: "Ye Feng, don't blame yourself, at least you did your best."
Under the reassurance of Elise, Ye Feng, who calmed down, looked at the countdown of more than three minutes left, still a little unwilling. He quickly thought about countermeasures in his mind, and he wanted to struggle again!
After searching in his mind, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. He ignited hope and suddenly put his hands on the shoulders of Elise, who was a little confused, and said: "Ellie, didn't you mean you searched the weapon area? Are there few weapons? Maybe one of the weapons can destroy the Forbidden Magic Device!"
Elise instinctively wanted to deny Ye Feng's idea, making him give up. She replied: "But I am wearing a skirt, and the weapons in my pocket are all small objects. They should not be more powerful than a laser sword..."
"How do you know if you don't try? Allie, this is what you taught me these days, isn't it?"
Ye Feng's serious eyes made Elise look a little unnatural. She stroked her hair and replied in a panic, "That's what I said, but...what are you doing?"
"Time waits for no one, sorry, I didn't touch your skirt on purpose!"
He arched his hands apologetically, Ye Feng took a few weapons from Elise's pocket and walked to the console, and began to experiment with their power one by one.
Seeing that he was still so obsessed with destroying the Forbidden Magic Device, Elise was confused. Is it really so difficult for her to be an ordinary human? Didn't he want to help her stop being a demon? Wouldn't he just fulfill his promise when he entered the technological age? Why would he even kill her desire to be a human being?
A series of questions emerged from the bottom of my heart, unknowingly, maybe even Elise hadn't noticed her, her pretty face was sometimes fierce like a demon, and sometimes helpless like a girl.
After taking a deep breath, Elise's complexion gradually calmed down, her dim and lacklustre eyes staring straight at Ye Feng, who had failed the power of the experimental weapon again and again.
Eyes stretched slightly, and Elise, who walked to Ye Feng's side, lightly opened her lips, pretending to inadvertently ask: "Ye Feng, do you think you are having a good time with me these days?"
Although I don't know why Elise suddenly asked this, Ye Feng still tried to use the remaining weapons while replied: "Happy, it's you... hey, it's a little hard to serve!"
"I still like how you serve me." Seeing Ye Feng throw away another weapon that could not destroy the forbidden device, the corner of Elise's mouth rose slightly.
"Are you still addicted?" Ye Feng replied half-jokingly, but the action of testing the weapon in his hand continued.
After taking a breath, and then exhaling, Elise sighed quietly, and the girlish and tender face showed reminiscence.
"That... I said... In fact, the age of technology is pretty good, isn't it? There are no demons, no intrigue wars, and people live in peace and friendship, Ye Feng, what do you think?"
Finally came to the question that Elise wanted to stabilize the most. Her calm expression was no longer calm, and she began to lose control of the truest thoughts in her heart.
"Ellie, what's the matter with you? You don't usually say these inexplicable things... Isn't Zu'an a technology city, but there are not so many unfortunate people here?"
Dodging Ye Feng's scorching eyes, Elise flickered: "That's what I said, but I said if, if we can choose to live in a world without magic at the beginning, would you choose this world?"
"No, I definitely don't want to live in such a world!" After throwing away a weapon that could not destroy the forbidden device, Ye Feng looked at Elise firmly in his eyes.
The reason for his reluctance was not to say that such a world was not good, but that he felt that if he went to such a world, he would not meet Fiona and others.
He has experienced so much in this world, during which he has good and sad memories. Even if he is given a chance to choose again, he will choose the continent of Valoran.
Because he wants to meet the most cherished person! Moreover, there is still one person he has not saved, and that is Elise. If he can't take her out of the shadow of the devil, he will regret it for a lifetime.
Ye Feng's answer instantly shattered the last hope in Elise's heart. If Ye Feng said she was willing just now, she would definitely put down the queen's frame and live quietly with him in the technological age.
But since he made such a decision, he... is not worthy of her pardon!
Even if he failed to destroy the Forbidden Magic Device in the end, she would not forgive the decision he just made!
Whether it is in the age of magic or technology, if Ye Feng is willing to surrender to her, it's okay, she can still regard him as her favorite toy. If he dared to resist her, she would ravage him to death!
Sick and crazy thoughts flooded her heart, and Elise's psychology gradually twisted. She lowered her head and stared at Ye Feng coldly with a pair of eyes, a strange smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, like a poisonous spider.
