Chapter 809: Ye Feng's suspicion

The hazy moon magic centered on Diana, spreading in all directions, and instantly covered Ye Feng and the Luna Sect camp.
There was a chill in his heart, and Ye Feng also gave up resistance, waiting for death to come.
The brilliance of the out-of-control Moon's magic burst dissipated in just an instant, and Diana's disordered energy returned to calm with this pouring.
The brilliance of the moon dissipated, and Ye Feng's figure holding Diana gradually appeared. He didn't turn into a corpse as expected, and stood in place unharmed, and he even had a sense of comfort after being baptized.
Seriously doubting whether he was destroyed by the chaotic moon magic power, Ye Feng first put down the sleeping Diana, and explored his physical condition by releasing sword energy.
The sword qi was retracted and released freely, and all the senses were normal. Ye Feng's head was a little confused. He didn't even die in Diana's hands like the Lieyang Clan on the Giant Mountain?
Gradually confirming that he did not have an accident, Ye Feng picked up Diana on the ground and stared at her sleeping cheek thoughtfully.
Could it be that he also practices moon magic? For the time being, I can only think of this, Ye Feng's thoughts are already messed up, he urgently needs to go back to the camp to see.
Immediately, Ye Feng hugged Diana and returned to the camp. Hiding his breath, he carefully inspected all the tents in the camp.
After searching one by one, Ye Feng's face became more and more confused. Because everyone in the camp, like him, experienced the cover of Diana's out-of-control magic power, they did not die, and they were still asleep peacefully.
This made Ye Feng even more puzzled. The people in the camp had followers who practiced the magic of the moon, as well as civilians and soldiers. If practicing the magic of the moon can avoid death, how can these soldiers and civilians who are also alive and well explain?
While shocking everyone to survive Diana's uncontrollable pouring of magic power, Ye Feng also knew that his guess just now was wrong.
Since it has nothing to do with the magic of the practice moon, how can the death of the Lieyang clan on the giant peak be explained? Leona personally said that she felt that Diana's moon magic remained on the Lieyang Clan's corpse.
Holding Diana back to her camp, Ye Feng gently put down her who was still having nightmares and chattering. After covering her with the bedding, he continued to ponder the connection between them.
After a while, Ye Feng thought of Diana's blood moon costume and the shattered grimace mask.
He remembered that on Mount Titan, Diana once said that her mind was severely affected by the stimulation of the elders. And when the blood moon was in the sky at that time, could it be related to the blood moon?
Although Diana was in a conscious state at the time, it did not mean that she had not been unearthed by the blood moon to reveal the dark side of her heart, and her moon magic was contaminated with evil aura.
If this is the case, then the Lieyang Clan has been annihilated, and he and the people in the Luna Sect camp are safe and sound.
But I deeply thought about his experience of encountering Diana when he went up the mountain that day. Although Diana's moon magic had been dyed the color of the blood moon, it did not emit any evil.
There is no sacred pure moon magic aura, nor the evil aura that is completely demonized into a demon. It can be said that Diana's moon magic produces unstable fluctuations, and it may not hurt anyone as much as tonight.
Thinking about it this way, Ye Feng's clues that had finally been sorted out were disrupted again. He found that things were probably not that simple, how could a demigod like Diana be easily affected by the blood moon.
Remembering that he had seen Hecarim and Calista in Shadow Island that day, Ye Feng's pupils gradually shrank. Could all this be a plot by Shadow Island to demonize Diana into a demon?
When he thought about it, he quickly recalled that there was also a person who was turned into a demon by Shadow Island, and that was Elise who was born in Ionia in this life.
Thinking of Elise, Ye Feng became even more suspicious that Shadow Island might have taken a fancy to Diana's moon magic and wanted her to become a blood moon demon.
If this is the case, then it is worth examining whose hands the Lieyang people died.
The chaotic clue was sorted out again, and Ye Feng took a deep breath. It is rare for him to think so clearly once.
But no matter what the possibility, Ye Feng felt that he had to guard Diana's side recently, and strictly watch all her actions, lest the next tragedy of Elise would fall on her.
In this way, Ye Feng guarded Diana all night. Early in the morning, seeing Diana no longer having nightmares, he walked out of her camp.
Looking around in the camp, Ye Feng also saw many early risers busy with their work.
Everyone who saw him on the road greeted him cordially, and Ye Feng, who was already used to it, smiled back.
There are more and more busy people going out of the camp, and they each whispered some interesting things. When one of them mentioned that he had a dream related to the moon last night, other people who heard it also said that they also had a dream related to the moon last night.
The believers, soldiers, and civilians in the camp all had the same wonderful dream. They were bathed in the bright moonlight and received the blessing of the Moon Goddess. Even when they wake up in the morning, they are much more refreshed than before.
Ye Feng, who listened to them, also knew why they had dreams related to the moon, because they were all baptized by the magic of the moon poured out by Diana.
This time, it was completely confirmed that Diana's unconsciously burst of magical power of the moon was not harmful, and Ye Feng was relieved, at least he did not need to worry that Diana's emotional instability would lead to the destruction of the Luna Sect camp.
"Master Guardian!"
The calls of Wade and Naier suddenly came from the left, and Ye Feng turned his head and looked at them. The two were hurriedly walking towards him.
Coming to Ye Feng's side, Nai'er handed the potion bottle in front of Ye Feng, and smiled warmly: "Guardian, Nai'er has developed a potion to wipe out the blood of the mutant sword demon!"
Looking at Naier's soft smile like moonlight, Ye Feng's mood was also infected. He smiled and said, "This is very good, you can go to Diana."
Upon hearing of dealing with Diana, Wade shook his head and said: "The Lord of the Moon Goddess seems to be busy every day. We asked her out of her camp just now. She did not return to us. I think she is studying the magic of the moon. , So we want to ask Master Guardian to test the efficacy of this medicine on behalf of the goddess."
Diana released a lot of original magic last night, if she can return to you, it will be a ghost! He couldn't help but vomit in his heart, and Ye Feng coughed dryly: "This is no problem, just how to test?"
Hearing that Ye Feng was willing to test the efficacy of the potion, Nai'er smiled and couldn't wait to test whether her potion could handle the blood of the mutant sword demon.
"Master Guardian, you will know when you come with us!"
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