Chapter 845: Unexpected kiss

Elise's increasingly illusory jokes echoed in his ears, Ye Feng's face was covered with black lines, and he wished that Elise would disappear into his sight sooner.
Seeing that Elise turned into starlight shards and dissipated away, Ye Feng shook his slightly sore neck, preparing to return to the camp and fall asleep.
At this moment, Ye Feng's brain was sharply stung.
Taking a breath, he subconsciously looked behind him, only to see a woman in a close-fitting armor standing there and staring at him.
"Diana, why are you here?" Looking at the woman's familiar face, Ye Feng was a little surprised. Who else would this be Diana?
Diana didn't reply, she walked straight towards Ye Feng, the silk scarf on her forehead that was used to cover the blood moon's mark fell with the wind.
Subconsciously wanting to reach out to catch Diana's dropped silk scarf, his immobile hands also reminded him that his hands are now useless.
In desperation, he had to mobilize a breeze to hold Diana's silk scarf for him.
"Diana, why don't you speak, where are you..."
Seeing Diana approaching him, Ye Feng grinned and asked what was wrong with her, but the act of her abruptly passing by him made him stunned.
The shoulders collided with each other, and the stiff Diana smashed the unsuspecting Ye Feng and continued to walk forward.
Seeing this, Ye Feng was a little confused, Diana didn't seem to notice his existence.
Frozen for a while and gradually realized that Diana was wrong, Ye Feng hurriedly turned around, but Diana's figure had disappeared before his eyes.
An unknown omen surged in his heart, following Diana's remaining breath, Ye Feng rushed to the southwest.
The surrounding scenery quickly swept behind him, and Ye Feng also saw Diana's back after accelerating for a while.
It's easy to catch up with Diana, Ye Feng thought in his heart like this.
Trying to call Diana's name again, Ye Feng kept narrowing the distance between him and Diana.
Diana still did not listen to Ye Feng's call. At this moment, her eyes were dull and cold, like a string puppet, following a predetermined trajectory to the southwest.
Her heart was empty, as if everything around her could not affect her, and her mind kept thinking about everything related to the Giant Mountain.
Jumping to Diana's body, Ye Feng shouted violently in front of her, "Stop it for me!"
Diana, who was constantly moving forward, was reprimanded by Ye Feng, her empty heart recalled how she would be taught by the elders every time she raised questions about the moon in the Giant God Mountain.
Negative emotions breed, dominate Diana's subconscious, and make the magic of the moon in her become irritable.
As Ye Feng had hoped, he stopped, but the hatred and killing intent revealed by Diana's eyes was really chilling.
These murderous eyes once again reminded Ye Feng of the experience he and Diana had met for the first time. She hated the people who wanted revenge in her heart, and she was so easily angry.
"Diana, it's me, Ye Feng!"
As soon as Ye Feng exited, the blood moon energy in the form of a sickle was released from Diana's New Moon Blade and went straight to him.
While horrified Diana displayed the evil blood moon power, Ye Feng's complexion sank, and he hurriedly avoided Diana's attack.
Even if the current Diana's main consciousness fell into deep sleep in the soul, her close fighting technique was still beyond Ye Feng's defense.
Within a few breaths, Ye Feng was defeated, and Diana swung the crescent blade against his neck.
The cold touch passed from the tip of the blade of the New Moon Blade to Ye Feng's neck, and he subconsciously swallowed: "Dai... Diana, don't mess around, I am Ye Feng!"
The power of the evil blood moon distorted Diana's mind. She stared at Ye Feng's face viciously, with a long, hoarse voice in her mouth.
"Damn it!"
As her hostile words exploded, the evil blood moon power climbed to its peak, and the blood moon mark on Diana's forehead was also shining with a more strange beam.
That's it! Ye Feng felt cold, and he was trembling as he watched Diana up and down with a bit of fear. Seeing that Diana's Crescent Blade was about to fall and split him into two, Ye Feng closed his eyes tightly and couldn't bear to look directly at his tragic death under Diana's Crescent Blade.
Damn it!
The expected sharp blade did not divide him into two, but Ye Feng, who closed his eyes, heard the sound of the weapon falling to the ground.
As soon as he opened his eyes, the puzzled Ye Feng saw that Diana, who was still aggressive just now, didn't even have the strength to hold the New Moon Blade, and fell softly toward him, hanging on his body.
Some Ye Feng who couldn't figure out what happened was blank, allowing Diana, who was distressed between his brows, to leaned his head on his shoulder.
Unable to lift or hug Diana with both hands, he had no choice but to pull the breeze to lift Diana's body and stand in front of him.
Staring at Diana, who looked distressed at this time, Ye Feng knew she had a nightmare again. Looking at the blood moon imprint on her forehead that temporarily lost its demon luster, his face was uncertain.
Since his arms were gone, he hasn't paid much attention to Diana's blood moon mark these days. Unexpectedly, just a few days of not paying attention, Diana had reached the point of being manipulated by the Mark of the Blood Moon.
The more he thinks about it, the more gloomy he feels. Ye Feng feels that it is necessary for Naer to show Diana tomorrow, and can no longer relax on the blood moon imprint.
Staring at the distressed Diana in front of him, Ye Feng wanted to stretch out his hand to smooth her tight brows, but it was a pity that he could only think about it without feeling with his hands.
There was some sympathy in his heart for Diana who had been pursuing the recognition of the tribe, but in the end, Diana was still suffering so much, Ye Feng couldn't help sighing.
The pressure and negative emotions in her heart seemed to be more than he thought...
Distracted to speculate on Diana's fragile mind, the sword of wind that Ye Feng used to make Diana stand weakened.
And because of this weak breeze, Diana's sleepy body began to lean toward Ye Feng again. When he found out, it was too late.
Under the gaze of his pupils gradually shrinking, Diana who fell towards him unconsciously mouth-to-mouth and kissed him.
A strange feeling was triggered in the bottom of his heart, and Ye Feng's heartbeat suddenly accelerated and became restless. And Diana also woke up from the nightmare under such a stimulus, staring into Ye Feng's eyes in astonishment.
In a short while, Diana's pretty face became redder against the moonlight. She hurriedly moved away from Ye Feng, blushing with shame.
Smelling Diana's turbulent gasp, Ye Feng recovered from the charming and beautiful touch just now. Looking at Diana with her head down, he apologized: "I'm sorry, Diana, I didn't mean it..."
"I don't blame you... Actually... Actually I..."
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