Ye Feng, who didn't know that Elise had completely lost her heart, took up the last weapon nervously, but as this weapon couldn't destroy the forbidden magic device, he really felt desperate.
"Ellie, I'm sorry, I have tried my best..."
Walking up to Elise in despair, Ye Feng felt that he was very sorry for what Ellie had expected of him at the beginning, and failed to destroy the Forbidden Magic Device.
"The last two minutes are left, Ellie, you are much smarter than me, can you think of a way?"
Ye Feng pursed his mouth, still thinking about destroying the Forbidden Magic Device.
Elise didn't expect Ye Feng to stimulate her nerves at this time. She wanted to scold Ye Feng to vent her grievances, but she couldn't control her mouth for some reason, and said, "Ye Feng, you really Want to live in the magical world?"
"Of course, Ellie, what do you say means that you still have a way?" Ye Feng's eyes flashed with hope again, and his hands pressed excitedly on Elise's shoulders.
"Don't touch me!" Elise roared with irritation by Ye Feng's actions, but when she saw Ye Feng's somewhat aggrieved eyes, she relentlessly said: "There is, there is, before coming. On the way to, I found some garbled drawings of system crashes in some hidden laboratories. I remember them all in my mind. Maybe the operation described above can make the terminal system of the forbidden device crash automatically, but it is not necessarily Can succeed..."
Hearing that Elise spoke her opinion seriously again, Ye Feng felt that she suddenly yelled at him before, mostly because he thought she was the queen, and he shouldn't talk to her like that.
Without giving up any hope, Ye Feng pleased: "Your Majesty, then please save your most loyal knight back to the magical world, so that your knight can use magic to protect the noble you!"
While talking, Ye Feng smiled and pushed Elise towards the console.
Half-push and half-down, even though Elise was still a little reluctant, she still operated the various buttons on the console under Ye Feng's expectant gaze.
With the devotion of energy, Elise's confusion gradually calmed down. While operating, she did not forget to say something meaningful to Ye Feng: "Remember what you said just now, you must use your power to protect your most noble queen!"
Ye Feng just took this sentence as a girl Elise's heart overflowing, he didn't think too much, and stared nervously at the ten knuckles that Elise quickly pressed.
"Warning...Warning...the terminal of the forbidden device has been invaded...invaded, and the emergency backup alarm is activated. Please rush to the forbidden device room at once!"
In the last thirty seconds, Elise's operation successfully caused the Forbidden Magic Device's alarm, indicating that the collapse of her system and the garbled code had threatened the Forbidden Magic Device.
When Ye Feng on the side saw Elise suddenly stop, he immediately urged: "Ellie, don’t be afraid, with me, even Dr. Hart will not be there within 30 seconds. Hurry up and destroy the ban. Magic device!"
Nodding heavily, Elise continued to quickly press the memory input system to automatically collapse the garbled. In fact, she was not afraid of Dr. Hart just now, but wanted to see if Ye Feng's attitude would change.
It seems that she is still too naive...
It was him who wanted her to be a human again, and it was him who wanted her to return to the embrace of the devil. It was ironic!
She laughed self-deprecatingly, abandoning the last distracting thoughts in her heart, and Elise's heart that finally came alive died again.
After inputting the last garbled code of the automatic crash system into the console, Elise heard the alarm that announced her nightmare.
"Warning...Warning, the terminal system of the Forbidden Magic Device has suffered a devastating blow, and the system has entered the automatic collapse mode, irreversible...irreversible..."
As the alarm sounded, the skyrocketing beam of light displayed on the largest screen widened and shrunk at a visible speed, while the screen displaying the countdown was a circuit failure, constantly escaping unstable current and completely scrapped.
Not only that, all the consoles and screens in the entire Forbidden Magic Device Room began to make electric noises as these two systems collapsed, and gradually approached the edge of destruction.
"We made it, Ellie!"
Excitedly squeezed Elise's hands, Ye Feng jumped for joy.
However, Elise had a dark face and shook off his hands coldly, which made Ye Feng very embarrassed and didn't know how to talk to her.
Feeling the magic that had been cut off once again appearing in the surrounding space, Elise's gloomy eyes numbly looked at her hands on her chest.
"Sure enough, I can't escape this painful fate after all..."
Muttering to herself, the heartbroken Elise took a deep breath, her pupils gradually shrinking, absorbing the magical atmosphere around her, and returning to her magic power that had been long gone.
Ye Feng on the side was a little surprised. The speed at which Elise regained her strength was so amazing. He wanted to take the opportunity to ease the atmosphere of the two of them. He stepped forward and said half-heartedly: "Ellie, you won't really be the queen of any country. Right? The magic is so powerful!"
"Go away!"
Feeling the magic power soaring in her body, Elise tilted her head, squinted her eyes in disgust, and scolded coldly.
Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng was shocked to the ground not far away by her strong magic power leaking from the body.
"Hey, Ellie, you're going to be your queen as soon as you recover your magic power. How can we say it..."
Ye Feng stood up and complained while rubbing his aching arm. But in the middle of speaking, he felt a familiar and evil magic power surging nearby.
He stared blankly at Elise, who faded the girl's face as the magic power became stronger and stronger. When Elise's face returned to the appearance of a twenty-two-year-old again, Ye Feng took a breath.
That young girl, Ellie, who was so delicate that he was injured many times and needed him to carry him, turned out to be the bloodthirsty female demon Elise?
Unable to believe what he saw in front of him, Ye Feng swallowed and asked in a trembling voice: "Are you Ellie or Elise?"
The long-lost powerful magic power covered the entire Zuan area, and Elise raised her proud head, her eyes coldly looking down at Ye Feng lying on the ground: "It's time for you to fulfill your promise, Ye Feng, just now you were He said he would use your power to protect me."
", Elise, wait..." Ye Feng's brain circuit has been completely broken, he can't imagine that Ellie is Elise, and she is still in a daze.
Mobilizing the magic power to cover the black spider soft armor all over her body, Elise, who turned into a demon form, couldn't wait any longer, she went straight towards Ye Feng without hurried steps.
Looking at Elise, who was approaching step by step, Ye Feng, who fell on the ground, kept retreating, saying in cold sweat: "Elise, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. The guardian I am talking about is not you who follow the devil. , But to get you out of the demon body!"
When Ye Feng dared to say such big words, Elise became angry. She lowered her head, her face was black, and she seemed to explode at any time.
Her body trembled for a while, she stared at a pair of stern eyes, with a grim expression: "It was you who made me a human...It was you who made me become a demon again. What do you want me to do! You can be an ordinary human girl, you forced me, you deprived me of my rights!"
Elise's heart moved at will, and the dark red energy burst on Ye Feng's arm, exploding Ye Feng's entire arm to flesh.
Staring ruthlessly at Ye Feng's arms, Elise gave Ye Feng her final announcement.
"Since you have chosen this path, don't regret it, as long as you surrender to me, I can forgive you!"
Facing Elise's last notice, Ye Feng felt very happy. If he knew that Ellie was Elise, he would definitely give up the idea of ​​destroying the forbidden device. This can not only relieve the crisis brought by the Shadow Island, but also make Elise return to normal. How could he be unhappy?
But now it's too late to say anything, it seems that he has to continue to find a way to rescue her in the magical world. Thinking of this, Ye Feng tried to calm Elise's irritable mood. He said, "Maybe...maybe we have other ways to make you human again, Elise, calm down, aren't we getting along well these days?"
Elise's demon face raised her brows and stared at Ye Feng with interest.
When she saw Ye Feng relax, she was showing a sick smile again, stepping heavily on Ye Feng's abdomen, twisting vigorously.
There was a cramp in his abdomen, Ye Feng opened his mouth to say something, but was kicked directly by Elise against the wall of the room, smashing the screen.
"I don't have time to listen to your naive remarks. I only want your answer now. Are you willing to surrender to me?"
Her right hand was clenched into a fist from the little finger to the thumb, and Elise stared at the embarrassed Ye Feng with a cold face.
"Impossible, I said it a long time ago, I can't promise you to be a devil!" Since avoidance is inevitable, Ye Feng replied resolutely.
She shook her body abruptly, and the black-faced Elise's expression gradually collapsed, and there was a cracking sound in her heart, and she couldn't put it together anymore.
The frenzied magic power was constantly released from her trembling body, and the irrational Elise had already murdered Ye Feng.
"Stupid! Since this is your choice, then go to die!"
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